/** * Calls window * * @author Pierre Hubert */ class CallWindow extends CustomEvents { /** * Create a new call window * * @param {Conversation} conv Information about the target conversation */ constructor(conv) { super() // Initialize variables this.conv = conv; this.callID = conv.ID; /** @type {Map} */ this.peersEls = new Map() /** @type {Map} */ this.videoEls = new Map() this.construct(conv); } async construct(conv) { try { // Check if calls target exists or not if(!byId("callsTarget")) createElem2({ appendTo: byId("wrapper"), type: "div", id: "callsTarget", }) this.conv = conv; this.rootEl = createElem2({ appendTo: byId("callsTarget"), type: "div", class: "call-window" }) // Construct head this.windowHead = createElem2({ appendTo: this.rootEl, type: "div", class: "head", innerHTML: "" + await getConvName(conv) + " " }) // Close button this.closeButton = createElem2({ appendTo: this.windowHead.querySelector(".pull-right"), type: "a", innerHTML: "", onclick: () => this.Close() }) this.makeWindowDraggable(); // Create members area this.membersArea = createElem2({ appendTo: this.rootEl, type: "div", class: "members-area" }) // Create videos area this.videosArea = createElem2({ appendTo: this.rootEl, type: "div", class: "videos-area" }) // Contruct bottom area const bottomArea = createElem2({ appendTo: this.rootEl, type: "div", class: "window-bottom" }) /** * @param {HTMLElement} btn * @param {boolean} selected */ const setButtonSelected = (btn, selected) => { if(selected) btn.classList.add("selected") else btn.classList.remove("selected") } // Display the list of buttons const buttonsList = [ // Audio button { icon: "fa-microphone", label: "mic", selected: false, onclick: () => { this.toggleStream(false) } }, // Hang up button { icon: "fa-phone", class: "hang-up-button", selected: false, onclick: () => { this.Close(true) } }, // Video button { icon: "fa-video-camera", label: "camera", selected: false, onclick: () => { this.toggleStream(true) } }, //Full screen button { icon: "fa-expand", selected: false, onclick: (btn) => { RequestFullScreen(this.rootEl); setTimeout(() => { setButtonSelected(btn, IsFullScreen()); }, 1000); } }, ] //Add buttons buttonsList.forEach((button) => { const buttonEl = createElem2({ appendTo: bottomArea, type: "div", innerHTML: "" }); buttonEl.setAttribute("data-label", button.label) //Add button optionnal class if(button.class) buttonEl.classList.add(button.class); buttonEl.addEventListener("click", () => { button.onclick(buttonEl); }); setButtonSelected(buttonEl, button.selected) }); /** * Refresh buttons state */ this.refreshButtonsState = () => { // Microphone button setButtonSelected( bottomArea.querySelector("[data-label=\"mic\"]"), this.mainStream && this.mainStream.getAudioTracks()[0].enabled ) // Video button setButtonSelected( bottomArea.querySelector("[data-label=\"camera\"]"), this.mainStream && this.mainStream.getVideoTracks().length > 0 && this.mainStream.getVideoTracks()[0].enabled ) } // Join the call await ws("calls/join", { convID: this.conv.ID }) // Get call configuration this.callsConfig = await ws("calls/config"); // Get the list of members of the call const currMembersList = await ws("calls/members", { callID: this.conv.ID }) // Apply this list of user for(const user of currMembersList) if(user.userID != userID()) await this.AddMember(user.userID) // Start to connect to ready pears for(const user of currMembersList) if(user.userID != userID() && user.ready) await this.PeerReady(user.userID) } catch(e) { console.error(e) notify("Could not initialize call!", "danger"); } } /** * Check if this conversation window is open or not * * @returns {boolean} */ get isOpen() { return this.rootEl.isConnected } /** * Make the call window draggable */ makeWindowDraggable() { const checkWindowMinPosition = () => { if(window.innerHeight < this.rootEl.style.top.replace("px", "")) this.rootEl.style.top = "0px"; if(window.innerWidth < this.rootEl.style.left.replace("px", "")) this.rootEl.style.left = "0px"; if(this.rootEl.style.left.replace("px", "") < 0) this.rootEl.style.left = "0px"; if(this.rootEl.style.top.replace("px", "") < 49) this.rootEl.style.top = "50px"; } //Enable dragging { var pos1 = 0, pos2 = 0, pos3 = 0, pos4 = 0; this.windowHead.addEventListener("mousedown", (e) => { e = e || window.event; e.preventDefault(); //Check if the window is currently in full screen mode if(IsFullScreen()) return; //get the mouse cursor position at startup pos3 = e.clientX; pos4 = e.clientY; document.onmouseup = closeDragElement; document.onmousemove = elementDrag; }); const elementDrag = (e) => { e = e || window.event; e.preventDefault(); //Calculate new cursor position pos1 = pos3 - e.clientX; pos2 = pos4 - e.clientY; pos3 = e.clientX; pos4 = e.clientY; //Set element new position this.rootEl.style.top = (this.rootEl.offsetTop - pos2) + "px"; this.rootEl.style.left = (this.rootEl.offsetLeft - pos1) + "px"; checkWindowMinPosition(); } const closeDragElement = () => { //Stop moving when mouse button is released document.onmouseup = null; document.onmousemove = null; } } window.addEventListener("resize", () => { checkWindowMinPosition(); }); } /** * Close this window & cancel the call * * @param {boolean} propagate Set to true to propagate * the event */ async Close(propagate = true) { this.rootEl.remove(); // Leave the call if(UserWebSocket.IsConnected) await ws("calls/leave", { convID: this.conv.ID }) if(this.mainPeer) { this.mainPeer.destroy(); delete this.mainPeer; } // Destroy peer connections for(const el of this.peersEls) el[1].destroy() if(propagate) this.emitEvent("close"); } /** * Add a member to this call * * @param {number} userID The ID of the target member */ async AddMember(userID) { // Apply user information const el = createElem2({ appendTo: this.membersArea, type: "span", innerHTML: (await user(userID)).fullName }); el.setAttribute("data-call-member-name-id", userID) } /** * Get the name element of a member * * @param {number} userID The ID of the user to get * @return {HTMLElement|null} */ getMemberNameEl(userID) { return this.membersArea.querySelector("[data-call-member-name-id=\""+userID+"\"]"); } /** * Remove a member connection * * @param {number} userID Target user ID */ async RemoveMemberConnection(userID) { const el = this.getMemberNameEl(userID) if(el) el.classList.remove("ready") // Remove video (if any) if(this.videoEls.has(userID)) { const el = this.videoEls.get(userID); this.videoEls.delete(userID) el.pause() el.remove() } // Remove peer connection (if any) if(this.peersEls.has(userID)) { this.peersEls.get(userID).destroy() this.peersEls.delete(userID) } } /** * Remove a user from a call * * @param {number} userID The ID of the target user */ async RemoveMember(userID) { // Remove user name const el = this.getMemberNameEl(userID) if(el) el.remove() this.RemoveMemberConnection(userID); } /** * Get call configuration */ callConfig() { return { iceServers: this.callsConfig.iceServers.map((e) => {return {urls: e}}) }; } /** * Toggle stream state * * @param {boolean} isVideo */ async toggleStream(isVideo) { if(isVideo && !this.conv.can_have_video_call) { notify("Video calls can not be perfomed on this conversations!", "danger") return; } const hasAudio = (this.mainPeer && !this.mainPeer.destroyed) === true; const hasVideo = (this.mainPeer && !this.mainPeer.destroyed && this.mainStream && this.mainStream.getVideoTracks().length > 0) === true; // Check if current stream is not enough if(hasAudio && isVideo && !hasVideo) this.mainPeer.destroy() // Check if we have to start stream or just to mute them if(!hasAudio || (isVideo && !hasVideo)) { await this.startStreaming(isVideo) } // Toggle mute else { // Video if(isVideo) { this.mainStream.getVideoTracks()[0].enabled = !this.mainStream.getVideoTracks()[0].enabled } // Audio else { this.mainStream.getAudioTracks()[0].enabled = !this.mainStream.getAudioTracks()[0].enabled } } this.refreshButtonsState() } /** * Add audio / video