/** * Posts creation form * * @author Pierre HUBERT */ ComunicWeb.components.posts.form = { /** * Display post creation form * * @param {string} kind The kind of page * @param {int} id The ID of the page * @param {HTMLElement} target The target of the form */ display: function(kind, id, target){ //Log action ComunicWeb.debug.logMessage("Display post creation form"); //Create form creation box var boxRoot = createElem2({ appendTo: target, type: "div", class: "box box-primary post-form" }); //Create box body var boxBody = createElem2({ appendTo: boxRoot, type: "div", class: "box-body" }); //Create post message textarea var inputMessageDiv = createElem2({ appendTo: boxBody, type: "div", class: "new-message", innerHTML: "" }); //Enable bootstrap-wysiwyg $(inputMessageDiv).wysiwyg(); //Add the different post types var postTypesContener = createElem2({ appendTo: boxBody, type: "div", class: "post-types" }); //Text var textType = this._add_post_type(postTypesContener, "text", "Text"); textType.checked = true; //Image var imageType = this._add_post_type(postTypesContener, "image", "<i class='fa fa-picture-o'></i> <span class='hidden-xs'>Image</span>"); //Youtube var youtubeType = this._add_post_type(postTypesContener, "youtube", "<i class='fa fa-youtube-play'></i> <span class='hidden-xs'>YouTube</span>"); //Movie var movieType = this._add_post_type(postTypesContener, "movie", "<i class='fa fa-file-movie-o'></i> <span class='hidden-xs'>Movie</span>"); //Link var linkType = this._add_post_type(postTypesContener, "link", "<i class='fa fa-link'></i> <span class='hidden-xs'>Weblink</span>"); //PDF var pdfType = this._add_post_type(postTypesContener, "pdf", "<i class='fa fa-file-pdf-o'></i> <span class='hidden-xs'>PDF</span>"); //Countdown timer var countdownType = this._add_post_type(postTypesContener, "countdown", "<i class='fa fa-clock-o'></i> <span class='hidden-xs'>Timer</span>"); //Survey var surveyType = this._add_post_type(postTypesContener, "survey", "<i class='fa fa-pie-chart'></i> <span class='hidden-xs'>Survey</span>"); //Add image upload form var imgUploadForm = createElem2({ appendTo: boxBody, type: "div", class: "post-image" }); var imgFileInput = createElem2({ appendTo: imgUploadForm, type: "input", elemType: "file" }); //End : image //Add Youtube input form var youtubeInputForm = createElem2({ appendTo: boxBody, type: "div", class: "post-youtube", }); var youtubeLinkInput = createFormGroup({ target: youtubeInputForm, label: "Youtube video link", placeholder: "https://youtube.com/watch?v=", type: "text" }); //End : Youtube //Add movie input form var movieInputForm = createElem2({ appendTo: boxBody, type: "div", class: "post-movie", }); //Add choose button var movieChooseButton = createElem2({ appendTo: movieInputForm, type: "button", class: "btn btn-primary", innerHTML: "Choose" }); var movieIDInput = createElem2({ appendTo: movieInputForm, type: "input", elemType: "hidden", value: 0 }); var movieName = createElem2({ appendTo: movieInputForm, type: "span", innerHTML: "No movie selected." }); //Make movie choose button lives movieChooseButton.onclick = function(){ ComunicWeb.components.movies.picker.pick(function(movie){ //Set movie ID and name movieIDInput.value = movie.id; movieName.innerHTML = movie.name; }); } //End : movie //Add webpage input form var linkChooseForm = createElem2({ appendTo: boxBody, type: "div", class: "post-weblink" }); var linkInput = createFormGroup({ target: linkChooseForm, label: "Page URL", placeholder: "https://...", type: "text" }); //End : webpage //Add PDF specific informations var pdfUploadForm = createElem2({ appendTo: boxBody, type: "div", class: "post-pdf" }); var pdfFileInput = createElem2({ appendTo: pdfUploadForm, type: "input", elemType: "file" }); //End : PDF //Add countdown timer specific informations var countdownForm = createElem2({ appendTo: boxBody, type: "div", class: "post-countdown" }); var timeEndInput = createFormGroup({ target: countdownForm, label: "End date", placeholder: "dd/mm/yyyy", type: "text" }); $(timeEndInput).datepicker({ autoclose: true, format: "dd/mm/yyyy" }); //End : countdown timer //Add survey specific informations var surveyForm = createElem2({ appendTo: boxBody, type: "div", class: "post-survey" }); //Survey question var surveyQuestionInput = createFormGroup({ target: surveyForm, label: "Question for the survey", placeholder: "Question", type: "text" }); //Survey answers var surveyAnswerInput = createFormGroup({ target: surveyForm, label: "Answers", type: "select2", multiple: true, }); //Survey message help var surveyAnswerHelper = createElem2({ appendTo: surveyForm, type: "p", innerHTML: "Type your answer and then press return (enter) key to confirm it." }) //Enable select2 $(surveyAnswerInput).select2({ tags: true, tokenSeparators: ['\n'], dropdownParent: $(surveyQuestionInput) }); //End: survey specific //Create post type change handler var changesHandler = function(){ imgUploadForm.style.display = imageType.checked ? "block" : "none"; youtubeInputForm.style.display = youtubeType.checked ? "block" : "none"; movieInputForm.style.display = movieType.checked ? "block" : "none"; linkChooseForm.style.display = linkType.checked ? "block" : "none"; pdfUploadForm.style.display = pdfType.checked ? "block" : "none"; countdownForm.style.display = countdownType.checked ? "block" : "none"; surveyForm.style.display = surveyType.checked ? "block" : "none"; }; //Apply changesHandler function to all the data types textType.onclick = changesHandler; imageType.onclick = changesHandler; youtubeType.onclick = changesHandler; movieType.onclick = changesHandler; linkType.onclick = changesHandler; pdfType.onclick = changesHandler; countdownType.onclick = changesHandler; surveyType.onclick = changesHandler; //Right contener var rightDiv = createElem2({ appendTo: boxBody, type: "div", class: "pull-right" }) //Add visibility level choice var visibility_choices_contener = createElem2({ appendTo: rightDiv, type: "div", class: "post-visiblity-contener" }); //Private post var privateLevel = ComunicWeb.components.posts.visibilityLevels.private; var privateInput = this._add_visiblity_choice(visibility_choices_contener, "private", privateLevel.name, privateLevel.icon); //Friends-visible post var friendsLevel = ComunicWeb.components.posts.visibilityLevels.friends; var friendsInput = this._add_visiblity_choice(visibility_choices_contener, "friends", friendsLevel.name, friendsLevel.icon); friendsInput.checked = true; //Worldwide post var publicLevel = ComunicWeb.components.posts.visibilityLevels.public; this._add_visiblity_choice(visibility_choices_contener, "public", publicLevel.name, publicLevel.icon); //Add send button var sendButton = createElem2({ appendTo: rightDiv, type: "button", class: "btn btn-primary", innerHTML: "Send" }); //Make send button lives sendButton.onclick = function(){ //Generate request var datas = new FormData(); //Get the message content var message_content = inputMessageDiv.innerHTML; datas.append("content", message_content); //Check if the message includes an image if(message_content.includes("data:image/")){ ComunicWeb.common.notificationSystem.showNotification("Please do not drag images directly in the message !", "danger"); return; } //Check the text value if(textType.checked){ //Check message content if(!ComunicWeb.components.posts.form._check_message(message_content)){ ComunicWeb.common.notificationSystem.showNotification("The specified message is invalid !", "danger"); return; } //Specify it is a text datas.append("kind", "text"); } //Check for image else if(imageType.checked){ //Check for image if(imgFileInput.files.length == 0){ ComunicWeb.common.notificationSystem.showNotification("Please choose an image !", "danger"); return; } //Append values datas.append("kind", "image"); datas.append("image", imgFileInput.files[0], imgFileInput.files[0].name); } //Check for YouTube video else if(youtubeType.checked){ //Get the video ID var videoID = ComunicWeb.components.posts.form._get_youtube_video_id(youtubeLinkInput.value); //Check its validity if(!videoID){ ComunicWeb.common.notificationSystem.showNotification("The specified Youtube link seems to be invalid !", "danger"); return; } //Append values datas.append("kind", "youtube"); datas.append("youtube_id", videoID); } //Check for movie else if(movieType.checked){ var movieID = movieIDInput.value; if(movieID == 0){ ComunicWeb.common.notificationSystem.showNotification("Please choose a movie !", "danger"); return; } //Append values datas.append("kind", "movie"); datas.append("movieID", movieID); } //Check for PDF else if(pdfType.checked){ //Check for image if(pdfFileInput.files.length == 0){ ComunicWeb.common.notificationSystem.showNotification("Please pick a PDF !", "danger"); return; } //Append values datas.append("kind", "pdf"); datas.append("pdf", pdfFileInput.files[0], pdfFileInput.files[0].name); } //Check for weblink else if(linkType.checked){ //Check the given url if(!check_url(linkInput.value)){ ComunicWeb.common.notificationSystem.showNotification("Please check the given URL !", "danger"); return; } //Append values datas.append("kind", "weblink"); datas.append("url", linkInput.value); } //Check for timer else if(countdownType.checked){ //Check the given time if(timeEndInput.value.length < 10){ ComunicWeb.common.notificationSystem.showNotification("Please specify a date for the countdown timer !", "danger"); return; } //Convert the date to an array var end_date_array = timeEndInput.value.split("/"); if(end_date_array.length < 3) { ComunicWeb.common.notificationSystem.showNotification("Specified