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* Requests functions
* @author Pierre HUBERT
* Check $_POST parametres associated to a request
* @param array $varList The list of variables to check
* @return bool True or false depending of the success of the operation
function check_post_parametres(array $varList) : bool {
//Check each fields
foreach($varList as $process){
//Check variable existence
return false; //The variable does not exists
//Check variable content
if($_POST[$process] == "")
return false; //The variable is empty
//If we arrive there, it is a success
return true;
* Convert a list of numbers (anything with IDs) comma-separated to an array
* @param string $list The input list
* @return array The list of user / an empty list in case of errors
function numbers_list_to_array(string $list) : array {
//Split the list into an array
$array = explode(",", $list);
$usersList = array();
foreach($array as $process){
//Check the entry is valid
if(toInt($process) < 1)
//return array();
continue; //Ignore entry
//Add the entry to the list
$usersList[toInt($process)] = toInt($process);
//Return the result
return $usersList;
* Check a string included in a $_POST request safely.
* This function make a REST_Error if an error occur while
* processing the value
* @param string $name The name of the $_POST field
* @param int $minLength The minimal length for the string (default 1)
* @return string The string
function postString(string $name, int $minLength = 1) : string {
//Check variable existence
Rest_fatal_error(400, "Please add a POST string named '".$name."' in the request !");
$value = (string) $_POST[$name];
//Check variable length
if(strlen($value) < $minLength)
Rest_fatal_error(400, "Specified string in '".$name."' is too short!");
return $value;
* Get a boolean given in a $_POST request safely.
* This function makes a REST_Error if an error occurr while
* processing the value
* @param string $name The name of the $_POST field
* @return bool The boolean
function postBool(string $name) : bool {
//Check variable existence
Rest_fatal_error(400, "Please add a POST boolean named '".$name."' in the request !");
return $_POST[$name] == "true";
* Get an integer given in a $_POST request safely
* This function makes a REST_Error in case of error
* @param string $name The name of the $_POST field
* @param string $default The default value (null = none)
* @return int The integer
function postInt(string $name, string $default = null) : int {
//Check the variable
if(!isset($_POST[$name]) && $default == null)
Rest_fatal_error(400, "Please add a POST integer named '".$name."' in the request !");
return (int)$_POST[$name];
return (int) $default;
* Get an email address specified in a $_POST request
* @param string $name The name of the post field containing the
* email address
* @return string The email address
function postEmail(string $name) : string {
//Get the email as a string
$email = postString($name, 5);
//Check the email
if(!filter_var($email, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL))
Rest_fatal_error(400, "Specified email address is invalid !");
return $email;
* Securely transform user given number (mixed) to integer (int)
* @param Mixed $input The input variable (mixed)
* @return int $output The output (safe integer)
function toInt($input) : int{
return (int) $input;
* Remove HTML markup codes (<, >)
* @param string $input The string to change
* @return string The updated string
function removeHTMLnodes(string $input) : string {
$output = str_replace("<", "<", $input);
return str_replace(">", ">", $output);
* Check the security of an HTML string
* @param string $input The string to check
* @return bool TRUE if the string is safe to insert / FALSE else
function checkHTMLstring(string $string) : bool {
//Check for script or style or meta tag
if(str_ireplace(array("<string", "<style", "<meta"), "", $string) != $string)
return false;
//Check for onclick, onkeyup, onmousehover tag
if(str_ireplace(array("onclick", "onkeyup", "onmousehover"), "", $string) != $string)
return false;
//Check for images integrated to the post
if(preg_match("/data:image/", $string))
return false;
//The message is valid
return true;
* Check a string before inserting it
* @param string $string The string to check
* @return bool True if the string is valid / false else
function check_string_before_insert(string $string) : bool {
//First, empty string are invalid
if($string == "")
return false;
//Remove HTML tags before continuing
$string = str_replace(array("<", ">"), "", $string);
//Check string size
return false;
//Check if the string has at least three different characters
if(strlen(count_chars($string,3)) < 3)
return false;
return true;
* Make a string safe to be used to perform a query on a database
* @param string $input The string to process
* @return string The result string
function safe_for_sql(string $input) : string {
//Perform safe adapation
$input = str_ireplace("\\", "\\\\", $input);
$input = str_ireplace("'", "\\'", $input);
$input = str_ireplace('"', "\\\"", $input);
return $input;
