2018-08-29 13:36:27 +02:00

1058 lines
28 KiB

* Conversations component
* @author Pierre HUBERT
class Conversations {
* Tables name definition
const LIST_TABLE = DBprefix."conversations_list";
const USERS_TABLE = DBprefix."conversations_users";
const MESSAGES_TABLE = DBprefix."conversations_messages";
* Get the conversations list of a specified user
* or get informations of a specific conversation
* @param int $userID The ID of the user to get the list
* @param int $conversationID Optionnal, the ID of conversation to get informatios from
* @return Mixed Array in case of result / False else
public function getList(int $userID, int $conversationID = 0){
//Prepare database request
$tablesName = self::LIST_TABLE.", ".self::USERS_TABLE;
//Prepare conditions
$tableJoinCondition = self::LIST_TABLE.".id = ".self::USERS_TABLE.".conv_id";
$userCondition = self::USERS_TABLE.".user_id = ?";
$orderResults = "ORDER BY ".self::LIST_TABLE.".last_active DESC";
//Specify conditions values
$conditionsValues = array($userID);
//Check if we have to get informations about just one conversation
if($conversationID != 0){
$specificConditions = "AND ".self::LIST_TABLE.".id = ?";
$conditionsValues[] = $conversationID;
$specificConditions = ""; //Nothing now
//Compile conditions
$conditions = "WHERE ".$tableJoinCondition." AND (".$userCondition.") ".$specificConditions." ".$orderResults;
//Fields list
$requiredFields = array(
self::LIST_TABLE.".user_id AS owner_id",
//Perform database request
$results = CS::get()->db->select($tablesName, $conditions, $conditionsValues, $requiredFields);
//Check for errors
if($results === false)
return false; //An error occurred
//Process results
$conversationsList = array();
foreach($results as $entry){
$conversationsList[] = $this->dbToConvInfo($entry);
//Return results
return $conversationsList;
* Get a conversation members
* @param int $conversationID The ID of the conversation
* @return array A list of the conversation members (empty arary may means that an error occured)
public function getConversationMembers(int $conversationID) : array {
//Perform a request on the database
$tableName = self::USERS_TABLE;
$conditions = "WHERE conv_id = ?";
$conditionsValues = array($conversationID*1);
$getFields = array("user_id");
//Perform the request
$results = CS::get()->db->select($tableName, $conditions, $conditionsValues, $getFields);
if($results === false)
return array(); //An error occured
//Process results
$membersList = array();
foreach($results as $processUser)
$membersList[] = $processUser["user_id"];
//Return result
return $membersList;
* Create a new conversation
* @param ConversationInfo $conv Information about the conversation to create
* @return int 0 for a fail else the ID of the newly created conversation
public function create(ConversationInfo $conv) : int{
$mainInformations = array(
"user_id" => $conv->get_id_owner(),
"name" => ($conv->has_name() ? $conv->get_name() : ""),
"last_active" => time(),
"creation_time" => time()
//First, insert the conversation in the main table
if(!CS::get()->db->addLine(self::LIST_TABLE, $mainInformations))
return 0; //An error occured
//Get the last inserted ID
$conversationID = db()->getLastInsertedID();
//Check for errors
if($conversationID == 0)
return 0;
//Insert users registrattions
foreach($conv->get_members() as $processUser){
//Make user follow the conversation if required
$processUserFollowing = true;
if($conv->get_id_owner() == $processUser)
$processUserFollowing = $conv->is_following();
//Try to insert user in conversation
if(!$this->addMember($conversationID, $processUser, $processUserFollowing))
return 0; //Error
//Conversation creation is a success
return $conversationID;
* Check if a user is a member of a conversation or not
* @param int $userID The ID of the user to check
* @param int $conversationID The ID of the conversation to check
* @return bool True if the user belongs to the conversation
public function userBelongsTo(int $userID, int $conversationID) : bool {
//Prepare a request on the database
$tableName = self::USERS_TABLE;
$conditions = "WHERE conv_id = ? AND user_id = ?";
$values = array(
//Peform a request on the database
$result = CS::get()->db->count($tableName, $conditions, $values);
//Check if request failed
if($result === false)
return false; // An error occured
//Analyse result and return it
return $result != 0;
* Change the follow state of a user on conversation
* @param int $userID The ID to update
* @param int $conversationID The ID of the conversation
* @param bool $follow Specify if the conversation is followed or not
* @return bool True for a success