date for the countdown timer is invalid !", "danger"); return; } //Convert the end time to a timestamp var end_date = new Date(); end_date.setDate(end_date_array[0]); end_date.setMonth(end_date_array[1] - 1); //January => 0 / December => 11 end_date.setFullYear(end_date_array[2]); var time_end = Math.floor(end_date.getTime()/1000); //Append values datas.append("kind", "countdown"); datas.append("time-end", time_end); } //Check for survey else if(surveyType.checked){ //Check the given question if(surveyQuestionInput.value.length < 5){ ComunicWeb.common.notificationSystem.showNotification("Please specify a question for the survey !", "danger"); return; } //Get the answers if(surveyAnswerInput.children.length < 2){ ComunicWeb.common.notificationSystem.showNotification("Please specify at least two options for the survey !", "danger"); return; } //Process the list of answers var answerData = $(surveyAnswerInput).select2("data"); var answers = []; for(i = 0; i < answerData.length; i++){ answers.push(removeHtmlTags(answerData[i].text)); } //Append values datas.append("kind", "survey"); datas.append("question", surveyQuestionInput.value); datas.append("answers", answers.join("<>")); } //The post type is not supported else { ComunicWeb.common.notificationSystem.showNotification("Please check you have chosen a post type !", "danger"); return; } //Get the visibility level var visibilityLevel = visibility_choices_contener.querySelector("input:checked").value; datas.append("visibility", visibilityLevel); //Lock the send button sendButton.disabled = true; //Try to perform the request ComunicWeb.components.posts.interface.send_post(kind, id, datas, function(result){ //Check for errors if(result.error){ ComunicWeb.common.notificationSystem.showNotification("An error occured while trying to send a new post !", "danger"); sendButton.disabled = false; return; } //Else //Display a success notification ComunicWeb.common.notificationSystem.showNotification("The post has been successfully created !", "success"); //Refresh current page ComunicWeb.common.page.refresh_current_page(); }); } }, /** * Create and add post type choice * * @param {HTMLElement} target The target for the post type * @param {string} value The value of the new post type * @param {string} label The label associated with the post type * @return {HTMLElement} The created input */ _add_post_type: function(target, value, label){ var postTypeContener = createElem2({ appendTo: target, type: "label", class: "post-form-choice" }); var input = createElem2({ appendTo: postTypeContener, type: "input", elemType: "radio", name: "post_type", value: value }); createElem2({ appendTo: postTypeContener, type: "span", innerHTML: label }); return input; }, /** * Create and add visibility level choice * * @param {HTMLElement} target The target for the visibility level * @param {string} value The value of the visibility level * @param {string} title The title of the visibility level * @param {string} icon The name of the icon associated with the visibility level * @return {HTMLElement} The created input */ _add_visiblity_choice: function(target, value, title, icon){ //Visibility label var visibility_contener = createElem2({ appendTo: target, type: "label", }); //Create input var visibilityInput = createElem2({ appendTo: visibility_contener, type: "input", elemType: "radio", name: "post_visibility", value: value }); //Create icon var visibility_label = createElem2({ appendTo: visibility_contener, type: "span", innerHTML: "<i class='fa " + icon + "'></i>" }); return visibilityInput; }, /** * Check a given message content * * @param {string} message The message to check * @return {boolean} TRUE if the message is valid / false else */ _check_message(message){ //Remove break line tags message = message.replace("<br>", "") .replace("<br/>", "") .replace("<br />", "") .replace("<p>", "") .replace("</p>", "") .replace("<b>", "") .replace("</b>", ""); //Check if the message is too short if(message.length < 5) return false; //The message is valid return true; }, /** * Try to get a youtube video ID from a given URL * * @param {string} url The string to get * @return {boolean|string} False if the URL is invalid / The video * ID else */ _get_youtube_video_id: function(url){ //Check if the youtube domain is included in the URL if(!url.includes("youtube.com/")) return false; //The link is considered as invalid //Check for ID specification if(!url.includes("v=")) return false; //Extract video ID var videoID = url.split("v=")[1]; //Check if there are other parametres after the video ID if(videoID.includes("&")) videoID = videoID.split("&")[0]; //Check if the videoID is valid if(videoID.includes("/")) return false; //Return video ID return videoID; }, }