form_create_account_first_name_placeholder:"Your first name",
form_create_account_last_name_label:"Last name",
form_create_account_last_name_placeholder:"Your last name",
form_create_account_email_address_label:"Email address <small><i class='fa fa-warning'></i> Warning! You will not be able to change this later !</small>",
form_create_account_terms_label:"I have read and accepted the <a href='%p' target='_blank'>terms of use of the network</a>",
form_create_account_submit:"Create the account",
form_create_account_login_with_existing:"Login with an existing account",
form_create_account_err_need_accept_terms:"Please read and accept the terms of use of the website!",
form_create_account_err_need_first_name:"Please check your first name !",
form_create_account_err_check_last_name:"Please check your last name !",
form_create_account_err_check_email_address:"Please check your email address !",
form_create_account_err_check_password:"Please check your password !",
form_create_account_err_passwd_differents:"The two passwords are not the same !",
form_create_account_err_create_account_message:"An error occured while trying to create your account. It is most likely to be a server error, or the given email address is already associated with an account.",