public function changeFollowState(int $userID, int $conversationID, bool $follow) : bool{
//Prepare the request on the database
$tableName = self::USERS_TABLE;
$conditions = "conv_id = ? AND user_id = ?";
$condVals = array(
//Defines modifications
$modifs = array(
"following" => $follow ? 1 : 0,
//Update the table
if(!CS::get()->db->updateDB($tableName, $conditions, $modifs, $condVals))
return false; //An error occured
return true;
* Change conversation name
* @param int $conversationID The ID of the conversation
* @param string $conversationName The name of the conversation
* @return bool True for a success
public function changeName(int $conversationID, string $conversationName) : bool{
//Prepare database request
$tableName = self::LIST_TABLE;
$conditions = "id = ?";
$condVals = array($conversationID);
$changes = array(
"name" => $conversationName,
//Try to perform request
if(!CS::get()->db->updateDB($tableName, $conditions, $changes, $condVals))
return false; //An error occured
return true;
* Update conversation members list
* @param int $conversationID The ID of the conversation to update
* @param array $conversationMembers The new list of conversation members
* @return bool True for a success
public function updateMembers(int $conversationID, array $conversationMembers) : bool{
//Get the current conversation list
$currentMembers = $this->getConversationMembers($conversationID);
//Determinate entries to add
$toAdd = array_diff($conversationMembers, $currentMembers);
//Determinate entries to remove
$toRemove = array_diff($currentMembers, $conversationMembers);
//Add new member
foreach($toAdd as $processInsert){
if(!$this->addMember($conversationID, $processInsert))
return false; //An error occured
//Remove old members
foreach($toRemove as $processDelete){
if(!$this->removeMember($conversationID, $processDelete))
return false; //An error occured
return true;
* Add a member to the list
* @param int $conversationID The ID of the target conversation
* @param int $userID The ID of the user to add to the conversation
* @param bool $follow Optionnal, specify if the user will follow or not the conversation
* @return bool True for a success
private function addMember(int $conversationID, int $userID, bool $follow = false) : bool {
//Prepare database request
$tableName = self::USERS_TABLE;
$values = array(
"conv_id" => $conversationID,
"user_id" => $userID,
"time_add" => time(),
"following" => $follow ? 1 : 0,
"saw_last_message" => 1
//Try to perform request
return CS::get()->db->addLine($tableName, $values);
* Remove a member from the list
* @param int $conversationID The ID of the target conversation
* @param int $userID The ID of the user to remove from the conversation
* @return bool True for a success
private function removeMember(int $conversationID, int $userID) : bool {
//Prepare database request
$tableName = self::USERS_TABLE;
$conditions = "conv_id = ? AND user_id = ?";
$values = array(
//Try to perform request
return CS::get()->db->deleteEntry($tableName, $conditions, $values);
* Check if a user is a conversation moderator or not
* @param int $userID The ID of the user to check
* @param int $conversationID The ID of the conversation to check
* @return bool True if the user is a conversation moderator / false else
public function userIsModerator(int $userID, int $conversationID) : bool {
//Prepare database request
$tableName = self::LIST_TABLE;
$conditions = "WHERE id = ?";
$values = array($conversationID);
$requiredFields = array(
//Peform a request on the database
$results = CS::get()->db->select($tableName, $conditions, $values, $requiredFields);
//Check for errors
if($results === false)
return false; // An error occured
//Check if there was results
if(count($results) === 0)
return false;
//Check the first result only
return $results[0]["user_id"] == $userID;
* Check whether a user is the owner of a conversation message or not
* @param int $userID Target user ID
* @param int $messageID Target message
* @return bool TRUE if the user is the owner of the conversation / FALSE else
public function isOwnerMessage(int $userID, int $messageID) : bool {
return db()->count(
"WHERE id = ? AND user_id = ?",
array($messageID, $userID)
) > 0;
* Search for a private conversation between two users
* @param int $user1 The first user
* @param int $user2 The second user
* @return array The list of private conversations
public function findPrivate(int $user1, int $user2) : array{
//Prepare database request
$tableName = self::USERS_TABLE." AS table1 JOIN ".
self::USERS_TABLE." AS table2 JOIN ".
self::USERS_TABLE." AS table3";
//Prepare conditions
$joinCondition = "(table1.conv_id = table2.conv_id)".
