"open", GroupInfo::MODERATED_REGISTRATION => "moderated", GroupInfo::CLOSED_REGISTRATION => "closed" ); /** * API groups membership levels */ const GROUPS_MEMBERSHIP_LEVELS = array( GroupMember::ADMINISTRATOR => "administrator", GroupMember::MODERATOR => "moderator", GroupMember::MEMBER => "member", GroupMember::INVITED => "invited", GroupMember::PENDING => "pending", GroupMember::VISITOR => "visitor" ); /** * API groups visibility levels */ const GROUPS_VISIBILITY_LEVELS = array( GroupInfo::OPEN_GROUP => "open", GroupInfo::PRIVATE_GROUP => "private", GroupInfo::SECRET_GROUP => "secrete" ); /** * Create a group * * @url POST /groups/create */ public function create(){ //Login required user_login_required(); //Get the name of the new group $name = postString("name", 3); //Prepare group creation $newGroup = new NewGroup(); $newGroup->set_name($name); $newGroup->set_userID(userID); $newGroup->set_time_sent(time()); //Try to create the group $groupID = components()->groups->create($newGroup); //Check for errors if($groupID < 1) Rest_fatal_error(500, "An error occurred while trying to create the group!"); //Success return array( "success" => "The group has been successfully created!", "id" => $groupID ); } /** * Get information about a group * * @url POST /groups/get_info */ public function getInfo(){ //Get the ID of the requested group $groupID = getPostGroupIdWithAccess("id", GroupInfo::LIMITED_ACCESS); //Get information about the group $group = components()->groups->get_info($groupID); //Check if the group was not found if(!$group->isValid()) Rest_fatal_error(404, "The requested group was not found !"); //Parse and return information about the group return self::GroupInfoToAPI($group); } /** * Get advanced information about a group * * @url POST /groups/get_advanced_info */ public function getAdvancedInfo(){ //Get the ID of the requested group $groupID = getPostGroupIdWithAccess("id", GroupInfo::VIEW_ACCESS); //Get information about the group $group = components()->groups->get_advanced_info($groupID); //Check if the group was not found if(!$group->isValid()) Rest_fatal_error(404, "The requested group was not found !"); //Parse and return information about the group return self::AdvancedGroupInfoToAPI($group); } /** * Get the settings of a group * * @url POST /groups/get_settings */ public function getSettings(){ user_login_required(); //Get the ID of the group (with admin access) $groupID = getPostGroupIdWithAccess("id", GroupInfo::ADMIN_ACCESS); //Retrieve the settings of the group $settings = components()->groups->get_settings($groupID); //Check for error if(!$settings->isValid()) Rest_fatal_error(500, "Could not get the settings of the group!"); //Return parsed settings return self::GroupSettingsToAPI($settings); } /** * Set (update) the settings of a group * * @url POST /groups/set_settings */ public function setSettings(){ user_login_required(); //Get the ID of the group (with admin access) $groupID = getPostGroupIdWithAccess("id", GroupInfo::ADMIN_ACCESS); //Create and fill a GroupSettings object with new values $settings = new GroupSettings(); $settings->set_id($groupID); $settings->set_name(postString("name", 3)); //Get group visibility $visiblity = postString("visibility", 3); $levels = array_flip(self::GROUPS_VISIBILITY_LEVELS); if(!isset($levels[$visiblity])) Rest_fatal_error(400, "Unrecognized group visibility level!"); $settings->set_visibility($levels[$visiblity]); //Get group registration level $registration_level = postString("registration_level", 3); $levels = array_flip(self::GROUPS_REGISTRATION_LEVELS); if(!isset($levels[$registration_level])) Reset_fatal_error(400, "Unrecognized group registration level!"); $settings->set_registration_level($levels[$registration_level]); //Get and check group virtual directory $virtualDirectory = postString("virtual_directory", 0); if($virtualDirectory != ""){ $virtualDirectory = getPostVirtualDirectory("virtual_directory"); //Check virtual directory availability if(!checkVirtualDirectoryAvailability($virtualDirectory, $groupID, TRUE)) Rest_fatal_error(401, "The virtual directory seems not to be available!"); $settings->set_virtual_directory($virtualDirectory); } //Try to save the new settings of the group if(!components()->groups->set_settings($settings)) Rest_fatal_error(500, "An