 * Posts communication interface with the API
 * @author Pierre HUBERT

const PostsInterface = {

	 * Get user posts
	 * @param {int} userID The ID of the target user
	 * @param {int} lastPostID The ID of the last post loaded
	 * @param {function} callback Callback function
	get_user: function(userID, lastPostID, callback){

		//Load the previous posts to the loaded post if required
		if(lastPostID > 0)

		//Prepare the API request
		var APIuri = "posts/get_user";
		var params = {
			userID: userID,
			startFrom: lastPostID

		//Make the request
		ComunicWeb.common.api.makeAPIrequest(APIuri, params, true, callback);


	 * Get a group posts
	 * @param {number} groupID The ID of the target group
	 * @param {int} lastPostID The ID of the last post loaded
	 * @param {function} callback
	get_group: function(groupID, lastPostID, callback){

		//Load the previous posts to the loaded post if required
		if(lastPostID > 0)

		//Prepare the API request
		var APIuri = "posts/get_group";
		var params = {
			groupID: groupID,
			startFrom: lastPostID

		//Make the request
		ComunicWeb.common.api.makeAPIrequest(APIuri, params, true, callback);


	 * Get the list of the latest posts
	 * @param {number} lastPostID The ID of the loast loaded post (or 0)
	 * @param {boolean} include_groups Specify whether groups posts should be
	 * included or not
	 * @param {function} callback What to do when we got response
	get_latest: function(lastPostID, include_groups, callback){

		if(lastPostID > 0)

		//Prepare API request
		var APIuri = "posts/get_latest";
		var params = {
			startFrom: lastPostID,
			include_groups: include_groups

		//Perform the request
		ComunicWeb.common.api.makeAPIrequest(APIuri, params, true, callback);


	 * Get single post informations
	 * @param {int} postID The ID of the post to get
	 * @param {function} callback What to do once we got post informations
	get_single: function(postID, callback){

		//Prepare API request
		var APIuri = "posts/get_single";
		var params  = {
			postID: postID

		//Make the request
		ComunicWeb.common.api.makeAPIrequest(APIuri, params, true, callback);


	 * Send a new post
	 * @param {string} kind The kind of page
	 * @param {string} id The ID of the kind of page
	 * @param {FormData} data The data of the new post
	 * @param {function} callback The function to call once the post is posted
	send_post: function(kind, id, data, callback){

		//Prepare the request
		var apiURI = "posts/create";

		//Append the kind of post to the request
		data.append("kind-page", kind);
		data.append("kind-id", id);

		//Perform the request
		ComunicWeb.common.api.makeFormDatarequest(apiURI, data, true, callback);


	 * Get the list of available targets where user can create posts
	getAvailableTargets: function(){
		return api("posts/getAvailableTargets", null, true);

	 * Change post visibility level
	 * @param {int} postID The ID of the post
	 * @param {string} new_level New visibility level for the post
	 * @param {function} callback What to do once we got a response
	set_visibility_level: function(postID, new_level, callback){

		//Prepare the API request
		var APIuri = "posts/set_visibility_level";
		var params = {
			postID: postID,
			new_level: new_level

		//Make the request
		ComunicWeb.common.api.makeAPIrequest(APIuri, params, true, callback);


	 * Delete a post
	 * @param {int} postID The ID of the post to delete
	 * @param {function} callback What to do once we got a reponse
	delete: function(postID, callback){

		//Prepare an API request
		apiURI = "posts/delete";
		params = {
			postID: postID

		//Perform the request
		ComunicWeb.common.api.makeAPIrequest(apiURI, params, true, callback);


	 * Update a message content
	 * @param {int} postID The ID of the post to update
	 * @param {string} content The new content of the post
	 * @param {function} callback What to do once post has been updated
	update_content: function(postID, content, callback){

		//Prepare an API request
		apiURI = "posts/update_content";
		params = {
			postID: postID,
			new_content: content

		//Perform the request
		ComunicWeb.common.api.makeAPIrequest(apiURI, params, true, callback);


	 * Send a response to a survey
	 * @param {int} postID The ID of the target post
	 * @param {int} choiceID The ID of the selected choice
	 * @param {function} callback This function is called when we got a response
	survey_send_response: function(postID, choiceID, callback){

		//Prepare an API request
		apiURI = "surveys/send_response";
		params = {
			postID: postID,
			choiceID: choiceID

		//Perform the request
		ComunicWeb.common.api.makeAPIrequest(apiURI, params, true, callback);

	 * Cancel a response to a survey
	 * @param {int} postID The ID of the target post
	 * @param {function} callback This function is called once we got a response
	cancel_survey_response: function(postID, callback){

		//Prepare an API request
		apiURI = "surveys/cancel_response";
		params = {
			postID: postID

		//Perform the request
		ComunicWeb.common.api.makeAPIrequest(apiURI, params, true, callback);


	 * Create a new choice for this survey
	 * @param {number} postID The ID of the associated post
	 * @param {String} choice The value of the choice
	createSurveyChoice: async function(postID, choice) {
		await api("surveys/create_new_choice", {
			postID: postID,
			choice: choice
		}, true);

	 * Prevent new choices from being created
	 * @param {number} postID The ID of the target post
	blockNewSurveyChoices: async function(postID) {
		await api("surveys/block_new_choices_creation", {
			postID: postID
		}, true);

	_registerCount: {},

	 * Register for post updates
	 * @param {Number} postID Target post ID
	register: async function(postID) {
		if(!this._registerCount.hasOwnProperty(postID)) {
			await ws("$main/register_post", {postID: postID});
			this._registerCount[postID] = 1;

	 * Unregister of post updates
	 * @param {Number} postID Target post ID
	unregister: async function(postID) {

		// Auto unregister all remaining registered posts if websocket is closed
			this._registerCount = {}


		if(this._registerCount[postID] == 0) {
			await ws("$main/unregister_post", {postID: postID});
			delete this._registerCount[postID];

ComunicWeb.components.posts.interface = PostsInterface;

document.addEventListener("wsClosed", () => {
	PostsInterface._registerCount = {}