2018-04-23 21:01:33 +02:00

495 lines
15 KiB

* Conversations controller
* @author Pierre HUBERT
class ConversationsController{
* Get the conversations list
* @url POST /conversations/getList
public function getList(){
//Try to get the list
$conversationsList = CS::get()->components->conversations->getList(userID);
//Check for errors
if($conversationsList === false)
Rest_fatal_error(500, "Couldn't get conversations list !");
//Process the list of conversation
foreach($conversationsList as $num => $conv)
$conversationsList[$num] = self::ConvInfoToAPI($conv);
//Return results
return $conversationsList;
* Get informationsd about one conversation
* @url POST /conversations/getInfosOne
* @url POST /conversations/getInfoOne
public function getOneInformation(){
//Get conversation ID
$conversationID = getPostConversationID("conversationID");
//Try to get informations about the conversation
$conversationsList = CS::get()->components->conversations->getList(userID, $conversationID);
//Check for errors
if($conversationsList === false)
Rest_fatal_error(500, "An internal error occured");
//Check if a conversation was found
if(count($conversationsList) < 1)
Rest_fatal_error(401, "Users doesn't belong to the specified conversation,".
" or the conversation doesn't exists !");
//Return conversation informations
return self::ConvInfoToAPI($conversationsList[0]);
* Create a new conversation
* @url POST /conversations/create
public function create(){
//Check for parametres
if(!check_post_parametres(array("name", "follow", "users")))
Rest_fatal_error(400, "Please check parametres passed with the request !");
//Extract parametres
$conv = new ConversationInfo();
$conv->set_name($_POST["name"] == "false" ? false : removeHTMLnodes($_POST['name']));
$conv->set_following($_POST['follow'] == "true" ? true : false);
//Process the list of users
$membersList = numbers_list_to_array($_POST['users']);
//Add current user (if not present)
$membersList[userID] = userID;
//Check users
if(count($membersList) < 1)
Rest_fatal_error(501, "Please select at least one user !");
//Try to create the conversation
$conversationID = CS::get()->components->conversations->create($conv);
//Check for errors
if($conversationID == 0)
Rest_fatal_error(500, "Couldn't create the conversation !");
return array(
"conversationID" => $conversationID,
"success" => "The conversation was successfully created !"
* Update a conversation settings
* @url POST /conversations/updateSettings
public function updateSettings(){
//Check conversation ID was specified
Rest_fatal_error(400, "Please specify a conversation ID !");
$conversationID = toInt($_POST["conversationID"]);
//Check if the user belongs to the conversation
if(!CS::get()->components->conversations->userBelongsTo(userID, $conversationID))
Rest_fatal_error("401", "Specified user doesn't belongs to the conversation !");
//Check if user want to update its follow state
$follow = $_POST["following"] === "true" ? true : false;
//Try to update follow state
if(!CS::get()->components->conversations->changeFollowState(userID, $conversationID, $follow))
Rest_fatal_error(500, "Couldn't update user follow state !");
//Check if user asked to change moderation settings
if(isset($_POST['members']) OR isset($_POST['name'])){
//Check if user is allowed to change such settings
if(!CS::get()->components->conversations->userIsModerator(userID, $conversationID))
Rest_fatal_error(401, "The user isn't a moderator, he can't updates such settings !");
//Update conversation name (if required)
$conversationName = $_POST['name'] == "false" ? "" : $_POST['name'];
//Update conversation name
if(!CS::get()->components->conversations->changeName($conversationID, $conversationName))
Rest_fatal_error(500, "Couldn't update conversation name !");
//Update conversation users (if required)
//Get user list
$conversationMembers = numbers_list_to_array($_POST['members']);
//Make sure current user is in the list
$conversationMembers[userID] = userID;
//Try to update conversation members
if(!CS::get()->components->conversations->updateMembers($conversationID, $conversationMembers))
Rest_fatal_error(500, "Couldn't update conversation members list !");
return array("success" => "Conversation informations were successfully updated !");
* Find (create ?) and return private conversation ID
* @url POST /conversations/getPrivate
public function findPrivate(){
//Extract parametres
$otherUser = getPostUserID('otherUser');
//Check if we are allowed to create a conversation or not
