/** * Posts UI * * @author Pierre HUBERT */ ComunicWeb.components.posts.ui = { /** * Show a single post * * @param {Object} infos Informations about the post * @param {HTMLElement} target The target for the post */ display_post: function(infos, target){ //Create post root element var postRoot = createElem2({ appendTo: target, type: "div", class: "post" }); //Display user block var userBlock = createElem2({ appendTo: postRoot, type: "div", class: "user-block" }); //Display user account image var userAccountImage = createElem2({ appendTo: userBlock, type: "img", class: "img-circle img-bordered-sm", src: ComunicWeb.__config.assetsURL + "img/defaultAvatar.png" }); //Add user name var userNameBlock = createElem2({ appendTo: userBlock, type: "span", class: "username", }); var userName = createElem2({ appendTo: userNameBlock, type: "a", innerHTML: "Loading" }); //Add post description var postDescription = createElem2({ appendTo: userBlock, type: "span", class: "description" }); //Show the age of the post postDescription.innerHTML = ComunicWeb.common.date.timeDiffToStr(infos.post_time) + " ago"; //Load user informations ComunicWeb.user.userInfos.getUserInfos(infos.userID, function(result){ if(result.firstName){ userAccountImage.src = result.accountImage; userName.innerHTML = result.firstName + " " + result.lastName; userName.onclick = function(){ openUserPage(userIDorPath(result)); } } }); //Create top right area var topRightArea = createElem2({ insertAsFirstChild: userBlock, type: "div", class: "pull-right top-right-buttons", }); //Load informations about visibility var visibilityTarget = createElem2({ appendTo: topRightArea, type: "div", class: "visibility" }); //Get informations about the current visibility level var visibilityInfos = ComunicWeb.components.posts.visibilityLevels[infos.visibility_level]; //Check user level access if(infos.user_access != "full"){ //The user can't change the visibility level of the post //Display visibility level as a simple icon createElem2({ appendTo: visibilityTarget, type: "i", class: "read-only fa "+visibilityInfos.icon }); } else { //The user can change the visibility level of the post //Create button gropu var visibilityButtonGroup = createElem2({ appendTo: visibilityTarget, type: "div", class: "btn-group" }); //Visibility choose button var visibilityChooseButton = createElem2({ appendTo: visibilityButtonGroup, type: "button", class: "btn btn-default dropdown-toggle", elemType: "button", }); visibilityChooseButton.setAttribute("data-toggle", "dropdown"); //Set the current value of the button visibilityChooseButton.innerHTML = ""; //Add dropdown menu var visibilityDropdown = createElem2({ appendTo: visibilityButtonGroup, type: "ul", class: "dropdown-menu" }); //Process all visibility levels var privateChoice = this._add_visibility_menu_item(visibilityDropdown, "private"); var friendsChoice = this._add_visibility_menu_item(visibilityDropdown, "friends"); var publicChoice = this._add_visibility_menu_item(visibilityDropdown, "public"); var onVisibilityLevelChoice = function(){ //Get the new visibility level var new_level = this.getAttribute("data-level"); //Lock button visibilityChooseButton.disabled = true; //Make a request on the server to update the level ComunicWeb.components.posts.interface.set_visibility_level(infos.ID, new_level, function(response){ //Unlock button visibilityChooseButton.disabled = false; //Check for errors if(response.error){ ComunicWeb.common.notificationSystem.showNotification("Couldn't change post visibility level !", "danger"); return; } //Change the level on the button visibilityChooseButton.innerHTML = ""; }); } //Set the items lives privateChoice.onclick = onVisibilityLevelChoice; friendsChoice.onclick = onVisibilityLevelChoice; publicChoice.onclick = onVisibilityLevelChoice; } //Add a button to delete the post if the user is allowed if(infos.user_access == "full" || infos.user_access == "intermediate"){ var deleteButtonDiv = createElem2({ appendTo: topRightArea, type: "div", class: "del-post-div" }); var deleteButtonLink = createElem2({ appendTo: deleteButtonDiv, type: "a", innerHTML: "" }); //Make delete button lives deleteButtonLink.onclick = function(){ //Create a confirmation dialog ComunicWeb.common.messages.confirm("Are you sure do you want to delete this post? The operation can not be reverted !", function(accept){ //Check if the user cancelled the operation if(!accept) return; postRoot.style.visibility = "hidden"; //Delete the post ComunicWeb.components.posts.interface.delete(infos.ID, function(response){ //Check for error if(response.error){ //Display an error ComunicWeb.common.notificationSystem.showNotification("An error occured while trying to delete post !", "danger"); //Make the post visible postRoot.style.visibility = "visible"; return; } //Delete the post emptyElem(postRoot); postRoot.remove(); }); }); } } //Add post attachement (if any) if(infos.kind == "text"){ //Do nothing } //In case of image else