 * This file contains shorcuts to ease access of common functions
 * @author Pierre HUBERT

 * Create a quick language access function shorcut
 * @param {String} stringName The name of the string to show
 * @param {Array} stringParams The optionnal parametres to include with the string
 * @return {String} The string ready to show
function lang(stringName, stringParams){
    //Check if any params has been specified
        var stringParams = [];

    //Call translate function
    return ComunicWeb.common.langs.getTranslatedText(stringName, stringParams);

 * Function to change currently opened page
 * @param {String} pageURI The URI to the page
 * @param {Object} additionnalData Additionnal data to pass to the new page
 * @return {Boolean} True for a success
function openPage(pageURI, additionnalData){
	return ComunicWeb.common.page.openPage(pageURI, additionnalData);

 * Open a user page quickly
 * @param {String} user The ID of the user or its directory
 * @return {Boolean} True for a success
function openUserPage(user){
    return openPage("user/" + user);

 * Check if user is signed in or not
 * @return {Boolean} True if the user is signed in / false else
function signed_in(){
    return ComunicWeb.user.userLogin.getUserLoginState();

 * Returns user ID (if logged in)
 * @param Nothing
 * @return {Integer} The ID of the user
function userID(){
    return ComunicWeb.user.userLogin.getUserID();

 * Returns the full name of a user
 * @param {Object} infos Informations about the user
 * @return {String} The full name of the user
function userFullName(infos){
    return infos.firstName + " " + infos.lastName;

 * Return the ID of a user, or its path, depending of what 
 * is available
 * @param {Object} infos Informations about the user
 * @return {String} The ID of the user, or it's path
function userIDorPath(infos){
    return ComunicWeb.user.userInfos.getIDorPath(infos);

 * Get multiple users informations
 * @param {Array~Object} usersID User on which to make request (current to get connected user)
 * @param {function} afterGetUserInfos What to do once users informations are available
 * @param {Boolean} forceRequest Force the request to be made
 * @return {Boolean} True for a success
function getMultipleUsersInfos(usersID, afterGetUserInfos, forceRequest){
	ComunicWeb.user.userInfos.getMultipleUsersInfos(usersID, afterGetUserInfos, forceRequest);

 * Display message on browser console
 * @param {String} message The message to show on browser console
function log(message){

 * Open a conversation specified by its ID
 * @param {number} id The ID of the conversation to open
function openConversation(id){
        conversationID: id

 * Display a notification
 * @param {string} message The message of the notification
 * @param {string} type The type of the notification (danger, info, success, primary)
 * @param {number} duration The notification duration
 * @param {string} title The title of the notification
function notify(message, type, duration, title){
    ComunicWeb.common.notificationSystem.showNotification(message, type, duration, title)