<?php /** * Calls components * * @author Pierre HUBERT */ class CallsComponents { /** * Calls tables names */ private const CALLS_LIST_TABLE = "comunic_calls"; private const CALLS_MEMBERS_TABLE = "comunic_calls_members"; /** * Get and return calls configuration * * @return CallsConfig Calls configuration / invalid object * if none found (empty config) */ public function getConfig() : CallsConfig { $callConfig = cs()->config->get("calls"); //If no call config was found if(!$callConfig || !is_array($callConfig) || !$callConfig["enabled"]) return new CallsConfig(); $config = new CallsConfig(); $config->set_enabled($callConfig["enabled"]); $config->set_maximum_number_members($callConfig["maximum_number_members"]); $config->set_signal_server_name($callConfig["signal_server_name"]); $config->set_signal_server_port($callConfig["signal_server_port"]); $config->set_is_signal_server_secure($callConfig["is_signal_server_secure"]); $config->set_stun_server($callConfig["stun_server"]); $config->set_turn_server($callConfig["turn_server"]); $config->set_turn_username($callConfig["turn_username"]); $config->set_turn_password($callConfig["turn_password"]); return $config; } /** * Get the call for a conversation * * @param $conversation_id Target conversation ID * @param $load_members Specify whether members information should * be loaded too or not * @return CallInformation Matching call information object / invalid object * in case of failure */ public function getForConversation(int $conversation_id, bool $load_members) : CallInformation { $entry = db()->select( self::CALLS_LIST_TABLE, "WHERE conversation_id = ?", array($conversation_id) ); if(count($entry) == 0) return new CallInformation(); $info = self::DBToCallInformation($entry[0]); //Load call members if required if($load_members && !$this->getMembers($info)) return new CallInformation(); return $info; } /** * Get information about a call * * @param $call_id Target call ID * @param $load_members Specify whether members information should * be loaded too or not * @return CallInformation Matching call information object / invalid object * in case of failure */ public function get(int $call_id, bool $load_members) : CallInformation { $entry = db()->select( self::CALLS_LIST_TABLE, "WHERE id = ?", array($call_id) ); if(count($entry) == 0) return new CallInformation(); $info = self::DBToCallInformation($entry[0]); //Load call members if required if($load_members && !$this->getMembers($info)) return new CallInformation(); return $info; } /** * Update last activity time of a conversation * * @param $call_id The ID of the call to update * @return bool TRUE for a success / FALSE else */ public function updateLastActivity(int $call_id) : bool { return db()->updateDB( self::CALLS_LIST_TABLE, "id = ?", array( "last_active" => time() ), array( $call_id ) ); } /** * Get the next call for a user * * @param $userID Target user ID * @param $load_members Specify whether information about members * should be loaded or not * @return CallInformation Information about the call / invalid object * if none found */ public function getNextPendingForUser(int $userID, bool $load_members) : CallInformation { //Get the ID of a call the user has not responded yet $entries = db()->select( self::CALLS_MEMBERS_TABLE, "WHERE user_id = ? AND status = ?", array($userID, CallMemberInformation::USER_UNKNOWN), array("call_id") ); //Check if the user has no pending call if(count($entries) == 0) return new CallInformation(); return $this->get($entries[0]["call_id"], $load_members); } /** * Create a call for a conversation * * @param $conversationID The ID of the target conversation * @return bool TRUE for a success / FALSE else */ public function createForConversation(int $conversationID) : bool { //Generate call information $info = new CallInformation(); $info->set_conversation_id($conversationID); $info->set_last_active(time()); //We need to get the list of members of the conversation to create members list $conversation_members = components()->conversations->getConversationMembers($conversationID); //Check for errors if(count($conversation_members) == 0) return false; //Insert the call in the database to get its ID if(!db()->addLine( self::CALLS_LIST_TABLE, self::CallInformationToDB($info) )) return false; $info->set_id(db()->getLastInsertedID()); foreach($conversation_members as $memberID){ $member = new CallMemberInformation(); $member->set_call_id($info->get_id()); $member->set_userID($memberID); $member->set_user_call_id(random_str(190)); $member->set_status(CallMemberInformation::USER_UNKNOWN); //Try to add the member to the list if(!