$allowCreate = $_POST["allowCreate"] == "true" ? true : false;
$allowCreate = false;
//Search the database
$results = CS::get()->components->conversations->findPrivate(userID, $otherUser);
//Count results number
if(count($results) === 0) {
//We check if we are not allowed to create a conversation
Rest_fatal_error(404, "Not any private conversation were found. The server wasn't allowed to create a new one...");
//Now we can try to create the conversation
$ID_owner = userID;
$follow = false; //Not following by default
$conversationMembers = array(userID, $otherUser);
//Try to create the conversation
$conversationID = CS::get()->components->conversations->create($ID_owner, $follow, $conversationMembers);
//Check for errors
if($conversationID == 0)
Rest_fatal_error(500, "Couldn't create the conversation !");
//Save result
$results = array($conversationID);
return array("conversationsID" => $results);
* Send a new message
* @url POST /conversations/sendMessage
public function sendMessage(){
//First, check a conversation ID was specified
Rest_fatal_errror(400, "Please specify a conversation ID !");
//Extract conversation ID
$conversationID = toInt($_POST["conversationID"]);
//Check if the user belongs to the conversation
if(!CS::get()->components->conversations->userBelongsTo(userID, $conversationID))
Rest_fatal_error(401, "Specified user doesn't belongs to the conversation !");
//Check if information were specified about the new message or not
Rest_fatal_error(401, "New conversation messages must contain a message (can be empty if there is an image) !");
//Else extract informations
$message = (string) (isset($_POST['message']) ? $_POST['message'] : "");
//Check for image
$image = "";
//Save image and retrieve its URI
$image = save_post_image("image", userID, "conversations", 1200, 1200);
//Check message validity
if(!check_string_before_insert($message) && $image == "")
Rest_fatal_error(401, "Invalid message creation request !");
//Insert the new message
if(!CS::get()->components->conversations->sendMessage(userID, $conversationID, $message, $image))
Rest_fatal_error(500, "Couldn't send the message !");
return array("success" => "Conversation message with successfully added !");
* Refresh conversations
* @url POST /conversations/refresh
public function refreshConversations(){
//Prepare return
$conversationsMessages = array();
//Check if we have to give the latest messages of some conversations
//Get conversations ID
$newConversations = numbers_list_to_array($_POST['newConversations']);
foreach($newConversations as $conversationID){
//First, check the user belongs to the conversation
if(!CS::get()->components->conversations->userBelongsTo(userID, $conversationID))
Rest_fatal_error(401, "Specified user doesn't belongs to the conversation number ".$conversationID." !");
//Then we can get the ten last messages of the conversation system
$conversationsMessages["conversation-".$conversationID] = CS::get()->components->conversations->getLastMessages($conversationID, 10);
//Specify that user has seen last messages
CS::get()->components->conversations->markUserAsRead(userID, $conversationID);
//Check if we have to refresh some conversations
//Try to decode informations about the conversations
$toRefresh = json_decode($_POST['toRefresh'], true);
if($toRefresh === false)
Rest_fatal_error(400, "Couldn't get refresh conversations informations !");
//Process each conversation
foreach($toRefresh as $conversationID=>$informations){
//Get conversation ID
$conversationID = toInt(str_replace("conversation-", "", $conversationID));
//Check if the conversation is not a new conversation too
Rest_fatal_error(401, "Conversation marked as new can't be refreshed !");
//Check if conversation number is valid
if($conversationID < 1)
Rest_fatal_error(401, "An error occured while trying to extract given conversation ID to refresh: ".$conversationID);
//Check if informations where given about the limit of the informations to get
Rest_fatal_error(401, "Conversation ".$conversationID." couldn't be refreshed: not enough informations !");
$last_message_id = toInt($informations["last_message_id"]);
//Check if the user belongs to the conversation
if(!CS::get()->components->conversations->userBelongsTo(userID, $conversationID))
Rest_fatal_error(401, "Specified user doesn't belongs to the conversation number ".$conversationID." !");
//Then we can get informations about the conversation
$conversationsMessages["conversation-".$conversationID] = CS::get()->components->conversations->getNewMessages($conversationID, $last_message_id);
