* Conversation chat window functions
* @author Pierre HUBERT
ComunicWeb.components.conversations.chatWindows = {
* Create a new chat window
* @param {Object} infos Informations required for the new chat window
* @info {HTMLElement} target The target of the new chat window
* @info {Integer} conversationID The ID of the target conversation
* @return {Object} Informations about the new chat window
create: function(infos){
//Log action
ComunicWeb.debug.logMessage("Create a new chat window");
//First, create the generic conversation window
var infosBox = ComunicWeb.components.conversations.windows.create(infos.target.children[0]);
//Save conversation ID
infosBox.conversationID = infos.conversationID;
//Change box root class name
infosBox.rootElem.className += " direct-chat";
//Adapt close button behaviour
infosBox.closeFunction = function(){
//Remove root element
//Remove the conversation from opened ones
infosBox.closeButton.onclick = infosBox.closeFunction;
infosBox.boxBody.innerHTML = "
Hello world";
//Add button to get conversation members
infosBox.membersButton = createElem("button");
infosBox.closeButton.parentNode.insertBefore(infosBox.membersButton, infosBox.closeButton);
infosBox.membersButton.type = "button";
infosBox.membersButton.className = "btn btn-box-tool";
infosBox.membersButton.setAttribute("data-toggle", "tooltip");
infosBox.membersButton.setAttribute("data-widget", "chat-pane-toggle");
infosBox.membersButton.title = "Conversation members";
//Add button icon
var buttonIcon = createElem("i", infosBox.membersButton);
buttonIcon.className = "fa fa-users";
//Add conversation members pane
var membersPane = createElem("div", infosBox.boxBody);
membersPane.className = "direct-chat-contacts";
//Add conversation members list
infosBox.membersList = createElem("ul", membersPane);
infosBox.membersList.className = "contacts-list";
//Return informations about the chat window
return infosBox;
* Change the name of the converation at the top of the windows
* @param {String} newName The new name for the conversation window
* @param {Ojbect} infos INformations about the conversation window
* @return {Boolean} True for a success
changeName: function(newName, infos){
//Empty name field
//Create conversation icon
var conversationIcon = createElem("i", infos.boxTitle);
conversationIcon.className = "fa fa-comments";
//Add conversation title
var conversationTitle = createElem("span", infos.boxTitle);
conversationTitle.innerHTML = " " + newName;
return true;
* Update conversation members list
* @param {Object} conversation Informations about the conversation
* @return {Boolean} True for a success
updateMembersList: function(conversation){
//First, make sure conversation members pane is empty
//Then process each user
var i = 0;
for(i in conversation.infos.members){
var memberInfos = conversation.membersInfos['user-'+conversation.infos.members[i]];
//Display user informations
var userLi = createElem("li", conversation.box.membersList);
var userLink = createElem("a", userLi);
//Add user account image
var userImage = createElem("img", userLink);
userImage.className = "contacts-list-img";
userImage.src = memberInfos.accountImage;
//Add member informations
var memberInfosList = createElem2({
type: "div",
appendTo: userLink,
class: "contacts-list-info",
//Add user name
var memberName = createElem2({
type: "span",
appendTo: memberInfosList,
class: "contacts-list-name",
innerHTML: memberInfos.firstName + " " + memberInfos.lastName,
//Check if members is a moderator or not of the conversation
var memberStatus = conversation.infos.ID_owner == memberInfos.userID ? "Moderator" : "Member";
//Add member status
var memberStatus = createElem2({
type: "span",
appendTo: memberInfosList,
class: "contats-list-msg",
innerHTML: memberStatus
//Enable slimscrooll
height: "100%",
color: "#FFFFFF"
return true;
* Show conversation settings (button + pane)
* @param {Object} infos Informations about the conversation
* @return {Boolean} True for a success
showConversationSettings: function(infos){
//Create and display conversation settings button wheel
infos.box.settingsButton = createElem2({
type: "button",
insertBefore: infos.box.membersButton,
class: "btn btn-box-tool",
type: "button"
//Add button icon
type: "i",
appendTo: infos.box.settingsButton,
class: "fa fa-gear",
//Create settings pane
var settingsPane = createElem2({
type: "div",
appendTo: infos.box.boxBody,
class: "conversation-settings-pane",
//Make the settings button lives
infos.box.settingsButton.onclick = function(){
//Update settings pane classname
if(settingsPane.className.includes(" open"))
settingsPane.className = settingsPane.className.replace(" open", ""); //Close the pane
settingsPane.className += " open"; //Open the pane
//Create the conversation form
var settingsForm = ComunicWeb.components.conversations.utils.createConversationForm(settingsPane);
//Update form informations
settingsForm.createButton.innerHTML = "Update conversation";
//Update conversation name
settingsForm.conversationNameInput.value = infos.infos.name;
//Update conversation members
//Update follow conversation checkbox
return true;