"AND (table1.conv_id = table3.conv_id)";
$whereConditions = "table1.user_id = ? AND table2.user_id = ?";
$groupCondition = "table1.conv_id having count(*) = 2";
//Conditions values
$condValues = array($user1, $user2);
//Required fields
$requiredFields = array(
"table1.conv_id as conversationID",
//Build conditions
$conditions = "ON ".$joinCondition." WHERE ".$whereConditions." GROUP BY ".$groupCondition;
//Try to perform request
$results = CS::get()->db->select($tableName, $conditions, $condValues, $requiredFields);
//Check for errors
if($results === false)
return false;
//Prepare return
$conversationsID = array();
foreach($results as $processConversation)
$conversationsID[] = $processConversation["conversationID"];
//Return result
return $conversationsID;
* Insert a new message in the database
* @param NewConversationMessage $message The message to send
* @return bool True for a success
private function insertMessage(NewConversationMessage $message) : bool {
//Prepare values
$tableName = self::MESSAGES_TABLE;
$values = array(
"conv_id" => $message->get_conversationID(),
"user_id" => $message->get_userID(),
"time_insert" => $message->get_time_sent(),
"message" => $message->has_message() ? $message->get_message() : ""
//Add image path (if required)
$values['image_path'] = $message->get_image_path();
//Try to insert new value in database
if(!CS::get()->db->addLine($tableName, $values))
return false; //An error occured
return true;
* Update the last time a conversation was active
* @param int $conversationID The ID of the conversation to update
* @param int $time The new time of last activity to set
* @return bool True for a success
private function updateLastActive(int $conversationID, int $time) : bool{
//Perform a request on the database
$tableName = self::LIST_TABLE;
$conditions = "id = ?";
$condVals = array($conversationID);
//Set new values
$newValues = array(
"last_active" => $time,
//Try to perform a request on the database
if(!CS::get()->db->updateDB($tableName, $conditions, $newValues, $condVals))
return false; //An error occured
return true;
* Mark all the users of a conversation as "unread"
* @param int $conversationID The ID of the conversation to update
* @param array $exceptions Users that should not be marked as read
* @return bool True for a success
private function allUsersAsUnread(int $conversationID, array $exceptions) : bool{
//Prepare request
$tableName = self::USERS_TABLE;
$conditions = "conv_id = ?";
$condVals = array($conversationID);
//Remove users exceptions
foreach($exceptions as $userID){
$conditions.= " AND user_id != ?";
$condVals[] = $userID;
//Define new values
$newValues = array(
"saw_last_message" => 0
//Try to perform a request on the database
if(!CS::get()->db->updateDB($tableName, $conditions, $newValues, $condVals))
return false; //An error occured
return true;
* Mark the user of a conversation as "read" for a conversation
* @param int $userID The ID of the user to update
* @param int $conversationID The ID of a conversation to update
* @return bool True for a success
public function markUserAsRead(int $userID, int $conversationID) : bool {
//Prepare database request
$tableName = self::USERS_TABLE;
$conditions = "conv_id = ? AND user_id = ?";
$condVals = array(
//Define new values
$newValues = array(
"saw_last_message" => 1
//Try to perform a request on the database
if(!CS::get()->db->updateDB($tableName, $conditions, $newValues, $condVals))
return false; //An error occured
return true;
* Send a new message
* @param NewConversationMessage $message The message to send
* @return bool True for a success
public function sendMessage(NewConversationMessage $message) : bool{
//GUIDE LINE : this method act like a "controller" : it doesn't perform any database operation
//But it manages all operations (insert message; save image; inform other users; ...)
