/** * English language * * @author Pierre HUBERT */ ComunicWeb.common.langs.en = { /** * Common */ //Really really common messages _loading: "Loading...", _send: "Send", _choose: "Choisir", //Error messages "__fatal_error": "Fatal error", "__fatal_error_explanation": "A fatal error occured : %p. Please try to refresh the page...", /** * Components */ //Menu bar - login form _menu_bar_login_btn: "Login", _menu_bar_login_passwd: "Password", _menu_bar_login_email: "Email address", //Menu bar - authenticated _menu_bar_search_placeholder: "Search...", _menu_bar_action_logout: "Logout", //Posts form _post_type_text: "Text", _post_type_youtube: "Youtube", _post_type_image: "Image", _post_type_movie: "Movie", _post_type_link: "Weblink", _post_type_pdf: "PDF", _post_type_countdown: "Timer", _post_type_survey: "Survey", _input_youtube_link_label: "Youtube video link", _no_movie_selected: "No movie selected.", _input_page_url_label: "Page URL", _input_countdown_enddate: "End date", _input_survey_question_label: "Question for the survey", _input_survey_question_placeholder: "Question", _input_survey_answers_label: "Answers", _input_survey_answers_hint: "Type your answer and then press return (enter) key to confirm it.", _err_drag_image_post: "Please do not drag images directly in the message !", /** * Pages */ //Landing page _landing_main_caption: "Free social network that respects your privacy.", _landing_signup_link: "Sign up", _landing_signin_link: "Sign in", landing_page_learn_more: "Learn more", //Login form _login_page_top_msg: "Login to your Comunic account.", _login_page_remember_me: "Remember me", _login_page_email_placeholder: "Email", _login_page_password_placeholder: "Password", _login_page_submit: "Sign In", _login_page_error_head: "Login failed", _login_page_error_message: "Please check your usermail and password !", _login_page_bad_input: "Please check what you've typed !", _login_page_create_account_lnk: "Create an account", login_page_forgot_password: "Forgot password", //Create account page form_create_account_title: "Create an account", form_create_account_intro: "Use the following form to create an account and join the network : ", form_create_account_first_name_label: "First name", form_create_account_first_name_placeholder: "Your first name", form_create_account_last_name_label: "Last name", form_create_account_last_name_placeholder: "Your last name", form_create_account_email_address_label: "Email address Warning! You will not be able to change this later !", form_create_account_email_address_placeholder: "Your email address", form_create_account_password_label: "Password", form_create_account_password_placeholder: "Your password", form_create_account_confirm_password_label: "Confirm your password", form_create_account_confirm_password_placeholder: "Your password", form_create_account_terms_label: "I have read and accepted the terms of use of the network", form_create_account_submit: "Create the account", form_create_account_login_with_existing: "Login with an existing account", form_create_account_err_need_accept_terms: "Please read and accept the terms of use of the website!", form_create_account_err_need_first_name: "Please check your first name !", form_create_account_err_check_last_name: "Please check your last name !", form_create_account_err_check_email_address: "Please check your email address !", form_create_account_err_check_password: "Please check your password !", form_create_account_err_passwd_differents: "The two passwords are not the same !", form_create_account_err_create_account_message: "An error occured while trying to create your account. It is most likely to be a server error, or the given email address is already associated with an account.", form_create_account_err_create_account_title: "Account creation failed", //Account created page account_created_message_title: "Congratulations!", account_created_message_body: "Your account has been successfully created!
Login now to use all the features of Comunic!", account_created_message_login: "Login", //Latest posts page page_latest_posts_err_get_list_title: "Error", page_latest_posts_err_get_list_message: "Could not get the list of the latest posts ! Please try to refresh the page...", page_latest_posts_notice_no_post_title: "No post to display", page_latest_posts_notice_no_posts_message: "Posts from you and your friend will appear here...", }