/* jshint browser: true */ ( function( window, $ ) { "use strict"; /* * Represenets an editor * @constructor * @param {DOMNode} element - The TEXTAREA element to add the Wysiwyg to. * @param {object} userOptions - The default options selected by the user. */ function Wysiwyg( element, userOptions ) { // This calls the $ function, with the element as a parameter and // returns the jQuery object wrapper for element. It also assigns the // jQuery object wrapper to the property $editor on `this`. this.selectedRange = null; this.editor = $( element ); var editor = $( element ); var defaults = { hotKeys: { "Ctrl+b meta+b": "bold", "Ctrl+i meta+i": "italic", "Ctrl+u meta+u": "underline", "Ctrl+z": "undo", "Ctrl+y meta+y meta+shift+z": "redo", "Ctrl+l meta+l": "justifyleft", "Ctrl+r meta+r": "justifyright", "Ctrl+e meta+e": "justifycenter", "Ctrl+j meta+j": "justifyfull", "Shift+tab": "outdent", "tab": "indent" }, toolbarSelector: "[data-role=editor-toolbar]", commandRole: "edit", activeToolbarClass: "btn-info", selectionMarker: "edit-focus-marker", selectionColor: "darkgrey", dragAndDropImages: true, keypressTimeout: 200, fileUploadError: function( reason, detail ) { console.log( "File upload error", reason, detail ); } }; var options = $.extend( true, {}, defaults, userOptions ); var toolbarBtnSelector = "a[data-" + options.commandRole + "],button[data-" + options.commandRole + "],input[type=button][data-" + options.commandRole + "]"; this.bindHotkeys( editor, options, toolbarBtnSelector ); if ( options.dragAndDropImages ) { this.initFileDrops( editor, options, toolbarBtnSelector ); } this.bindToolbar( editor, $( options.toolbarSelector ), options, toolbarBtnSelector ); editor.attr( "contenteditable", true ) .on( "mouseup keyup mouseout", function() { this.saveSelection(); this.updateToolbar( editor, toolbarBtnSelector, options ); }.bind( this ) ); $( window ).bind( "touchend", function( e ) { var isInside = ( editor.is( e.target ) || editor.has( e.target ).length > 0 ), currentRange = this.getCurrentRange(), clear = currentRange && ( currentRange.startContainer === currentRange.endContainer && currentRange.startOffset === currentRange.endOffset ); if ( !clear || isInside ) { this.saveSelection(); this.updateToolbar( editor, toolbarBtnSelector, options ); } } ); } Wysiwyg.prototype.readFileIntoDataUrl = function( fileInfo ) { var loader = $.Deferred(), fReader = new FileReader(); fReader.onload = function( e ) { loader.resolve( e.target.result ); }; fReader.onerror = loader.reject; fReader.onprogress = loader.notify; fReader.readAsDataURL( fileInfo ); return loader.promise(); }; Wysiwyg.prototype.cleanHtml = function( o ) { var self = this; if ( $( self ).data( "wysiwyg-html-mode" ) === true ) { $( self ).html( $( self ).text() ); $( self ).attr( "contenteditable", true ); $( self ).data( "wysiwyg-html-mode", false ); } // Strip the images with src="data:image/.." out; if ( o === true && $( self ).parent().is( "form" ) ) { var gGal = $( self ).html; if ( $( gGal ).has( "img" ).length ) { var gImages = $( "img", $( gGal ) ); var gResults = []; var gEditor = $( self ).parent(); $.each( gImages, function( i, v ) { if ( $( v ).attr( "src" ).match( /^data:image\/.*$/ ) ) { gResults.push( gImages[ i ] ); $( gEditor ).prepend( "<input value='" + $( v ).attr( "src" ) + "' type='hidden' name='postedimage/" + i + "' />" ); $( v ).attr( "src", "postedimage/" + i ); } } ); } } var html = $( self ).html(); return html && html.replace( /(<br>|\s|<div><br><\/div>| )*$/, "" ); }; Wysiwyg.prototype.updateToolbar = function( editor, toolbarBtnSelector, options ) { if ( options.activeToolbarClass ) { $( options.toolbarSelector ).find( toolbarBtnSelector ).each( function() { var self = $( this ); var commandArr = self.data( options.commandRole ).split( " " ); var command = commandArr[ 0 ]; // If the command has an argument and its value matches this button. == used for string/number comparison if ( commandArr.length > 1 && document.queryCommandEnabled( command ) && document.queryCommandValue( command ) === commandArr[ 1 ] ) { self.addClass( options.activeToolbarClass ); } // Else if the command has no arguments and it is active else if ( commandArr.length === 1 && document.queryCommandEnabled( command ) && document.queryCommandState( command ) ) { self.addClass( options.activeToolbarClass ); } // Else the command is not active else { self.removeClass( options.activeToolbarClass ); } } ); } }; Wysiwyg.prototype.execCommand = function( commandWithArgs, valueArg, editor, options, toolbarBtnSelector ) { var commandArr = commandWithArgs.split( " " ), command = commandArr.shift(), args = commandArr.join( " " ) + ( valueArg || "" ); var parts = commandWithArgs.split( "-" ); if ( parts.length === 1 ) { document.execCommand( command, false, args ); } else if ( parts[ 0 ] === "format" && parts.length === 2 ) { document.execCommand( "formatBlock", false, parts[ 1 ] ); } ( editor ).trigger( "change" ); this.updateToolbar( editor, toolbarBtnSelector, options ); }; Wysiwyg.prototype.bindHotkeys = function( editor, options, toolbarBtnSelector ) { var self = this; $.each( options.hotKeys, function( hotkey, command ) { if(!command) return; $( editor ).keydown( hotkey, function( e ) { if ( editor.attr( "contenteditable" ) && $( editor ).is( ":visible" ) ) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); self.execCommand( command, null, editor, options, toolbarBtnSelector ); } } ).keyup( hotkey, function( e ) { if ( editor.attr( "contenteditable" ) && $( editor ).is( ":visible" ) ) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); } } ); } ); editor.keyup( function() { editor.trigger( "change" ); } ); }; Wysiwyg.prototype.getCurrentRange = function() { var sel, range; if ( window.getSelection ) { sel = window.getSelection(); if ( sel.getRangeAt && sel.rangeCount ) { range = sel.getRangeAt( 0 ); } } else if ( document.selection ) { range = document.selection.createRange(); } return range; }; Wysiwyg.prototype.saveSelection = function() { this.selectedRange = this.getCurrentRange(); }; Wysiwyg.prototype.restoreSelection = function() { var selection; if ( window.getSelection || document.createRange ) { selection = window.getSelection(); if ( this.selectedRange ) { try { selection.removeAllRanges(); } catch ( ex ) { document.body.createTextRange().select(); document.selection.empty(); } selection.addRange( this.selectedRange ); } } else if ( document.selection && this.selectedRange ) { this.selectedRange.select(); } }; // Adding Toggle HTML based on the work by @jd0000, but cleaned up a little to work in this context. Wysiwyg.prototype.toggleHtmlEdit = function( editor ) { if ( editor.data( "wysiwyg-html-mode" ) !== true ) { var oContent = editor.html(); var editorPre = $( "<pre />" ); $( editorPre ).append( document.createTextNode( oContent ) ); $( editorPre ).attr( "contenteditable", true ); $( editor ).html( " " ); $( editor ).append( $( editorPre ) ); $( editor ).attr( "contenteditable", false ); $( editor ).data( "wysiwyg-html-mode", true ); $( editorPre ).focus(); } else { $( editor ).html( $( editor ).text() ); $( editor ).attr( "contenteditable", true ); $( editor ).data( "wysiwyg-html-mode", false ); $( editor ).focus(); } }; Wysiwyg.prototype.insertFiles = function( files, options, editor, toolbarBtnSelector ) { var self = this; editor.focus(); $.each( files, function( idx, fileInfo ) { if ( /^image\//.test( fileInfo.type ) ) { $.when( self.readFileIntoDataUrl( fileInfo ) ).done( function( dataUrl ) { self.execCommand( "insertimage", dataUrl, editor, options, toolbarBtnSelector ); editor.trigger( "image-inserted" ); } ).fail( function( e ) { options.fileUploadError( "file-reader", e ); } ); } else { options.fileUploadError( "unsupported-file-type", fileInfo.type ); } } ); }; Wysiwyg.prototype.markSelection = function( input, color, options ) { this.restoreSelection( ); if ( document.queryCommandSupported( "hiliteColor" ) ) { document.execCommand( "hiliteColor", false, color || "transparent" ); } this.saveSelection( ); input.data( options.selectionMarker, color ); }; Wysiwyg.prototype.bindToolbar = function( editor, toolbar, options, toolbarBtnSelector ) { var self = this; toolbar.find( toolbarBtnSelector ).click( function() { self.restoreSelection( ); editor.focus(); if ( editor.data( options.commandRole ) === "html" ) { self.toggleHtmlEdit( editor ); } else { self.execCommand( $( this ).data( options.commandRole ), null, editor, options, toolbarBtnSelector ); } self.saveSelection( ); } ); toolbar.find( "[data-toggle=dropdown]" ).click( this.restoreSelection( ) ); toolbar.find( "input[type=text][data-" + options.commandRole + "]" ).on( "webkitspeechchange change", function() { var newValue = this.value; // Ugly but prevents fake double-calls due to selection restoration this.value = ""; self.restoreSelection( ); if ( newValue ) { editor.focus(); self.execCommand( $( this ).data( options.commandRole ), newValue, editor, options, toolbarBtnSelector ); } self.saveSelection( ); } ).on( "focus", function() { var input = $( this ); if ( !input.data( options.selectionMarker ) ) { self.markSelection( input, options.selectionColor, options ); input.focus(); } } ).on( "blur", function() { var input = $( this ); if ( input.data( options.selectionMarker ) ) { self.markSelection( input, false, options ); } } ); toolbar.find( "input[type=file][data-" + options.commandRole + "]" ).change( function() { self.restoreSelection( ); if ( this.type === "file" && this.files && this.files.length > 0 ) { self.insertFiles( this.files, options, editor, toolbarBtnSelector ); } self.saveSelection( ); this.value = ""; } ); }; Wysiwyg.prototype.initFileDrops = function( editor, options, toolbarBtnSelector ) { var self = this; editor.on( "dragenter dragover", false ).on( "drop", function( e ) { var dataTransfer = e.originalEvent.dataTransfer; e.stopPropagation(); e.preventDefault(); if ( dataTransfer && dataTransfer.files && dataTransfer.files.length > 0 ) { self.insertFiles( dataTransfer.files, options, editor, toolbarBtnSelector ); } } ); }; /* * Represenets an editor * @constructor * @param {object} userOptions - The default options selected by the user. */ $.fn.wysiwyg = function( userOptions ) { var wysiwyg = new Wysiwyg( this, userOptions ); }; } )( window, window.jQuery );