//Set unique message time
//First, try to insert the message
return false; //An error occured
//Then, update the last activity of the conversation
if(!$this->updateLastActive($message->get_conversationID(), $message->get_time_sent()))
return false; //An error occured (2)
//Then, set all the users of the conversation as unread
if(!$this->allUsersAsUnread($message->get_conversationID(), array($message->get_userID())))
return false; //An error occured (3)
return true;
* Update a message
* @param ConversationMessage $message Information about the message to update
* @return bool TRUE for a success / FALSE else
public function updateMessage(ConversationMessage $message) : bool {
$modifs = array();
//Check if the content of message has to be updated
$modifs["message"] = $message->get_message();
//Peform update
return db()->updateDB(self::MESSAGES_TABLE, "id = ?", $modifs, array($message->get_id()));
* Get the last messages of a conversation
* @param int $conversationID The ID of the target conversation
* @param int $numberOfMessages The number of messages to return
* @return array The messages of the conversation
public function getLastMessages(int $conversationID, int $numberOfMessages) : array {
//Define conditions
$conditions = "WHERE conv_id = ? ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT ".($numberOfMessages*1);
$condVals = array(
//Perform request
$messages = $this->getMessages($conditions, $condVals);
//Revert messages order
$messages = array_reverse($messages);
//Return messages
return $messages;
* Get the new messages of a conversation
* @param int $conversationID The ID of the target conversation
* @param int $lastMessageID The ID of the last know message
* @return array A list of messages
public function getNewMessages(int $conversationID, int $lastMessageID) : array {
//Define conditions
$conditions = "WHERE conv_id = ? AND ID > ? ORDER BY id";
$condVals = array(
//Perform request
$messages = $this->getMessages($conditions, $condVals);
//Return messages
return $messages;
* Get the older messages of a conversation
* @param int $conversationID The ID of the target conversation
* @param int $startID The ID from which the research should start
* @param int $limit The maximum number of message to get (positive number)
* @return array The list of messages found
public function getOlderMessages(int $conversationID, int $startID, int $limit) : array {
//Define conditions
$conditions = "WHERE conv_id = ? AND ID < ? ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT ".($limit);
$condVals = array(
$startID + 1
//Perform request
$messages = $this->getMessages($conditions, $condVals);
//Revert messages order
$messages = array_reverse($messages);
//Return messages
return $messages;
* Get all the messages of a conversation
* @param int $conversationID The ID of the target conversation
* @return array The list of messages
public function getAllMessages(int $conversationID) : array {
//Define conditions
$conditions = "WHERE conv_id = ? ORDER BY id";
$condVals = array(
//Perform request
$messages = $this->getMessages($conditions, $condVals);
//Return messages
return $messages;
* Check whether a conversation exists or not
* @param int $convID The ID of the conversation to check
* @return bool TRUE if it exists / false else
public function exist(int $convID) : bool {
//Perform a request on the database
$tableName = self::LIST_TABLE;
return CS::get()->db->count($tableName, "WHERE id = ?", array($convID)) > 0;
* Remove a user from a conversation
* @param int $userID The ID of the target user
* @param int $conversationID The ID of the target conversation
* @return bool TRUE for a success / FALSE else
public function removeUserFromConversation(int $userID, int $conversationID) : bool {
//Check if user is the owner of the conversation or not
$owner = $this->userIsModerator($userID, $conversationID);
//Delete the conversation
return $this->delete_conversation($conversationID);
else {
//Delete the membership to the conversation
return $this->delete_member($conversationID, $userID);
* Delete a conversation
* Delete all the messages, membership and informations about a conversation
* @param int $conID The conversation to delete
* @return bool True in case of success / False else
public function delete_conversation(int $convID) : bool {
//Get all the messages of the conversation
$messages = $this->getMessages("WHERE conv_id = ?", array($convID));
//Delete each message
foreach($messages as $message){
return false;
//Delete all the members of the conversation
return false;
//Delete the conversation entry itself
return false;
return true;
* Delete a conversation membership
* This function is just removing a user from a conversation by
* deleting all the messages the user has posted and removing its
* membership
* @param int $convID The target conversation
* @param int $memberID The ID of the member to delete from the conversation
* @return bool True in case of success / false else
public function delete_member(int $convID, int $memberID) : bool {
//Get all the messages of member the conversation
$messages = $this->getMessages(
"WHERE conv_id = ? AND user_id = ?",
array($convID, $memberID));
//Delete each message
foreach($messages as $message){
return false;
//Delete user membership
if(!$this->removeMember($convID, $memberID))
return false;
return true;
* Delete a single conversation message
* @param int $messageID The ID of the message to delete
* @return bool TRUE for a success / FALSE else
public function deleteConversationMessage(int $messageID) : bool {
//Get information about the message
$messages = $this->getMessages("WHERE id = ?", array($messageID));
if(count($messages) < 1)
return FALSE; //Message not found
return $this->delete_message($messages[0]);
