db->select($this::COMMENTS_TABLE, $conditions, $condValues); //Process comments list $comments = array(); foreach($result as $entry){ $comments[] = $this->parse_comment($entry); } return $comments; } /** * Parse a comment informations * * @param array $src Informations from the database * @return array Informations about the comments ready to be sent */ private function parse_comment(array $src): array { $info = array(); $info["ID"] = $src["ID"]; $info["userID"] = $src["ID_personne"]; $info["time_sent"] = strtotime($src["date_envoi"]); $info["content"] = $src["commentaire"]; //Check for image if($src["image_commentaire"] != ""){ $info["img_path"] = str_replace("file:", "", $src["image_commentaire"]); $info["img_url"] = path_user_data($info["img_path"], false); } else { $info["img_path"] = null; $info["img_url"] = null; } //Get informations about likes $info["likes"] = CS::get()->components->likes->count($info["ID"], Likes::LIKE_COMMENT); $info["userlike"] = user_signed_in() ? CS::get()->components->likes->is_liking(userID, $info["ID"], Likes::LIKE_COMMENT) : false; return $info; } } //Register class Components::register("comments", new Comments());