 * Interface between the graphical conversation system and the API
 * @author Pierre HUBERT

const ConversationsInterface = {

	 * @var {Object} __conversationsList Cached list of conversations
	__conversationsList: {},

	 * @var {any} __registeredList The list of conversatins
	__registeredList: {},

	 * Get and return the list of available conversations
	 * @param {Function} onceGotList What to do next
	 * @param {Boolean} force Force the list to be loaded even if present in the cache
	 * @return {Boolean} True for a success
	getList: function(onceGotList, force){

		//First, check if the list is already present in the cache or not
		if(this.__conversationsList && !force){
			//Perform next action now

		//Else, prepare an API request
		var apiURI = "conversations/getList";
		var params = {}; //No params required now

		//Perform the API request
		ComunicWeb.common.api.makeAPIrequest(apiURI, params, true, (results) => {

			//Check for error
				//Log error
				ComunicWeb.debug.logMessage("ERROR : couldn't get conversations list !");

				//Perform next action
			else {
				//Process the list
				var conversationsList = {};
				for(i in results){
					conversationsList["conversation-"+results[i].id] = results[i];

				//Save the list in the cache
				ComunicWeb.components.conversations.interface.__conversationsList = conversationsList;

				//Perform next action


	 * Create a conversation
	 * @param {Object} infos Informations about the conversation to create
	 * * @info {Array} users A list of the members of the conversation
	 * * @info {Boolean} follow Defines if the current user wants to follow the conversation or not
	 * * @info {Mixed} conversationName The name of the conversation
	 * @param {Function} afterCreate What to do once the conversation is created
	 * @return {Boolean} True for a success
	createConversation: function(infos, afterCreate){

		//Prepare an API request
		var apiURI = "conversations/create";
		var params = {
			name: infos.conversationName,
			follow : infos.follow,
			users: infos.users,
			color: infos.color == null ? "" : infos.color.replace("#", "").toUpperCase(),
			canEveryoneAddMembers: infos.allowEveryoneToAddMembersInput

		//Perform the API request
		ComunicWeb.common.api.makeAPIrequest(apiURI, params, true, function(result){

			//Check for errors
				//Log error
				ComunicWeb.debug.logMessage("ERROR ! Couldn't create a conversation!");

			//Perform next action


		return true;

	 * Update conversation settings
	 * @param {infos} infos Informations about the conversation to update
	 * @info {Integer} conversationID The ID of the conversation to update
	 * @info {Boolean} following Specify if the user is following the conversation or not
	 * @info {String} name Specify a new name for the conversation
	 * @info {String} color Specify a new color for the conversation
	 * @param {function} callback The function callback
	updateSettings: function(infos, callback){
		//Prepare the API request
		var apiURI = "conversations/updateSettings";
		var params = {
			conversationID: infos.conversationID

		//Add conversation name (if specified)
		if(infos.name !== undefined)
			params.name = infos.name == null ? "" : infos.name;
		//Add conversation following status (if specified)
		if(infos.following !== undefined)
			params.following = infos.following;

		if(infos.canEveryoneAddMembers !== undefined)
			params.canEveryoneAddMembers = infos.canEveryoneAddMembers;

		if(infos.color !== undefined)
			params.color = infos.color == null ? "" : infos.color.replace("#", "").toUpperCase();

		//Perform API request
		ComunicWeb.common.api.makeAPIrequest(apiURI, params, true, function(result){
			//Empty the cache (considered as deprecated)

			//Perform next action

	 * Get informations about a unique conversation
	 * @param {Integer} conversationID The ID of the conversation
	 * @param {function} nextStep What to do once the operation is completed
	 * @param {Boolean} forceRefresh Force informations about the conversation to be fetched (ignore cached informations)
	 * @return {Boolan} True for a success
	getInfosOne: function(conversationID, nextStep, forceRefresh){

		//First, if the conversation is available in the cache
		if(!forceRefresh && this.__conversationsList['conversation-'+conversationID]){

			//Perform next action now without getting fresh informations on the server

			return true;

		//Else, perform an API request
		var apiURI = "conversations/get_single";
		var params = {
			conversationID: conversationID,

		//Perform the API request
		ComunicWeb.common.api.makeAPIrequest(apiURI, params, true, function(result){

			//Check for errors
				//Log error
				ComunicWeb.debug.logMessage("Couldn't get informations about the conversation number "+conversationID+" !");

				//Perform next action now

				return false;

			//Else it is a success
			//Cache the result
			ComunicWeb.components.conversations.interface.__conversationsList["conversation-"+conversationID] = result;