stream to the user * * @param {number} peerID Remove peer ID * @param {boolean} muted True to mute video * @param {MediaStream} stream Target stream */ addVideoStream(peerID, muted, stream) { // Remove any previous video stream if(this.videoEls.has(peerID)) { this.videoEls.get(peerID).remove() } const videoEl = document.createElement(stream.getVideoTracks().length > 0 ? "video" : "audio"); this.videosArea.appendChild(videoEl) videoEl.muted = muted; videoEl.srcObject = stream videoEl.play() this.videoEls.set(peerID, videoEl) } /** * Send a signal back to the proxy * * @param {Number} peerID Target peer ID * @param {data} data The signal to send */ async SendSignal(peerID, data) { const type = data.hasOwnProperty("sdp") ? "SDP" : "CANDIDATE"; await ws("calls/signal", { callID: this.callID, peerID: peerID, type: type, data: type == "SDP" ? JSON.stringify(data) : JSON.stringify(data.candidate) }) } /** * Start to send this client audio & video * * @param {boolean} includeVideo */ async startStreaming(includeVideo) { // First, query user media const stream = await navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia({ video: this.conv.can_have_video_call && includeVideo, audio: true }) this.mainStream = stream; if(includeVideo) stream.getVideoTracks()[0].applyConstraints({ width: {max: 320}, height: {max: 240}, frameRate: {max: 24} }) // Check if the window was closed in the mean time if(!this.isOpen) return // Show user video this.addVideoStream(userID(), true, stream) this.mainPeer = new SimplePeer({ initiator: true, trickle: true, // Allow exchange of multiple ice candidates stream: stream, config: this.callConfig() }) // Forward signals this.mainPeer.on("signal", data => { this.SendSignal(userID(), data) }) // Return errors this.mainPeer.on("error", err => { console.error("Peer error!", err); notify("An error occured while trying to connect!", "danger", 5) }); this.mainPeer.on("connect", () => { console.info("Connected to remote peer!") ws("calls/mark_ready", { callID: this.callID }) }) this.mainPeer.on("message", message => { console.log("Message from remote peer: " + message); }); this.mainPeer.on("stream", stream => { console.log("mainPeer stream", stream) alert("Stream on main peer!!!") }); /* DO NOT DO THIS !!! On configuration change it would close the call window... this.mainPeer.on("close", () => { console.log("Connection to main peer was closed.") if(this.mainPeer) this.Close(false); });*/ } /** * Start to receive video from remote peer * * @param {number} peerID Target peer ID */ async PeerReady(peerID) { // Remove any previous connection if(this.peersEls.has(peerID)) { this.peersEls.get(peerID).destroy() } // Mark the peer as ready const el = this.getMemberNameEl(peerID) if(el) el.classList.add("ready") const peer = new SimplePeer({ initiator: false, trickle: true, // Allow exchange of multiple ice candidates config: this.callConfig(), }) this.peersEls.set(peerID, peer) peer.on("signal", data => this.SendSignal(peerID, data)) peer.on("error", err => { console.error("Peer error! (peer: " + peerID + ")", err); notify("An error occured while trying to to a peer !", "danger", 5) }); peer.on("connect", () => { console.info("Connected to a remote peer ("+peerID+") !") }) peer.on("message", message => { console.log("Message from remote peer: " + message); }); peer.on("stream", stream => { console.log("Got remote peer stream", stream) this.addVideoStream(peerID, false, stream) }); peer.on("close", () => { console.info("Connection to peer " + peerID + " closed"); this.RemoveMemberConnection(peerID) }) // Request an offer from proxy await ws("calls/request_offer", { callID: this.callID, peerID: peerID, }) console.log(peer) } /** * Handles new signals * * @param {Number} peerID Target peer ID * @param {any} data Signal data */ NewSignal(peerID, data) { if(peerID == userID()) { if(this.mainPeer) this.mainPeer.signal(data) } else if(this.peersEls.has(peerID)) { this.peersEls.get(peerID).signal(data) } } }