2018-04-11 10:10:11 +02:00
/ * *
* Create account page
* @ author Pierre HUBERT
* /
ComunicWeb . pages . createAccount = {
/ * *
* Open create account page
* @ param { Object } additionnalData Additionnal data passed in the method
* @ param { element } target Where the page will be applied
* /
openPage : function ( additionnalData , target ) {
//Display the account creation form
this . _display _form ( target ) ;
} ,
/ * *
* Display the account creation form
* @ param { HTMLElement } target The target for the page
* /
_display _form : function ( target ) {
//Create form root
var formRoot = createElem2 ( {
appendTo : target ,
type : "div" ,
class : "create-account-form"
} ) ;
//Add a title
createElem2 ( {
appendTo : formRoot ,
type : "h2" ,
innerHTML : "Create an account"
} ) ;
//Add a message
createElem2 ( {
appendTo : formRoot ,
type : "p" ,
innerHTML : "Use the following form to create an account and join the network : "
} ) ;
2018-04-11 10:52:06 +02:00
//Create the message target
var messagesTarget = createElem2 ( {
appendTo : formRoot ,
type : "div"
} ) ;
2018-04-11 10:10:11 +02:00
//Input user first name
var firstNameInput = createFormGroup ( {
target : formRoot ,
label : "First name" ,
placeholder : "Your first name" ,
type : "text"
} ) ;
//Input user last name
var lastNameInput = createFormGroup ( {
target : formRoot ,
label : "Last name" ,
placeholder : "Your last name" ,
type : "text"
} ) ;
//Input user email
var emailInput = createFormGroup ( {
target : formRoot ,
label : "Email address <small><i class='fa fa-warning'></i> Warning! You will not be able to change this later !</small>" ,
placeholder : "Your email address" ,
type : "email"
} ) ;
//Input user password
var passwordInput = createFormGroup ( {
target : formRoot ,
label : "Password" ,
placeholder : "Your password" ,
type : "password"
} ) ;
//Confirm user password
var confirmPasswordInput = createFormGroup ( {
target : formRoot ,
label : "Confirm your password" ,
placeholder : "Your password" ,
type : "password"
} ) ;
2018-05-10 15:06:29 +02:00
//Terms of use must have been accepted
var siteTerms = createFormGroup ( {
target : formRoot ,
label : "I have read and accepted the <a href='" + ComunicWeb . _ _config . aboutWebsiteURL + "about/terms/' target='_blank'>terms of use of the network</a>" ,
type : "checkbox"
} ) ;
2018-04-11 10:10:11 +02:00
//Submit form
var submitButtonContainer = createElem2 ( {
appendTo : formRoot ,
type : "div" ,
class : "submit-form"
} ) ;
var submitButton = createElem2 ( {
appendTo : submitButtonContainer ,
type : "button" ,
class : "btn btn-primary" ,
innerHTML : "Create the account"
} ) ;
2018-04-11 15:56:55 +02:00
//Add bottom links area
var bottomLinks = createElem2 ( {
appendTo : formRoot ,
type : "div" ,
class : "bottom-form-links"
} ) ;
//Create a link to redirect to the login page
var loginLink = createElem2 ( {
appendTo : bottomLinks ,
type : "a" ,
innerHTML : "Login with an existing account"
} ) ;
loginLink . onclick = function ( ) {
openPage ( "login" ) ;
2018-04-11 10:52:06 +02:00
//Make the form lives
submitButton . onclick = function ( ) {
//Empty the message target
emptyElem ( messagesTarget ) ;
2018-05-10 15:06:29 +02:00
//Check the terms of use have been accepted
if ( ! siteTerms . checked )
return notify ( "Please read and accept the terms of use of the website!" , "danger" ) ;
2018-04-11 10:52:06 +02:00
//Check the first name
if ( ! ComunicWeb . common . formChecker . checkInput ( firstNameInput , true ) )
return notify ( "Please check your first name !" , "danger" ) ;
//Check the last name
if ( ! ComunicWeb . common . formChecker . checkInput ( lastNameInput , true ) )
return notify ( "Please check your last name !" , "danger" ) ;
//Check the email address
if ( ! ComunicWeb . common . formChecker . checkInput ( emailInput , true ) )
return notify ( "Please check your email address !" , "danger" ) ;
//Check the password
if ( ! ComunicWeb . common . formChecker . checkInput ( passwordInput , true ) )
return notify ( "Please check your password !" , "danger" ) ;
//Check the confirmation password
if ( passwordInput . value != confirmPasswordInput . value )
return notify ( "The two passwords are not the same !" , "danger" ) ;
//Lock create account button
submitButton . disabled = true ;
//Try to create the account
if ( ComunicWeb . components . account . interface . createAccount (
firstNameInput . value ,
lastNameInput . value ,
emailInput . value ,
passwordInput . value ,
function ( response ) {
//Unlock button
submitButton . disabled = false ;
//Check for error
if ( response . error ) {
//Display an error
messagesTarget . appendChild ( ComunicWeb . common . messages . createCalloutElem (
"Account creation failed" ,
"An error occured while trying to create your account. It is most likely to be a server error, or the given email address is already associated with an account." ,
) ) ;
return ;
2018-04-11 12:25:50 +02:00
//Redirect to the account created page
openPage ( "account_created" ) ;
2018-04-11 10:52:06 +02:00
) ) ;
} ;
} ,
2018-04-11 10:10:11 +02:00