sites->getInfosFromURL($url)) Rest_fatal_error(500, "Couldn't get informations about the URL !"); //Return the informations return $infos; } /** * Get the informations history about a website given a URL * * @url GET /site/$url/history * @url POST /site/history */ public function getInfosURLHistory($url=false){ //We check if the URL was passed in $_POST mode if(!$url){ if(!isset($_POST['url'])) Rest_fatal_error(401, "Please specify an URL !"); $url = $_POST['url']; } //We try to get informations about a websites using its URL if(!$infos = DW::get()->sites->getInfosFromURL($url, 0)) Rest_fatal_error(500, "Couldn't get history informations about the URL !"); //Return the informations return $infos; } }