$this->addMember($member)) return false; } //Success return true; } /** * Add a new member to a call * * @param $member Information about the member to add * @return bool TRUE for a success / FALSE else */ private function addMember(CallMemberInformation $member) : bool { return db()->addLine( self::CALLS_MEMBERS_TABLE, self::CallMemberInformationToDB($member) ); } /** * Load information about the members related to the call * * @param $info Information about the call to process * @return bool TRUE in case of success / FALSE else */ private function getMembers(CallInformation $info) : bool { $entries = db()->select( self::CALLS_MEMBERS_TABLE, "WHERE call_id = ?", array($info->get_id()) ); foreach($entries as $entry) $info->add_member(self::DBToCallMemberInformation($entry)); return count($entries) > 0; } /** * Count and return the number of pending calls for a user * * @param $userID The ID of the target user * @return int The number of pending calls for the user */ public function countPendingResponsesForUser(int $userID) : int { return db()->count( self::CALLS_MEMBERS_TABLE, "WHERE user_id = ? AND status = ?", array($userID, CallMemberInformation::USER_UNKNOWN) ); } /** * Check out whether a user belongs to a call or not * * @param $callID The ID of the target call * @param $userID The ID of the target user * @return bool TRUE if the user belongs to the call / FALSE else */ public function doesUserBelongToCall(int $callID, int $userID) : bool { return db()->count( self::CALLS_MEMBERS_TABLE, "WHERE call_id = ? AND user_id = ?", array($callID, $userID) ) > 0; } /** * Set the response of a member to a call * * @param $callID The ID of the target call * @param $userID The ID of the target member * @param $accept TRUE to accept the call / FALSE else * @return bool TRUE for a success / FALSE else */ public function setMemberResponse(int $callID, int $userID, bool $accept) : bool { return $this->setMemberStatus( $accept ? CallMemberInformation::USER_ACCEPTED : CallMemberInformation::USER_REJECTED, $callID, $userID); } /** * Make user hang up the call * * @param int $callID Target call ID * @param int $userID Target user ID * @return bool TRUE for a success / FALSE else */ public function setMemberHangUp(int $callID, int $userID) : bool { return $this->setMemberStatus(CallMemberInformation::USER_HANG_UP, $callID, $userID); } /** * Update member status * * @param $status New status for the user * @param $callID Target call ID * @param $userID Target user ID * @return bool TRUE for a success / FALSE else */ private function setMemberStatus(int $status, int $callID, int $userID){ db()->updateDB( self::CALLS_MEMBERS_TABLE, "call_id = ? AND user_id = ?", array( "status" => $status ), array( $callID, $userID ) ); return true; } /** * Delete all old call * * @return bool TRUE for a success / FALSE else */ public function cleanCalls() : bool { //Compute timeout time $old_time = time() - cs()->config->get("calls_expiration"); //Get the list of old calls $calls = db()->select( self::CALLS_LIST_TABLE, "WHERE last_active < ?", array($old_time), array("id") ); //Process each result foreach($calls as $call){ //Delete all the members of the call db()->deleteEntry( self::CALLS_MEMBERS_TABLE, "call_id = ?", array($call["id"]) ); } //Delete calls entries db()->deleteEntry( self::CALLS_LIST_TABLE, "last_active < ?", array($old_time) ); //Success return true; } /** * Turn a database entry into a CallInformation object * * @param $entry The entry to convert * @return CallInformation Generated object */ private static function DBToCallInformation(array $entry) : CallInformation { $info = new CallInformation(); $info->set_id($entry["id"]); $info->set_conversation_id($entry["conversation_id"]); $info->set_last_active($entry["last_active"]); return $info; } /** * Turn a CallInformation object into a database entry * * @param $call Call information object to convert * @return array Generated array */ private static function CallInformationToDB(CallInformation $call) : array { $data = array(); $data["conversation_id"] = $call->get_conversation_id(); $data["last_active"] = $call->get_last_active(); return $data; } /** * Turn a database entry into a CallMemberInformation object * * @param $entry The entry to convert * @return CallMemberInformation Generated object */ private static function DBToCallMemberInformation(array $entry) : CallMemberInformation { $member = new CallMemberInformation(); $member->set_id($entry["id"]); $member->set_call_id($entry["call_id"]); $member->set_userID($entry["user_id"]); $member->set_user_call_id($entry["user_call_id"]); $member->set_status($entry["status"]); return $member; } /** * Turn a CallMemberInformation object into a database entry * * @param $member The member to convert * @return array Generated database entry */ private static function CallMemberInformationToDB(CallMemberInformation $member) : array { $data = array(); $data["call_id"] = $member->get_call_id(); $data["user_id"] = $member->get_userID(); $data["user_call_id"] = $member->get_user_call_id(); $data["status"] = $member->get_status(); return $data; } } //Register class Components::register("calls", new CallsComponents());