/** * Privacy settings section * * @author Pierre HUBERT */ const SettingsPrivacySection = { /** * Open settings section * * @param {object} args Additionnal arguments * @param {HTMLElement} target The target for the page */ open: async function(args, target){ try { // Information box this.showInfoBox(target); // Data conservation policy await this.showDataConservationPolicy(target); //Export data box this.showExportDataBox(target); //Delete account box this.showDeleteAccountBox(target); } catch(e) { console.error(e); target.appendChild(ComunicWeb.common.messages.createCalloutElem("Failed to load page", "The page failed to load !", "danger")); } }, /** * Show privacy policy information box * * @param {HTMLElement} target The target for the box */ showInfoBox: function(target){ //Create a box var box = createElem2({ appendTo: target, type: "div", class: "box box-primary box-export-account-data-settings" }); //Add box header var boxHead = createElem2({ appendTo: box, type: "div", class: "box-header", }); var boxTitle = createElem2({ appendTo: boxHead, type: "h3", class: "box-title", innerHTML: tr("About our policy") }); //Create box body var boxBody = createElem2({ appendTo: box, type: "div", class: "box-body" }); //Box content createElem2({ appendTo: boxBody, type: "p", innerHTML: tr( "We give an high importance to our users privacy. Please take some time to check our <a href='%privacy_policy_url%' target='_blank'>Privacy Policy</a> and our <a href='%terms_url%' target='_blank'>Terms of use</a>.", { "privacy_policy_url" :ServerConfig.conf.privacy_policy_url, "terms_url": ServerConfig.conf.terms_url, } ) }) }, /** * Show data conservation policy * * @param {HTMLElement} target */ showDataConservationPolicy: async function(target) { // Load template const tpl = await Page.loadHTMLTemplate("pages/settings/privacy/ConservationPolicy.html"); const el = document.createElement("div") el.innerHTML = tpl; target.appendChild(el) // Load user settings const settings = await SettingsInterface.getDataConservationPolicy(); // Load server policy const serverPolicy = ServerConfig.conf.data_conservation_policy; // Use Vue const oneDay = 60 * 60 * 24; const lifetimeOptions = [ {label: tr("Never"), value: 0}, {label: tr("7 days"), value: oneDay * 7}, {label: tr("15 days"), value: oneDay * 15}, {label: tr("1 month"), value: oneDay * 30}, {label: tr("3 months"), value: oneDay * 30 * 3}, {label: tr("6 months"), value: oneDay * 30 * 6}, {label: tr("1 year"), value: oneDay * 365}, {label: tr("5 years"), value: oneDay * 365 * 5}, {label: tr("10 years"), value: oneDay * 365 * 10}, {label: tr("50 years"), value: oneDay * 365 * 50} ]; let findOptionIndex = (value) => { if (!value) return lifetimeOptions[0].value; return lifetimeOptions.find(v => v.value >= value).value } const DataConservationPolicyVueApp = { data() { return { options: lifetimeOptions, settings: [ { title: tr("Automatically delete unread notifications after"), key: "notification_lifetime", value: findOptionIndex(settings.notification_lifetime), minVal: serverPolicy.min_notification_lifetime, }, { title: tr("Automatically delete your comments after"), key: "comments_lifetime", value: findOptionIndex(settings.comments_lifetime), minVal: serverPolicy.min_comments_lifetime, }, { title: tr("Automatically delete your posts after"), key: "posts_lifetime", value: findOptionIndex(settings.posts_lifetime), minVal: serverPolicy.min_posts_lifetime, }, { title: tr("Automatically delete your conversation messages after"), key: "conversation_messages_lifetime", value: findOptionIndex(settings.conversation_messages_lifetime), minVal: serverPolicy.min_conversation_messages_lifetime, }, { title: tr("Automatically delete your likes after"), key: "likes_lifetime", value: findOptionIndex(settings.likes_lifetime), minVal: serverPolicy.min_likes_lifetime, }, { title: tr("Automatically delete your account if you have been inactive for"), key: "inactive_account_lifetime", value: findOptionIndex(settings.inactive_account_lifetime), minVal: serverPolicy.min_inactive_account_lifetime, } ], password: "", updating: false, } }, methods: { async submitUpdate() { try { if (this.password.length < 3) return notify(tr("Please specify your password !"), "danger") let newSettings = {} for (let el of this.settings) newSettings[el.key] = el.value; this.updating = true; await SettingsInterface.setDataConservationPolicy(newSettings, this.password) } catch (e) { console.error(e) notify(tr("Failed to update data conservation policy!"), "danger"); } this.updating = false } } }; Vue.createApp(DataConservationPolicyVueApp).mount(el); }, /** * Show export personnal data box * * @param {HTMLElement} target The target for the box */ showExportDataBox: function(target){ //Create a box var box = createElem2({ appendTo: target, type: "div", class: "box box-primary box-export-account-data-settings" }); //Add box header var boxHead = createElem2({ appendTo: box, type: "div", class: "box-header", }); var boxTitle = createElem2({ appendTo: boxHead, type: "h3", class: "box-title", innerHTML: tr("Export account data") }); //Create box body var boxBody = createElem2({ appendTo: box, type: "div", class: "box-body" }); //Add a notice createElem2({ appendTo: boxBody, type: "p", innerHTML: tr("You can export all the data of your account from here.") }); //Add delete account button var exportAccountDataBtn = createElem2({ appendTo: boxBody, type: "div", class: "btn btn-primary", innerHTML: tr("Export account data") }); exportAccountDataBtn.addEventListener("click", (e) => { //Request account deletion ComunicWeb.components.settings.helper.requestAccountDataExport(); }); }, /** * Display delete account box * * @param {HTMLElement} target The target for the box */ showDeleteAccountBox: function(target){ //Create a box var box = createElem2({ appendTo: target, type: "div", class: "box box-danger box-delete-account-settings" }); //Add box header var boxHead = createElem2({ appendTo: box, type: "div", class: "box-header", }); var boxTitle = createElem2({ appendTo: boxHead, type: "h3", class: "box-title", innerHTML: "Delete account" }); //Create box body var boxBody = createElem2({ appendTo: box, type: "div", class: "box-body" }); //Add a notice createElem2({ appendTo: boxBody, type: "p", innerHTML: tr("You can decide here to delete your account. <br /><b>Warning! Warning! Warning! This operation CAN NOT BE REVERTED !!!! All your data (post, conversation messages, comments...) will be permanently deleted ! You will not be able to recover from this operation !</b>") }); //Add delete account button var deleteAccountBtn = createElem2({ appendTo: boxBody, type: "div", class: "btn btn-danger", innerHTML: tr("Delete your account") }); deleteAccountBtn.addEventListener("click", function(e){ //Request account deletion ComunicWeb.components.settings.helper.requestAccountDeletion(); }); }, } ComunicWeb.pages.settings.sections.privacy = SettingsPrivacySection;