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* Conversations component
* @author Pierre HUBERT
class conversations {
* @var String $conversationsListTable Name of the conversation list table
private $conversationsListTable;
* @var String $conversationsUsersTable Name of the conversation users table
private $conversationsUsersTable;
* Public constructor
public function __construct(){
$this->conversationsListTable = CS::get()->config->get("dbprefix")."conversations_list";
$this->conversationsUsersTable = CS::get()->config->get("dbprefix")."conversations_users";
* Get the conversations list of a specified user
* or get informations of a specific conversation
* @param Integer $userID The ID of the user to get the list
* @param Integer $conversationID Optionnal, the ID of conversation to get informatios from
* @return Mixed Array in case of result / False else
public function getList($userID, $conversationID = 0){
//Prepare database request
$tablesName = $this->conversationsListTable.", ".$this->conversationsUsersTable;
//Prepare conditions
$tableJoinCondition = $this->conversationsListTable.".ID = ".$this->conversationsUsersTable.".ID_".$this->conversationsListTable."";
$userCondition = $this->conversationsUsersTable.".ID_utilisateurs = ?";
$orderResults = "ORDER BY ".$this->conversationsListTable.".last_active DESC";
//Specify conditions values
$conditionsValues = array($userID);
//Check if we have to get informations about just one conversation
if($conversationID != 0){
$specificConditions = "AND ".$this->conversationsListTable.".ID = ?";
$conditionsValues[] = $conversationID;
$specificConditions = ""; //Nothing now
//Compile conditions
$conditions = "WHERE ".$tableJoinCondition." AND (".$userCondition.") ".$specificConditions." ".$orderResults;
//Fields list
$requiredFields = array(
$this->conversationsListTable.".ID_utilisateurs AS ID_owner",
//Perform database request
$results = CS::get()->db->select($tablesName, $conditions, $conditionsValues, $requiredFields);
//Check for errors
if($results === false)
return false; //An error occurred
//Process results
$conversationsList = array();
foreach($results as $processConversation){
$conversationsList[] = array(
"ID" => $processConversation["ID"],
"ID_owner" => $processConversation["ID_owner"],
"last_active" => $processConversation["last_active"],
"name" => ($processConversation["name"] == "" ? false : $processConversation["name"]),
"following" => $processConversation["following"],
"saw_last_message" => $processConversation["saw_last_message"],
//Get and add conversation members
"members" => $this->getConversationMembers($processConversation["ID"]),
//Return results
return $conversationsList;
* Get a conversation members
* @param Integer $conversationID The ID of the conversation
* @return Array A list of the conversation members (empty arary may means that an error occured)
public function getConversationMembers($conversationID) : array {
//Perform a request on the database
$tableName = $this->conversationsUsersTable;
$conditions = "WHERE ID_".$this->conversationsListTable." = ?";
$conditionsValues = array($conversationID*1);
$getFields = array("ID_utilisateurs as userID");
//Perform the request
$results = CS::get()->db->select($tableName, $conditions, $conditionsValues, $getFields);
if($results === false)
return array(); //An error occured
//Process results
$membersList = array();
foreach($results as $processUser)
$membersList[] = $processUser["userID"];
//Return result
return $membersList;
* Create a new conversation
* @param Integer $userID The ID of the user creating the conversation
* @param Boolean $follow Defines if the user creating the conversation will follow it
* @param Array $usersList The list of users following the conversation
* @param Mixed $name Optionnal, the name of the conversation
* @return Integer 0 for a fail else the ID of the newly created conversation
public function create($userID, $follow, array $usersList, $name){
$mainInformations = array(
"ID_utilisateurs" => $userID*1,
"name" => ($name ? $name : ""),
"last_active" => time(),
"creation_time" => time()
//First, insert the conversation in the main table
if(!CS::get()->db->addLine($this->conversationsListTable, $mainInformations))
return 0; //An error occured
//Get the last inserted ID
$conversationID = CS::get()->db->getLastInsertedID();
//Check for errors
if($conversationID == 0)
return 0;
//Insert users registrattions
foreach($usersList as $processUser){
//Prepare informations about the user
$userInformations = array(
"ID_".$this->conversationsListTable => $conversationID,
"time_add" => time(),
"saw_last_message" => 1,
"ID_utilisateurs" => $processUser,
//Make user follow the conversation if required
if($userID == $processUser)
$userInformations["following"] = ($follow ? 1 : 0);
//Try to insert user in conversation
if(!CS::get()->db->addLine($this->conversationsUsersTable, $userInformations))
return 0; //Error
//Conversation creation is a success
return $conversationID;
* Check if a user is a member of a conversation or not
* @param Integer $userID The ID of the user to check
* @param Integer $conversationID The ID of the conversation to check
* @return Boolean True if the user belongs to the conversation
public function userBelongsTo($userID, $conversationID){
//Prepare a request on the database
$tableName = $this->conversationsUsersTable;
$conditions = "WHERE ID_".$this->conversationsListTable." = ? AND ID_utilisateurs = ?";
$values = array(
//Peform a request on the database
$result = CS::get()->db->count($tableName, $conditions, $values);
//Check if request failed
if($result === false)
return false; // An error occured
//Analyse result and return it
return $result != 0;
* Change the follow state of a user on conversation
* @param Integer $userID The ID to update
* @param Integer $conversationID The ID of the conversation
* @param Boolean $follow Specify if the conversation is followed or not
* @return Boolean True for a success
public function changeFollowState($userID, $conversationID, $follow){
//Prepare the request on the database
$tableName = $this->conversationsUsersTable;
$conditions = "ID_".$this->conversationsListTable." = ? AND ID_utilisateurs = ?";
$condVals = array(
//Defines modifications
$modifs = array(
"following" => $follow ? 1 : 0,
//Update the table
if(!CS::get()->db->updateDB($tableName, $conditions, $modifs, $condVals))
return false; //An error occured
return true;
* Change conversation name
* @param Integer $conversationID The ID of the conversation
* @param String $conversationName The name of the conversation
* @return Boolean True for a success
public function changeName($conversationID, $conversationName){
//Prepare database request
$tableName = $this->conversationsListTable;
$conditions = "ID = ?";
$condVals = array($conversationID);
$changes = array(
"name" => $conversationName,
//Try to perform request
if(!CS::get()->db->updateDB($tableName, $conditions, $changes, $condVals))
return false; //An error occured
return true;
* Check if a user is a conversation moderator or not
* @param Integer $userID The ID of the user to check
* @param Integer $conversationID The ID of the conversation to check
* @return Boolean True if the user is a conversation moderator / false else
public function userIsModerator($userID, $conversationID){
//Prepare database request
$tableName = $this->conversationsListTable;
$conditions = "WHERE ID = ?";
$values = array($conversationID);
$requiredFields = array(
//Peform a request on the database
$results = CS::get()->db->select($tableName, $conditions, $values, $requiredFields);
//Check for errors
if($results === false)
return false; // An error occured
//Check if there was results
if(count($results) === 0)
return false;
//Check the first result only
return $results[0]["ID_utilisateurs"] == $userID;
//Register component
Components::register("conversations", new conversations()); |