* Check a given user ID
* @param int $userID The user ID to check
* @return bool True if userID is valid, false else
function check_user_id(int $userID) : bool {
if($userID < 1)
return false; //Invalid
return true; //Valid
* Get userID posted in a request and return it if there
* isn't any error
* @param string $name Optionnal, the name of the post field
* @return int User ID
* @throws RestError in case of error
function getPostUserID(string $name = "userID") : int {
//Get userID post
Rest_fatal_error(400, "Please specify a userID in '".$name."' !");
$userID = toInt($_POST[$name]);
//Check userID validity
Rest_fatal_error(400, "Invalid userID in '".$name."' !");
//Check if user exits
Rest_fatal_error(404, "Specified user in '".$name."' not found !");
return $userID;
* Get the ID of a conversation posted in a request and return
* if it is a valid ID
* @param string $name Optionnal, the name of the post field
* @return int $convID The ID of the conversation
function getPostConversationID(string $name = "conversationID") : int {
//Get conversationID
Rest_fatal_error(400, "Excepted conversation ID in '".$name."' !");
$conversationID = toInt($_POST[$name]);
//Check conversationID validity
if($conversationID < 1)
Rest_fatal_error(400, "Invalid conversation ID !");
//Check if conversation exists
Rest_fatal_error(404, "Specified conversation not found!");
return $conversationID;
* Get the ID of a post in a rest request
* @param string $name Optionnal, the name of the post id field
* @return int $postID The ID of the post
function getPostPostID(string $name = "postID") : int {
//Get postID
Rest_fatal_error(400, "Excepted post ID in '".$name."' !");
$postID = toInt($_POST[$name]);
//Check post ID validity
if($postID < 1)
Rest_fatal_error(400, "Invalid post ID!");
//Check if the post exists
Rest_fatal_error(404, "Specified post does not exists!");
return $postID;
* Get the ID of a post in a rest request and check if the current
* user is allowed to see it or not (check for basic access at least)
* @param string $name Optionnal, the name of the post id field
* @return int $postID The ID of the post
function getPostPostIDWithAccess(string $name = "postID") : int {
//Get the ID of the post
$postID = getPostPostID($name);
//Check user can see the post
if(CS::get()->components->posts->access_level($postID, userID) === Posts::NO_ACCESS)
Rest_fatal_error(401, "You are not allowed to access this post informations !");
//Return post ID
return $postID;
* Get the ID of a comment that the user is allowed to access
* @param string $name The name of the comment field
* @return int $commentID The ID of the comment
function getPostCommentIDWithAccess($name) : int {
//Get comment ID
Rest_fatal_error(400, "Comment ID not specified in '".$name."'!");
$commentID = (int) $_POST[$name];
//Check if the comment exists
Rest_fatal_error(404, "Specified comment not found!");
//Get the ID of the associated post
$postID = components()->comments->getAssociatedPost($commentID);
//Check the current user can access this post
if(CS::get()->components->posts->access_level($postID, userID) === Posts::NO_ACCESS)
Rest_fatal_error(401, "You are not allowed to access this post informations !");
//Return comment ID
return $commentID;
* Get the ID of a movie in a rest request
* @param string $name Optionnal, the name of the post ID field
* @return int $movieID The ID of the movie
function getPostMovieId(string $name = "movieID") : int {
//Get movieID
Rest_fatal_error(400, "Excepted movie ID in '".$name."' !");
$movieID = toInt($_POST[$name]);
//Check movie ID validity
if($movieID < 1)
Rest_fatal_error(400, "Invalid movie ID in '".$name."' !");
//Check if the movie exists
Rest_fatal_error(404, "Specified movie does not exists!");
return $movieID;
* Get a timestamp posted in a post request
* @param string $name The name of the $_POST entry
* @return int The timestamp if everything went well
function getPostTimeStamp(string $name) : int {
//Check if the variable exists
Rest_fatal_error(400, "Please specify a timestamp in '".$name."' ! ");
$timestamp = toInt($_POST[$name]);
//Check timestamp validity
if($timestamp < 10000)
Rest_fatal_error(400, "Please specify a valid timestamp value in ".$timestamp." !");
//Return timestamp
return $timestamp;
* Check the validity of an file posted in a request
* @param string $name The name of the $_FILES entry
* @return bool True if the file is valid / false else
function check_post_file(string $name) : bool {
//Check if file exists
return false;
//Check for errors
if($_FILES[$name]['error'] != 0)
return false;
//Check if the file is empty
if($_FILES[$name]['size'] < 1)
return false;
return true;
* Check the validity of a URL specified in a request
* @param string $name The name of the $_POST field containing the URL
* @return bool True if the url is valid / false else
function check_post_url(string $name) : bool {
//Check if image exists
return false;
$url = $_POST[$name];
//Check URL
if(!filter_var($url, FILTER_VALIDATE_URL))
return false;
//The URL seems to be valid
return true;
* Check the validity of a Youtube video ID