* Delete a single message of a conversation
* @param ConversationMessage $message The message to delete
* @return bool True in case of success / false else
private function delete_message(ConversationMessage $message) : bool {
//Check if we have to delete an image
//Get system path of the image
$img_sys_path = path_user_data($message->get_image_path(), true);
//Delete message from the database
$conditions = "ID = ?";
$condValues = array($message->get_id());
return CS::get()->db->deleteEntry(self::MESSAGES_TABLE, $conditions, $condValues);
* Delete all the members of a conversation
* @param int $convID The target conversation
* @return bool TRUE in case of success / false else
private function delete_all_members(int $convID) : bool {
//Prepare request on the database
$conditions = "conv_id = ?";
$values = array(
//Try to perform request
return CS::get()->db->deleteEntry(self::USERS_TABLE, $conditions, $values);
* Delete a conversation entry in the database
* @param int $convID The target conversation
* @return bool True in case of success / false else
private function delete_conversation_entry(int $convID) : bool {
return CS::get()->db->deleteEntry(self::LIST_TABLE, "id = ?", array($convID));
* Get the number of unread conversations of a user
* @param int $userID Target user ID
* @return int The number of unread conversations of the user
public function number_user_unread(int $userID) : int {
//Prepare database request
$tableName = self::USERS_TABLE;
$conditions = "WHERE user_id = ? AND saw_last_message = 0 AND following = 1";
$values = array($userID);
//Perform request and return result
return CS::get()->db->count($tableName, $conditions, $values);
* Get the list of unread conversations of a user
* @param int $userID Target user ID
* @return array The list of unread conversations of the user
public function get_list_unread(int $userID) : array {
//Perform the request on the server
$tablesName = self::USERS_TABLE." as users, ".self::LIST_TABLE." as list, ".self::MESSAGES_TABLE." as messages";
$conditions = "WHERE users.user_id = ? AND users.following = 1 AND users.saw_last_message = 0 AND users.conv_id =
AND = messages.conv_id AND list.last_active = messages.time_insert";
$values = array($userID);
//Perform the request
$results = CS::get()->db->select($tablesName, $conditions, $values);
//Process the list of results
$list = array();
foreach($results as $result){
//Generate the entry
$entry = $this->dbToUnreadConversation($result);
$list[] = $entry;
return $list;
* Get all the messages of a user
* @param int $userID Target user ID
* @return array The list of message as an array
public function getAllUserMessages(int $userID) : array {
//Define conditions
$conditions = "WHERE user_id = ? ";
$condVals = array(
//Perform request
return $this->getMessages($conditions, $condVals);
* Delete all the messages of a user
* @param int $userID The target user ID
* @return bool TRUE for a success / FALSE else
public function deleteAllUserMessages(int $userID) : bool {
//Get all the messages of the user
$list = $this->getAllUserMessages($userID);
//Delete each message
foreach($list as $message){
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
* Delete all the conversations of a user
* @param int $userID The target user ID
* @return bool TRUE for a success / FALSE else
public function deleteAllUserConversations(int $userID) : bool {
//Get the entire list of conversations of the user
$list = $this->getList($userID);
//Process the list of conversations
foreach($list as $conversation){
//Remove the user from the conversation
if(!$this->removeUserFromConversation($userID, $conversation->get_id()))
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
* Get a list of conversation messages based on specified conditions
* @param string $conditions The conditions of the request
* @param array $conditionsValues The values of the conditions (Optionnal)
* @return array The list of messages as ConversationMessage objects
private function getMessages(string $conditions, array $conditionsValues = array()) : array{
//Prepare database request
$tableName = self::MESSAGES_TABLE;
//Define required fields
$requiredFields = array(
//Try to perform request on the database
$messages = CS::get()->db->select($tableName, $conditions, $conditionsValues, $requiredFields);
//Process each message
foreach($messages as $num=>$message)
$messages[$num] = self::dbToConvMessage($message);
//Return result
return $messages;
* Turn a conversation database entry into a ConversationInfo object
* @param array $entry Conversation entry in the database
* @return ConversationInfo Generated conversation information object
private function dbToConvInfo(array $entry) : ConversationInfo {
$conv = new ConversationInfo();
if($entry["name"] != null)
$conv->set_following($entry["following"] == 1);
$conv->set_saw_last_message($entry["saw_last_message"] == 1);
return $conv;
* Turn a conversation message into ConversationMessage object
* @param array $entry Conversation entry in the database
* @return ConversationMessage Generated ConversationMessage object
private function dbToConvMessage(array $entry) : ConversationMessage {
$message = new ConversationMessage();
if($entry["image_path"] != null)
if($entry["message"] != null)
return $message;
* Turn a database entry into a UnreadConversation object
* @param array $entry Conversation entry in the database
* @return UnreadConversation Generated object
private function dbToUnreadConversation(array $entry) : UnreadConversation {
$conversation = new UnreadConversation();
if($entry["name"] != null)
if($entry["message"] != null)
return $conversation;
//Register component
Components::register("conversations", new Conversations());