 * User model
 * @author Pierre HUBERT

//This model requires the BaseUserModel to be loaded
require_once __DIR__."/BaseUserModel.php";

class User extends BaseUserModel {

	//Private fields
	private $firstName;
	private $lastName;
	private $publicPage;
	private $openPage;
	private $virtualDirectory;
	private $accountImageURL;

	//Set and get the first name of the user
	public function set_firstName(string $firstName){
		$this->firstName = $firstName;

	public function get_firstName() : string {
		return $this->firstName;

	//Set and get the last name of the user
	public function set_lastName(string $lastName){
		$this->lastName = $lastName;

	public function get_lastName() : string {
		return $this->lastName;

	//Set and get the public status of the user page
	public function set_publicPage(bool $publicPage){
		$this->publicPage = $publicPage;

	public function is_publicPage() : bool {
		return $this->publicPage;

	//Set and get the open status of the user page
	public function set_openPage(bool $openPage){
		$this->openPage = $openPage;

	public function is_openPage() : bool {
		return $this->openPage;

	//Set and get the virtual directory of the user
	public function set_virtualDirectory(string $virtualDirectory){
		$this->virtualDirectory = $virtualDirectory == "" ? null : $virtualDirectory;

	public function has_virtualDirectory() : bool {
		return $this->virtualDirectory != null;

	public function get_virtualDirectory() : string {
		return $this->virtualDirectory != null ? $this->virtualDirectory : "null";

	//Set and get the URL pointing of the user account image
	public function set_accountImageURL(string $accountImageURL){
		$this->accountImageURL = $accountImageURL;

	public function get_accountImageURL() : string {
		return $this->accountImageURL;