if(infos.kind == "image"){ //Image link var imageLink = createElem2({ appendTo: postRoot, type:"a", href: infos.file_path_url, }); //Image element createElem2({ appendTo: imageLink, type: "img", src: infos.file_path_url, class: "post-image" }); //Enable lightbox imageLink.onclick = function(){ $(this).ekkoLightbox({ alwaysShowClose: true, }); return false; } } //In case of video else if(infos.kind == "movie"){ var videoContener = createElem2({ appendTo: postRoot, type: "div", class: "post-video" }); //Create video element var video = createElem2({ appendTo: videoContener, type: "video", class: "video-js vjs-default-skin" }); video.setAttribute("controls", ""); //Add source var video_src = createElem2({ appendTo: video, type: "source", src: infos.video_infos.url }); video_src.type = infos.video_infos.file_type; //Enable videoJS //videojs(video); } //In case of YouTube video else if(infos.kind == "youtube"){ //Create iframe var youtube_iframe = createElem2({ appendTo: postRoot, type: "iframe", class: "post-youtube", src: "https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/"+infos.file_path+"?rel=0" }); youtube_iframe.setAttribute("frameborder", 0); youtube_iframe.setAttribute("gesture", "media"); youtube_iframe.setAttribute("allow", "encrypted-media"); youtube_iframe.setAttribute("allowfullscreen", ""); } //In case of PDF else if(infos.kind == "pdf"){ //Create PDF button var buttonContainer = createElem2({ appendTo: postRoot, type: "div", class: "post-pdf", }); var button = createElem2({ appendTo: buttonContainer, type: "a", class: "btn btn-app", href: infos.file_path_url, }); button.target = "_blank"; createElem2({ appendTo: button, type: "i", class: "fa fa-file-pdf-o" }); createElem2({ appendTo: button, type: "span", innerHTML: "PDF" }); } //In case of weblink else if(infos.kind == "weblink"){ var linkContainer = createElem2({ appendTo: postRoot, type: "div", class: "attachment-block clearfix" }); //Link image var link_img = createElem2({ appendTo: linkContainer, type: "img", src: (infos.link_image != "default" ? infos.link_image : ComunicWeb.__config.assetsURL + "img/world.png"), class: "attachment-img", }); //Link heading var link_heading = createElem2({ appendTo: linkContainer, type: "h4", class: "attachment-heading", innerHTML: (infos.link_title != "default" ? infos.link_title : "Web page") }); //Add attachement text var link_attachment_text = createElem2({ appendTo: linkContainer, type: "div", class: "attachment_text", }); var link_a_url = createElem2({ appendTo: link_attachment_text, type: "a", href: infos.link_url, innerHTML: infos.link_url }); link_a_url.target = "_blank"; //Add description (if any) if(infos.link_description != "default"){ var link_description = createElem2({ appendTo: link_attachment_text, type: "p", innerHTML: infos.link_description }); } } //In case of countdown timer else if (infos.kind == "countdown"){ //Create countdown target var target = createElem2({ appendTo: postRoot, type: "div", class: "post-countdown" }); //Initialize countdown timer ComunicWeb.components.countdown.init(infos.time_end, target); } //In case of survey else if(infos.kind == "survey"){ //Add survey question var surveyQuestion = createElem2({ appendTo: postRoot, type: "h4", innerHTML: infos.data_survey.infos.question, class: "post-survey-question" }); //Create row var row = createElem2({ appendTo: postRoot, type: "div", class: "row post-survey-chart-contener" }); //Create canvas column var leftColumn = createElem2({ appendTo: row, type: "div", class: "col-md-8" }); //Chart contener var chartContener = createElem2({ appendTo: leftColumn, type: "div", class: "chart-responsive" }); //Create canvas var canvas = createElem2({ appendTo: chartContener, type: "canvas", }); canvas.style.height = "150px"; //Create data column var rightColumn = createElem2({ appendTo: row, type: "div", class: "col-md-4" }); //Initialize legend var charLegend = createElem2({ appendTo: rightColumn, type: "ul", class: "chart-legend clearfix" }); //Define chart options var pieOptions = { //Boolean - Whether we should show a stroke on each segment segmentShowStroke: true, //String - The colour of each segment stroke segmentStrokeColor: "#fff", //Number - The width of each segment stroke segmentStrokeWidth: 1, //Number - The percentage of the chart that we cut out of the middle percentageInnerCutout: 50, // This is 0 for Pie charts //Number - Amount of animation steps animationSteps: 100, //String - Animation easing effect animationEasing: "easeOutBounce", //Boolean - Whether we animate the rotation of the Doughnut animateRotate: true, //Boolean - Whether we animate scaling the Doughnut from the centre animateScale: false, //Boolean - whether to make the chart responsive to window resizing responsive: true, // Boolean - whether to maintain the starting aspect ratio or not when responsive, if set to false, will take up entire container maintainAspectRatio: false, //String - A legend template legendTemplate: "