 * Friends controller
 * @author Pierre HUBERT

class friendsController{

	 * Get friends list
	 * @url POST /friends/getList
	public function getFriendsList(){
		user_login_required(); //Login required

		//Try to get friends list
		$friendsList = CS::get()->components->friends->getList(userID);

		//Check for errors
		if($friendsList === false)
			Rest_fatal_error(500, "Couldn't get friends list !");
		//Update the last activity of the user
		//Return list
		return $friendsList;

	 * Send a friendship request
	 * @url POST /friends/sendRequest
	public function sendRequest(){
		user_login_required(); //Login required

		//Get target ID
		$friendID = getPostUserID('friendID');

		//Check if the two persons are already friend
		if(CS::get()->components->friends->are_friend(userID, $friendID))
			Rest_fatal_error(401, "The two personns are already friend !");
		//Check if there is already a pending request
		//Check if the current user has sent a request to the other user
		if(CS::get()->components->friends->sent_request(userID, $friendID))
			Rest_fatal_error(401, "You have already sent a friendship request to this personn !");
		//Check if the current user has received a friendship request
		if(CS::get()->components->friends->sent_request($friendID, userID))
			Rest_fatal_error(401, "You have already received a friendship request from this personn !");
		//We can now create the request
		if(!CS::get()->components->friends->send_request(userID, $friendID))
			Rest_fatal_error(500, "Couldn't create friendship request !");
		return array("success" => "The friendship request has been created !");


	 * Remove a previously send frienship request
	 * @url POST /friends/removeRequest
	public function removeRequest(){
		user_login_required(); //Login required

		//Get friendID
		$friendID = getPostUserID('friendID');

		//Check if the current user has sent a request to the other user
		if(!CS::get()->components->friends->sent_request(userID, $friendID))
			Rest_fatal_error(401, "You didn't send a friendship request to this user !");
		//Try to remove the friendship request
		if(!CS::get()->components->friends->remove_request(userID, $friendID))
			Rest_fatal_error(500, "An error occured while trying to remove the friendship request !");
		//This is a success
		return array("success" => "The friendship request has been removed!");

	 * Respond to a friendship request
	 * @url POST /friends/respondRequest
	public function respondRequest(){
		user_login_required(); //Login required

		//Check parametres
		if(!isset($_POST["friendID"]) OR !isset($_POST['accept']))
			Rest_fatal_error(400, "Please check your parametres !");
		//Extract informations and process request
		$friendID = toInt($_POST['friendID']);
		$acceptRequest = $_POST['accept'] == "true";

		//Try to perform request
		$result = CS::get()->components->friends->respondRequest(userID, $friendID, $acceptRequest);

		//Return result
		if($result != true)
			Rest_fatal_error(500, "Couldn't respond to friendship request !");
		//Else it is a success
		return array("success" => "A response was given to friendship request !");

	 * Delete a friend from the list
	 * @url POST /friends/remove
	public function delete(){
		user_login_required(); //Login required

		//Check input parametres
			Rest_fatal_error(400, "Please specify the ID of the friend to delete !");
		//Delete the friend from the list
		$friendID = toInt($_POST['friendID']);
		$result = CS::get()->components->friends->remove(userID, $friendID);

		//Check if the operation is a result
			Rest_fatal_error(500, "Couldn't remove user from the friendlist for an unexcepted reason !");
			return array("success" => "The friend was removed from the list !");

	 * Get the status of a friendship
	 * Check if the users are friends, or this there is a pending request...
	 * @url POST /friends/getStatus
	public function getStatus(){

		user_login_required(); //Login required

		//Get friendID
		$friendID = getPostUserID('friendID');

		//Prepare the response
		$response = array(
			"are_friend" => false,
			"sent_request" => false,
			"received_request" => false,
			"following" => false,

		//Check if the two personns are friend
		$response['are_friend'] = 
			CS::get()->components->friends->are_friend(userID, $friendID);

		//Perform next check only if the personns are not already friend
			//Check if the current user has sent a request to the other user
			if(CS::get()->components->friends->sent_request(userID, $friendID))
				$response["sent_request"] = true;
			//Check if the current user has received a friendship request
			if(CS::get()->components->friends->sent_request($friendID, userID))
				$response["received_request"] = true;
		else {

			//Perform the check specific to the real friend
			//Check if the user is following his friend or not
			if(CS::get()->components->friends->is_following(userID, $friendID))
				$response['following'] = true;


		//Return the response
		return $response;

	 * Update the following status of a friendship
	 * @url POST /friends/setFollowing
	public function update_following(){
		user_login_required(); //Login required

		//Check if the a friendID has been specified
		$friendID = getPostUserID('friendID');

		//Check if a follow status has been specified
			Rest_fatal_error(400, "Please specify a follow status!");
		$following = $_POST['follow'] === "true";

		//Check if the two personns are friend
		if(!CS::get()->components->friends->are_friend(userID, $friendID))
			Rest_fatal_error(401, "You are not friend with this personn!");
		//Update following status
		if(!CS::get()->components->friends->set_following(userID, $friendID, $following))
			Rest_fatal_error(500, "Couldn't update friendship status!");
		return array("success" => "Friendship status has been updated!");