error occured while trying to update group settings!"); return array("success" => "Group settings have been successfully updated!"); } /** * Change (update) the logo of the group * * @url POST /groups/upload_logo */ public function uploadLogo(){ user_login_required(); //Get the ID of the group (with admin access) $groupID = getPostGroupIdWithAccess("id", GroupInfo::ADMIN_ACCESS); //Check if it is a valid file if(!check_post_file("logo")) Rest_fatal_error(400, "An error occurred while receiving logo !"); //Delete any previous logo if(!components()->groups->deleteLogo($groupID)) Rest_fatal_error(500, "An error occurred while trying to delete previous group logo!"); //Save the new group logo $file_path = save_post_image("logo", 0, GroupInfo::PATH_GROUPS_LOGO, 500, 500); //Update the settings of the group $settings = components()->groups->get_settings($groupID); $settings->set_logo($file_path); if(!components()->groups->set_settings($settings)) Rest_fatal_error(500, "Could not save information about new group logo!"); //Success return array( "success" => "The new group logo has been successfully saved !", "url" => $settings->get_logo_url() ); } /** * Delete a group logo * * @url POST /groups/delete_logo */ public function deleteLogo(){ user_login_required(); //Get the ID of the group (with admin access) $groupID = getPostGroupIdWithAccess("id", GroupInfo::ADMIN_ACCESS); //Try to delete group logo if(!components()->groups->deleteLogo($groupID)) Rest_fatal_error(500, "An error occurred while trying to delete group logo!"); //Success return array( "success" => "The group logo has been successfully deleted!", "url" => components()->groups->get_settings($groupID)->get_logo_url() ); } /** * Get the entire list of the members of a group * * @url POST /groups/get_members */ public function getMembers(){ user_login_required(); //Get the ID of the group (with admin access) $groupID = getPostGroupIdWithAccess("id", GroupInfo::MODERATOR_ACCESS); //Get the list of members of the group $members = components()->groups->getListMembers($groupID); //Parse the list of members foreach($members as $num => $member) $members[$num] = self::GroupMemberToAPI($member); return $members; } /** * Respond to a membership invitation * * @url POST /groups/respond_invitation */ public function respondInvitation(){ user_login_required(); //Get the ID of the group (with basic access) $groupID = getPostGroupIdWithAccess("id", GroupInfo::LIMITED_ACCESS); //Get the response to the invitation $accept = postBool("accept"); //Check if the user received an invitation or not if(!components()->groups->receivedInvitation(userID, $groupID)) Rest_fatal_error(404, "Invitation not found!"); //Try to respond to the invitation if(!components()->groups->respondInvitation(userID, $groupID, $accept)) Rest_fatal_error(500, "An error occurred while trying to respond to membership invitation!"); //Success return array("success" => "The response to the invitation was saved!"); } /** * Cancel a membership request * * @url POST /groups/cancel_request */ public function cancelRequest(){ user_login_required(); //Get the ID of the group (with basic access) $groupID = getPostGroupIdWithAccess("id", GroupInfo::LIMITED_ACCESS); //Check if the user has created a membership request if(components()->groups->getMembershipLevel(userID, $groupID) != GroupMember::PENDING) Rest_fatal_error(401, "You did not send a membership request to this group!"); //Try to cancel membership request if(!components()->groups->deleteRequest(userID, $groupID)) Rest_fatal_error(500, "An error occurred while trying to cancel membership request!"); return array("success" => "The request has been successfully cancelled!"); } /** * Send a membership request to the server * * @url POST /groups/send_request */ public function sendRequest(){ user_login_required(); //Get the ID of the target group $groupID = getPostGroupIdWithAccess("id", GroupInfo::LIMITED_ACCESS); //Check if the user is currently only a visitor of the website if(components()->groups->getMembershipLevel(userID, $groupID) != GroupMember::VISITOR) Rest_fatal_error(401, "You are not currently a visitor of the group!"); //Check if the user can register a new membership to the group //Get information about the group $info = components()->groups->get_info($groupID); if($info->get_registration_level() == GroupInfo::CLOSED_REGISTRATION) Rest_fatal_error(401, "You are not authorized to send a registration request for this group!"); //Create and insert membership $member = new GroupMember(); $member->set_userID(userID); $member->set_time_sent(time()); $member->set_group_id($groupID); $member->set_level( $info->get_registration_level() == GroupInfo::MODERATED_REGISTRATION ? GroupMember::PENDING : GroupMember::MEMBER); if(!components()->groups->insertMember($member)) Rest_fatal_error(500, "Could not register membership!"); //Success return array("success" => "The membership has been successfully saved!"); } /** * Delete the member from the group * * @url POST /groups/delete_member */ public function deleteMember() : array { user_login_required(); //Get the ID of the target group $groupID = getPostGroupIdWithAccess("groupID", GroupInfo::MODERATOR_ACCESS); $currUserLevel = components()->groups->getMembershipLevel(userID, $groupID); //Get the ID of the member $userID = getPostUserID("userID"); if($userID == userID && $currUserLevel == GroupMember::ADMINISTRATOR){ //Count the number of admin in the group if(components()->groups->countMembersAtLevel($groupID, GroupMember::ADMINISTRATOR) == 1) Rest_fatal_error(401, "You are the last administrator of this group!"); } //Get the current membership level $level = components()->groups->getMembershipLevel($userID, $groupID); //Check if the user is more than a member. In this case, only an administrator can delete him if($level < GroupMember::MEMBER && $currUserLevel != GroupMember::ADMINISTRATOR) Rest_fatal_error(401, "Only an administrator can delete this membership!"); //Delete the membership if(!components()->groups->deleteMembershipWithStatus($userID, $groupID, $level)) Rest_fatal_error(500, "Could not delete membership!"); //Success return array("success" => "The membership has been successfully deleted!"); } /** * Update a membership level * * @url POST /groups/update_membership_level */ public function updateMembershipLevel() : array { user_login_required(); //Get the ID of the target group $groupID = getPostGroupIdWithAccess("groupID", GroupInfo::ADMIN_ACCESS); //Get target user ID $userID = getPostUserID("userID"); if($userID == userID) Rest_fatal_error(400, "You can not update your own membership!"); //Get current user membership $level = components()->groups->getMembershipLevel($userID, $groupID); //Check if the user is at least a member of the group if($level > GroupMember::MEMBER) Rest_fatal_error(401, "This user is not a member of the group!"); //Get the new membership level of the user $levels = array_flip(self::GROUPS_MEMBERSHIP_LEVELS); $new_level_str = postString("level"); if(!isset($levels[$new_level_str])) Rest_fatal_error(401, "Specified membership level not found!"); $newLevel = $levels[$new_level_str]; if($newLevel > GroupMember::MEMBER) Rest_fatal_error(401, "You can not assign this visibility level to a group member!"); //Try to update the membership of the user if(!components()->groups->updateMembershipLevel($userID, $groupID, $newLevel)) Rest_fatal_error(500, "Could not update membership level!"); //Success return array("success" => "User membership has been updated!"); } /** * Respond to a membership request * * @url POST /groups/respond_request */ public function respondRequest() : array { user_login_required(); //Get the ID of the target group $groupID = getPostGroupIdWithAccess("groupID", GroupInfo::MODERATOR_ACCESS); //Get user ID $userID = getPostUserID("userID"); //Get the response $accept = postBool("accept"); //Check if the user membership is really pending or not if(components()->groups->getMembershipLevel($userID, $groupID) != GroupMember::PENDING) Rest_fatal_error(401, "This user has not requested a membership in this group!"); //Respond to the request if(!components()->groups->respondRequest($userID, $groupID, $accept)) Rest_fatal_error(500, "Could not respond to the membership request!"); //Success return array("success" => "The response to the request has been successfully saved!"); } /** * Get information about a membership * * @url POST /groups/get_membership */ public function getMembership() : array { //Get the ID of the target group $groupID = getPostGroupIdWithAccess("groupID", GroupInfo::MODERATOR_ACCESS); //Get user ID $userID = getPostUserID("userID"); //Check if the user has a membership or not if(!components()->groups->hasMembership($userID, $groupID)) Rest_fatal_error(404, "Specified user does not have any membership in this group!"); //Get user membership $membership = components()->groups->getMembership($userID, $groupID); //Parse and return result return self::GroupMemberToAPI($membership); } /** * Cancel a membership invitation * * @url POST /groups/cancel_invitation */ public function cancelInvitation() : array { //Get the ID of the target group $groupID = getPostGroupIdWithAccess("groupID", GroupInfo::MODERATOR_ACCESS); //Get user ID $userID = getPostUserID("userID"); //Check if the user has really been invited to the group or not if(components()->groups->getMembershipLevel($userID, $groupID) != GroupMember::INVITED) Rest_fatal_error(401, "This user has not been invited to join this group!"); //Cancel group invitation if(!components()->groups->deleteInvitation($userID, $groupID)) Rest_fatal_error(500, "Could not cancel membership invitation!"); //Success return array("success" => "Membership invitation has been cancelled !"); } /** * Get the list of membership of the current user * * @url POST groups/get_my_list */ public function getMyList() : array { user_login_required(); //Get the list of groups of the user $list = components()->groups->getListUser(userID); //Parse list foreach($list as $num => $info) $list[$num] = self::GroupInfoToAPI($info); return $list; } /** * Delete a user membership to a group * * @url POST groups/remove_membership */ public function removeMembership() : array { user_login_required(); //Get the group $groupID = getPostGroupIdWithAccess("id", GroupInfo::LIMITED_ACCESS); //Get user membership level $level = components()->groups->getMembershipLevel(userID, $groupID); if($level == GroupMember::ADMINISTRATOR){ //Check the user is not the last administrator of the page if(components()->groups->countMembersAtLevel($groupID, GroupMember::ADMINISTRATOR) == 1) Rest_fatal_error(401, "You are the latest administrator of the group!"); } //Delete membership if(!components()->groups->deleteMembershipWithStatus(userID, $groupID, $level)) Rest_fatal_error(500, "An error occurred while trying to delete your membership!"); //Success return array("success" => "Your membership has been successfully deleted!"); } /** * Parse a GroupInfo object into an array for the API * * @param GroupInfo $info Information about the group * @return array Generated API data */ public static function GroupInfoToAPI(GroupInfo $info) : array { $data = array(); $data["id"] = $info->get_id(); $data["name"] = removeHTMLnodes($info->get_name()); $data["icon_url"] = $info->get_logo_url(); $data["number_members"] = $info->get_number_members(); $data["membership"] = self::GROUPS_MEMBERSHIP_LEVELS[$info->get_membership_level()]; $data["visibility"] = self::GROUPS_VISIBILITY_LEVELS[$info->get_visibility()]; $data["registration_level"] = self::GROUPS_REGISTRATION_LEVELS[$info->get_registration_level()]; $data["virtual_directory"] = $info->get_virtual_directory(); return $data; } /** * Parse an AdvancedGroupInfo object into an array for the API * * @param AdvancedGroupInfo $info Information about the group * @return array Generated API data */ public static function AdvancedGroupInfoToAPI(AdvancedGroupInfo $info) : array { $data = self::GroupInfoToAPI($info); $data["time_create"] = $info->get_time_create(); return $data; } /** * Parse a GroupSettings object into an array for the API * * @param GroupSettings $settings The settings to parse * @return array Generated array */ public static function GroupSettingsToAPI(GroupSettings $info) : array { $data = self::AdvancedGroupInfoToAPI($info); return $data; } /** * Turn GroupMember oject into an API array * * @param GroupMember $member The member entry to convert * @return array Generated entry */ public static function GroupMemberToAPI(GroupMember $member) : array { $data = array(); $data["user_id"] = $member->get_userID(); $data["group_id"] = $member->get_group_id(); $data["time_create"] = $member->get_time_sent(); $data["level"] = self::GROUPS_MEMBERSHIP_LEVELS[$member->get_level()]; return $data; } }