2018-04-15 14:51:36 +02:00

440 lines
11 KiB

* Main user class
* @author Pierre HUBERT
class UserComponent {
* @var String $userTable The name of the user table
const USER_TABLE = "utilisateurs";
* User pages visiblity levels
const USER_PAGE_OPEN = 2;
* Public constructor
public function __construct(){
* Get advanced information about a user
* @param int $userID Target user ID
* @return AdvancedUser Informations about the user (invalid object in case of failure)
public function getUserAdvancedInfo(int $userID) : AdvancedUser {
//Perform a request over the database
$data = $this->getDBUserInfo($userID);
if(count($data) == 0)
return new AdvancedUser(); //Return invalid object
return $this->parseDbToAdvancedUser($data);
* Get Single User Infos from database and return its information as an array
* @param int $userID The user ID
* @return array Information about the user (empty array in case of failure)
private function getDBUserInfo(int $userID) : array {
//Prepare database request
$tablesName = self::USER_TABLE;
$conditions = "WHERE utilisateurs.ID = ?";
$conditionsValues = array(
//Perform request
$userInfos = CS::get()->db->select($tablesName, $conditions, $conditionsValues);
//Check if result is correct or not
if(count($userInfos) == 0)
return array(); //No result
//Return parsed result
* Get Multiple Users Infos
* @param array $usersID The users ID
* @return array The result of the function (user informations as User objects) (empty one if it fails)
public function getMultipleUserInfos(array $usersID) : array {
//Prepare database request
$tablesName = self::USER_TABLE;
$conditions = "WHERE (utilisateurs.ID < 0)";
$conditionsValues = array();
//Process users
foreach($usersID as $i=>$process){
$conditions .= " OR utilisateurs.ID = ?";
$conditionsValues[] = $process*1;
//Perform request
$usersInfos = CS::get()->db->select($tablesName, $conditions, $conditionsValues);
//Check if result is correct or not
if(count($usersInfos) == 0)
return array(); //No result
//Process result
foreach($usersInfos as $processUser){
$result[$processUser['ID']] = $this->parseDbToUser($processUser);
//Return result
return $result;
* Update last user activity time on the network
* @param int $userID The ID of the user to update
* @return bool True for a success
public function updateLastActivity(int $userID) : bool{
//Perform a request on the database
$tableName = self::USER_TABLE;
$conditions = "ID = ?";
$whereValues = array(userID);
$modifs = array(
"last_activity" => time()
if(!CS::get()->db->updateDB($tableName, $conditions, $modifs, $whereValues))
return false;
return true;
* Check if a user exists or not
* @param int $userID The ID of the user to check
* @return bool Depends of the existence of the user
public function exists(int $userID) : bool {
//Perform a request on the database
$tableName = self::USER_TABLE;
$condition = "WHERE ID = ?";
$condValues = array($userID);
$requiredFields = array("ID");
//Try to perform request
$result = CS::get()->db->select($tableName, $condition, $condValues, $requiredFields);
//Check for errors
if($result === false)
return false; //An error occured
//Check and return result
return count($result) !== 0;
* Find the user specified by a folder name
* @param string $folder The folder of the research
* @return int 0 if no user was found or the ID of the user in case of success
public function findByFolder(string $folder) : int {
//Perform a request on the database
$tableName = self::USER_TABLE;
$condition = "WHERE sous_repertoire = ?";
$condValues = array($folder);
$requiredFields = array("ID");
//Try to perform the request
$result = CS::get()->db->select($tableName, $condition, $condValues, $requiredFields);
//Check for errors
if($result === false){
return 0;
if(count($result) == 0)
return 0; //There is no result
//Return result
return $result[0]["ID"];
* Get a user page visibility level
* @param int $id The ID of the user to fetch
* @return int The visibility level of the user page
* - -1 : In case of failure (will make the protection level elevated)
* - 0 : The page is private (for user friends)
* - 1 : The page is public (for signed in users)
* - 2 : The page is open (for everyone)
public function getVisibility(int $userID) : int {
//Perform a request on the database
$tableName = self::USER_TABLE;
$condition = "WHERE ID = ?";
$condValues = array($userID);
$requiredFields = array(
//Perform the request
$result = CS::get()->db->select($tableName, $condition, $condValues, $requiredFields);
if($result === false){
return -1;
//Check for a result
if(count($result) == 0){
return -1;
//Check if the page is public
if($result[0]["public"] == 0)
return $this::USER_PAGE_PRIVATE;
//Check if the page is open or not
if($result[0]["pageouverte"] == 1)
return $this::USER_PAGE_OPEN; //Page open
return $this::USER_PAGE_PUBLIC; //Public page
* Check if a user is allowed to access another user page content
* @param int $userID The ID of the user attempting to get user informations (0 = no user)
* @param int $targetUser Target user for the research
* @return bool TRUE if the user is allowed to see the page / FALSE else
public function userAllowed(int $userID, int $targetUser) : bool {
//Check if the requested user is the current user
if($userID == $targetUser)
return true; //A user can access to its own page !
