How can I help?

Improving the code

If you have development expertise in Jekyll, SEO or Web Design I'll thank you to give me your opinion, or could send a pull request. Ruby, JavaScript, HTML and CSS developers are welcome here! I look forward to sharing my ideas of web marketing and grow hacking with you!

Donate for freedom

A donation for my freedom would be fantastic! After all, the goal of all is to get it is not so? Remember that, I will appreciate much more those who contacted me after making a small donation, you think i like to work for free?! If you do not know what is Bitcoin, you can find out which, I believe a lot in this project to give freedom to many around the world!

Give me authority

I'm trying to grow hack myself on LinkedIn, a recommendation more on my profile could make a difference to my professional career, what do you say to help this? Connect with me via email lantoniotrento[at] and leave a recommendation and some endorsment, are appreciated as much as the donations!

Let's help each other

We can help each other if you want, if you help me with a sizable donation you give me the opportunity to evaluate your invitation on KeyBase (there are only 25000 invitations available), the portal created to keep your privacy intact while remaining confident of dealing with people honest and real in bitcoin circuit!

Mail me at lantoniotrento[at] for any kind of info