/** * Project utilities * * @author Pierre HUBERT */ /** * Create a new HTML node (version2) * * @param {Object} infos Informations about the HTML node to create * @info {String} type The type of the new node * @info {HTMLElement} appendTo HTML Element that will receive the new node * @info {HTMLElement} insertBefore Insert before specified HTML element * @info {HTMLElement} insertAsFirstChild Insert the new HTML Element as the first child of the specified element * @info {String} class The class of the new element * @info {String} id The ID of the new element * @info {String} title The title of the new element * @info {String} src The src attribute of the new element * @info {String} href href attribute for the src element * @info {string} name The name of the new element * @info {String} elemType The type attribute of the new element * @info {String} value The value of the new element * @info {String} placeholder The placeholder of the new element * @info {String} innerHTML Specify the html content of the newly created element * @info {String} innerLang Specify the key of the lang to use to fill the element * @info {String} innerHTMLprefix Specify prefix to add at the begining of the content of the element * @info {boolean} disabled Set whether the field should be disabled or not (input only) * @return {HTMLElement} The newly created element */ function createElem2(infos){ var newElem = document.createElement(infos.type); //Append to a specific element if(infos.appendTo) infos.appendTo.appendChild(newElem); //Append before a specific element if(infos.insertBefore) infos.insertBefore.parentNode.insertBefore(newElem, infos.insertBefore); //Append as the first child of an element if(infos.insertAsFirstChild){ //Check if the element as already a child or not if(infos.insertAsFirstChild.firstChild) infos.insertAsFirstChild.insertBefore(newElem, infos.insertAsFirstChild.firstChild); //Else we can just append the newly created element else infos.insertAsFirstChild.appendChild(newElem); } //Specify the class of the element if(infos.class) newElem.className = infos.class; //Specify the ID of the element if(infos.id) newElem.id = infos.id; //Specify the title of the new element if(infos.title) newElem.title = infos.title; //Specify the source of the element if(infos.src) newElem.src = infos.src; if(infos.href) newElem.href = infos.href; //Specify the name of the new element if(infos.name) newElem.name = infos.name; //Specify element type if(infos.elemType) newElem.type = infos.elemType; //Specify element value if(infos.value) newElem.value = infos.value; //Specify element placeholder if(infos.placeholder) newElem.placeholder = infos.placeholder; //Specify node content if(infos.innerHTML) newElem.innerHTML = infos.innerHTML; if(infos.innerLang) newElem.innerHTML = lang(infos.innerLang); if(infos.innerHTMLprefix) newElem.innerHTML = infos.innerHTMLprefix + newElem.innerHTML; //Set field state if(infos.disabled) infos.disabled = true; //Return newly created element return newElem; } /** * Get and return an element specified by its ID * * @param {String} id The ID of the element to get * @return {HTMLElement} Target element */ function byId(id){ return document.getElementById(id); } /** * Set the content of an HTML element queried by * its ID * * @param {String} id The ID of the element to get * @param {String} html HTML content to apply */ function setInnerHTMLById(id, html){ byId(id).innerHTML = html; } /** * Set the content of an HTML element queried by * its ID for a specified boolean * * @param {String} id The ID of the element to get * @param {Boolean} bool The boolean to apply */ function setBoolInnerHTMLById(id, bool){ setInnerHTMLById(id, bool == true ? "Yes " : "No") } /** * Display an error * * @param {String} message The message of the error to display */ function error(message){ M.toast({html: "Error: " + message, classes: 'rounded', length: 1000}); } /** * Get the path to a file originally hosted on user data server * * @param {String} url The original URL of the file * @return {String} Locally accessible path to the file */ function getFilePathFromURL(url){ return STORAGE_URL + url.replace("://", "/"); } /** * Turn a timestamp into a string date * * @param {Number} time The time to convert * @return {String} Matching date */ function timeToStr(time){ let date = new Date(); date.setTime(time*1000); return date.toGMTString(); } /** * Apply an orignially remote image to an element * of the page * * @param {HTMLElement} el Image HTML Element that will receive * the image * @param {String} url The original URL of the image */ function applyURLToImage(el, url){ el.src = getFilePathFromURL(url); el.className += " responsive-img"; } /** * Apply a user image to an image object * * @param {HTMLElement} el Target HTML element * @param {Object} info Information about the related object */ function applyUserAccountImage(el, info){ applyURLToImage(el, info.accountImage); el.className += " circle account-image" } /** * Get information about a single user * * @param {Number} id The ID of the user to get * @return {Object} Information about the user */ function getUserInfo(id){ let user_info = data.users_info[id]; //Make user full name more accessible user_info.full_name = user_info.firstName + " " + user_info.lastName; return user_info; } /** * Fill an HTML Element with user information * * @param {HMTLElement} el Target element * @param {Number} id The ID of the user */ function fillElWithUserInfo(el, id){ let userInfo = getUserInfo(id); let userImage = createElem2({ appendTo: el, type: "img" }); applyUserAccountImage(userImage, userInfo); el.innerHTML += " " + userInfo.full_name; }