//Specify that user has seen last messages
CS::get()->components->conversations->markUserAsRead(userID, $conversationID);
//Process results
foreach($conversationsMessages as $name=>$values){
foreach($conversationsMessages[$name] as $num => $message)
$conversationsMessages[$name][$num] = ConversationsController::ConvMessageToAPI($message);
//Return result
return $conversationsMessages;
* Refresh the messages of a specific conversation
* @url POST /conversations/refresh_single
public function refresh_single(){
//Get the ID of the conversation to refresh
$conversationID = getPostConversationID("conversationID");
//Get the last message ID downloaded by the client
Rest_fatal_error(400, "Please specify the ID of the last message you've got!");
$conversationID = toInt($_POST['conversationID']);
$last_message_id = toInt($_POST['last_message_id']);
//Check if the current user can access the conversation
if(!CS::get()->components->conversations->userBelongsTo(userID, $conversationID))
Rest_fatal_error(401, "Specified user doesn't belongs to the conversation number ".$conversationID." !");
//Check if user has already some of the messages of the conversations, or
//If we have to return the list of the last ten messages
if($last_message_id == 0){
$messages =
CS::get()->components->conversations->getLastMessages($conversationID, 10);
else {
$messages =
CS::get()->components->conversations->getNewMessages($conversationID, $last_message_id);
//Specify that user has seen last messages
CS::get()->components->conversations->markUserAsRead(userID, $conversationID);
//Process the list of messages
foreach($messages as $num => $val)
$messages[$num] = ConversationsController::ConvMessageToAPI($val);
//Return the messges
return $messages;
* Get the number of unread conversations of the user
* @url POST conversations/get_number_unread
public function get_number_unread(){
//Get the number of unread conversations of the user
$number_unread_conversations = components()->conversations->number_user_unread(userID);
//Return result
return array("nb_unread" => $number_unread_conversations);
* Get the list of unread notifications
* @url POST /conversations/get_list_unread
public function get_list_unread(){
//Get the list of unread conversations of the user
$list_unread_conversations = components()->conversations->get_list_unread(userID);
//Return result
return $list_unread_conversations;
* Delete a conversation
* @url POST /conversations/delete
public function delete(){
//Get conversation ID
$conversationID = getPostConversationID("conversationID");
//Check if the user belongs to the conversation
if(!CS::get()->components->conversations->userBelongsTo(userID, $conversationID))
Rest_fatal_error(401, "Specified user doesn't belongs to the conversation number ".$conversationID." !");
//Check if user is the owner of the conversation or not
$owner = CS::get()->components->conversations->userIsModerator(userID, $conversationID);
//Delete the conversation
Rest_fatal_error(500, "Couldn't delete the conversation from the server !");
else {
//Delete the membership to the conversation
if(!CS::get()->components->conversations->delete_member($conversationID, userID))
Rest_fatal_error(500, "Couldn't delete conversation membership !");
//The operation is a success
return array("success" => "The conversation has been deleted");
* Turn a ConversationInfo object into a valid API entry
* @param ConversationInfo $conv Information about the conversation
* @return array Generated conversation object
private static function ConvInfoToAPI(ConversationInfo $conv) : array {
$data = array();
$data["ID"] = $conv->get_id();
$data["ID_owner"] = $conv->get_id_owner();
$data["last_active"] = $conv->get_last_active();
$data["name"] = $conv->has_name() ? $conv->get_name() : false;
$data["following"] = $conv->is_following() ? 1 : 0;
$data["saw_last_message"] = $conv->is_saw_last_message() ? 1 : 0;
$data["members"] = $conv->get_members();
return $data;
* Turn ConversationMessage object into API entry
* @param ConversationMessage $message The message to convert
* @return array Valid dataset for the api
private static function ConvMessageToAPI(ConversationMessage $message) : array {
$data = array();
$data["ID"] = $message->get_id();
$data["ID_user"] = $message->get_userID();
$data["time_insert"] = $message->get_time_sent();
$data["message"] = $message->has_message() ? $message->get_message() : "";
$data["image_path"] = $message->has_image_path() ? $message->get_image_url() : null;
return $data;