* @param string $id The ID of the YouTube video
* @return bool True if the ID is valid / false else
function check_youtube_id(string $id) : bool {
//Check length
if(strlen($id) < 5)
return FALSE;
//Check for illegal characters
if($id !== str_replace(array("/", "\\", "@", "&", "?", ".", "'", '"'), "", $id))
return FALSE;
//The video is considered as valid
return TRUE;
* Get some content (for post actually) from a $_POST request
* and check its validity
* @param string $name The name of the $_POST field
* @return string The content of the post
function getPostContent($name){
Rest_fatal_error(400, "Please specify some content in '"+$name+"' !");
$content = $_POST[$name];
//Check the security of the content
Rest_fatal_error(400, "Your request has been rejected because it has been considered as unsecure !");
//Return new content
return $content;
* Save an image in user data directory from a POST request
* @param string $fieldName The name of the POST field
* @param int $userID The ID of the user making the request
* @param string $folder The target folder in the user data directory
* @param int $maxw The maximum width of the image
* @param int $maxh The maximum height of the image
* @return string The path of the image (quit the script in case of failure)
function save_post_image(string $fieldName, int $userID, string $folder, int $maxw, int $maxh) : string {
$target_userdata_folder = prepareFileCreation($userID, $folder);
$target_file_path = $target_userdata_folder.generateNewFileName(path_user_data($target_userdata_folder, true), "png");
$target_file_sys_path = path_user_data($target_file_path, true);
//Try to resize, convert image and put it in its new location
if(!reduce_image($_FILES[$fieldName]["tmp_name"], $target_file_sys_path, $maxw, $maxh, "image/png")){
//Returns error
Rest_fatal_error(500, "Couldn't resize sent image !");
//Return image path
return $target_file_path;
* Check a user directory validity
* @param string $directory The directory to check
* @return bool TRUE if the domain seems to be valid / FALSE else
function checkVirtualDirectoryValidity(string $directory) : bool {
//Check domain length
if(strlen($directory) < 4)
return FALSE;
//Check if the domain contains forbidden characters
if(str_replace(array(".html", ".txt", ".php", "à", "â", "é", "ê", "@", "/", "\"", "'", '"', "<", ">", "?", "&", "#"), "", $directory) != $directory)
return FALSE;
//If we get there, the domain is valid
return TRUE;
* Get a user / group post directory from a $_POST
* request and transform it to make it SQL-safe
* @param string $name The name of the $_POST Request
* @return string The user virtual directory, safe for saving
* @throws RESTException If the directory is missing, or invalid
function getPostVirtualDirectory(string $name) : string {
//Check if the $_POST variable exists or not
Rest_fatal_error(400, "Please specify a user directory in '".$name."'!");
$directory = (string) $_POST[$name];
//Check domain validity
Rest_fatal_error(401, "Specified directory seems to be invalid!");
//Return the directory
return $directory;
* Check wether a virtual directory is available or not
* @param string $name The virtual directory to check
* @param int $id The ID of the target element
* @param bool $isPage TRUE if the request is made for a page
* @return bool TRUE if the virtual directory is valid / FALSE else
function checkVirtualDirectoryAvailability(string $name, int $id, bool $isPage) : bool {
return FALSE;
if(!components()->settings->checkUserDirectoryAvailability($name, $id))
return FALSE;
if(!components()->groups->checkDirectoryAvailability($name, -1))
return FALSE;
else {
if(!components()->settings->checkUserDirectoryAvailability($name, -1))
return FALSE;
if(!components()->groups->checkDirectoryAvailability($name, $id))
return FALSE;
//The directory seems to be valid
return TRUE;
* Get a POST group ID
* @param string $name The name of variable in the $_POST request
* @return int The ID of the group
* @throws RESTException If the value is missing
function getPostGroupId(string $name) : int {
//Get the ID of the group
$id = postInt($name);
//Check if the group exists or not
Rest_fatal_error(404, "Specified group does not exists !");
//Return the ID of the group
return $id;
* Get a POST group ID with a check for the minimal access requested
* @param string $name The name of the post field containing group ID
* @param int $minAccess The minimal access required
* @return int The ID of the group
function getPostGroupIdWithAccess(string $name, int $minVisibility) : int {
//Get the ID of the group
$groupID = getPostGroupId($name);
//Get the access level of the current user over the group
$accessLevel = components()->groups->getAccessLevel($groupID, userID);
//Check if the user has no access
if($accessLevel == GroupInfo::NO_ACCESS)
Rest_fatal_error(404, "Specified group does not exists !"); //Act like if the group did not exists
//Check access level
if($accessLevel < $minVisibility)
Rest_fatal_error(401, "You do not have enough rights to perform what you intend to do on this group!");
return $groupID;
} |