//Get the visibility level of the page
$visibility = $this->getVisibility($targetUser);
//Check for errors
if($visibility == -1)
return FALSE; //An error occured
//Check if the page is open
if($visibility == UserComponent::USER_PAGE_OPEN)
return true;
if($userID == 0)
return false;
if($visibility == UserComponent::USER_PAGE_PUBLIC)
return true;
if(CS::get()->components->friends->are_friend($userID, $targetUser))
return true;
return false;
* Check if a user can create a post on another user page
* @param int $userID The ID of the user who could create post
* @param int $targetID The ID of the user who could receive new posts
* @return bool True if the user is allowed to create post / false else
public function canCreatePosts(int $userID, int $targetID){
//If the user is signed out, the response is NO by default
if($userID == 0)
return FALSE;
//If the two user are friends, the response is yes by default
if($userID === $targetID)
return TRUE;
//Check if the user is allowed to access user page
if(!$this->userAllowed($userID, $targetID))
return FALSE;
//Check if the user allow posts on his page
return FALSE;
//Check if the friendship of the users allow them to create posts
if(!CS::get()->components->friends->can_post_text($userID, $targetID))
return FALSE;
//Else the user is allowed
return TRUE;
* Check whether a user allow comments on his page or not
* @param int $userID The ID of the user
* @return bool True if comments are allowed / False else
public function allowComments(int $userID) : bool {
//Fetch the information in the database
$conditions = "WHERE ID = ?";
$condValues = array($userID);
$fields = array("bloquecommentaire");
//Perform the request
$result = CS::get()->db->select(
//Check for errors
if(count($result) == 0)
return FAlSE;
//Return result
return $result[0]["bloquecommentaire"] == 0;
* Check whether a user allow posts on his page or not
* @return bool TRUE if the psots are allowed / FALSE else
private function allowPosts(int $userID) : bool {
//Fetch the information in the database
$conditions = "WHERE ID = ?";
$condValues = array($userID);
$fields = array("autoriser_post_amis");
//Perform the request
$result = CS::get()->db->select(
//Check for errors
if(count($result) == 0)
return FAlSE;
//Return result
return $result[0]["autoriser_post_amis"] == 1;
* Check whether a user allow a public access over its friends list or not
* @param int $userID The ID of the user
* @return bool True if the friends list of the user is public / FALSE else
public function isFriendsListPublic(int $userID) : bool {
//Fetch the information in the database
$conditions = "WHERE ID = ?";
$condValues = array($userID);
$fields = array("liste_amis_publique");
//Perform the request
$result = CS::get()->db->select(
//Check for errors
if(count($result) == 0)
return FAlSE;
//Return result
return $result[0]["liste_amis_publique"] == 1;
* Parse user database entry into user object
* @param array $entry The database entry, as an array
* @param User $user The user object to populate
* @return User Generated User object
public function parseDbToUser(array $entry, User $user = null) : User {
//Create user object if required
if($user == null)
$user = new User;
$user->set_publicPage($entry['public'] == 1);
$user->set_openPage($entry['pageouverte'] == 1);
$user->set_virtualDirectory($entry['sous_repertoire'] == null ? "" : $entry['sous_repertoire']);
//Return generated user
return $user;
* Parse user database entry into advanced user information object
* @param array $entry The database entry, as an array
* @return AdvancedUser Advanced information about the user
private function parseDbToAdvancedUser(array $entry) : AdvancedUser {
//Parse general information about the user
$user = $this->parseDbToUser($entry, new Advanceduser());
$user->set_friendListPublic($entry['liste_amis_publique'] == 1);
$user->set_disallowComments($entry['bloquecommentaire'] == 1);
$user->set_allowPostFromFriends($entry['autoriser_post_amis'] == 1);
CS::get()->components->likes->count($user->get_id(), Likes::LIKE_USER));
//Return result
return $user;
//Register class
Components::register("user", new UserComponent());