			//Perform next action

			return true;


		return true;

	 * Search for private conversation
	 * @param {Integer} otherUser The ID of the other user
	 * @param {Boolean} allowCreation Allow the server to create the conversation if not found
	 * @param {function} callback What to do once the request is completed
	 * @return {Boolean} True for a success
	searchPrivate: function(otherUser, allowCreation, callback){

		//Perform an API request
		var apiURI = "conversations/getPrivate";
		var params = {
			otherUser: otherUser,
			allowCreate: allowCreation

		//Perform API request
		ComunicWeb.common.api.makeAPIrequest(apiURI, params, true, function(result){

			//Check for errors
				ComunicWeb.debug.logMessage("An error occured while trying to get a private conversation ID !");
			//Perfrorm next action


	 * Send a new message
	 * @param {number} convID The ID of the conversation
	 * @param {string} message The message to send (if not a file)
	 * @param {HTMLInputElement} file The file to send (if any)
	sendMessage: async function(convID, message, file){

		//Perform an API request
		var apiURI = "conversations/sendMessage";

		// Check whether a file has to be sent or not

			//Prepare request
			var params = {
				message: message,
				conversationID: convID,

			//Perform an API request
			await api(apiURI, params, true);

		//If we have a file, we must do a formdata request
		else {

			var fd = new FormData();
			fd.append("conversationID", convID);
			fd.append("file", file.files[0], file.files[0].name);

			//Perform an API request
			await APIClient.execFormData(apiURI, fd, true);

	 * Send a new conversation image
	 * @param {number} convID The ID of the target conversation
	 * @param {HTMLInputElement} input The file to send
	sendNewConversationImage: async function(convID, input) {
		let fd = new FormData();
		fd.append("convID", convID);
		fd.append("file", input.files[0], input.files[0].name);

		await APIClient.execFormData("conversations/change_image", fd, true)

	 * Delete current conversation image
	 * @param {number} convID Target converstain ID
	deleteConversationImage: async function(convID) {
		await api("conversations/delete_image", {
			convID: convID
		}, true)

	 * Refresh a conversation
	 * @param {Array} newConversations New conversations (which requires the 10 last messages)
	 * @param {Object} toRefresh Conversations to refresh
	 * @param {Function} callback The callback function
	 * @return {Boolean} True for a success
	refreshConversations: function(newConversations, toRefresh, callback){

		//Perform a request on the API
		var apiURI = "conversations/refresh";
		var params = {
			newConversations: newConversations,
			toRefresh: JSON.stringify(toRefresh),

		//Perform an API request
		ComunicWeb.common.api.makeAPIrequest(apiURI, params, true, callback);

		return true;

	 * Get the list of unread conversations
	 * @returns {Promise<UnreadConversation[]>}
	getUnreadConversations: async function() {
		return await api("conversations/get_list_unread", null, true);

	 * Get older message of a conversation
	 * @param {number} conversationID The ID of the conversation
	 * @param {number} oldestMessageID The ID of the oldest message known
	 * @param {number} limit The limit
	 * @param {function} callback
	getOlderMessages: function(conversationID, oldestMessageID, limit, callback){

		//Perform a request on the API
		var apiURI = "conversations/get_older_messages";
		var params = {
			conversationID: conversationID,
			oldest_message_id: oldestMessageID,
			limit: limit

		ComunicWeb.common.api.makeAPIrequest(apiURI, params, true, callback);

	 * Get the the lastest messages of a single conversation
	 * @param {Number} convID Target conversation ID
	 * @param {Number} lastMessageID The ID of the last known message
	 * @param {function} callback
	refreshSingleConversation: function(convID, lastMessageID, callback){

		//Perform a request on the API
		var apiURI = "conversations/refresh_single";
		var params = {
			conversationID: convID,
			last_message_id: lastMessageID

		ComunicWeb.common.api.makeAPIrequest(apiURI, params, true, callback);


	 * Asynchronoulsy refresh a single conversation
	 * @param convID The ID of the target conversation
	 * @param lastMessageID The ID of the last known message
	asyncRefreshSingle: function(convID, lastMessageID) {
		return new Promise((res, err) => {
			this.refreshSingleConversation(convID, lastMessageID, (list) => {

	 * Register a conversation remotly
	 * @param {Number} convID 
	register: async function(convID) {
		else {
			this.__registeredList[convID] = 1;

			await ws("$main/register_conv", {
				convID: convID

	 * Unregister to new messages of a conversation
	 * @param {Number} convID 
	unregister: async function(convID) {

		if(this.__registeredList[convID] == 0) {
			delete this.__registeredList[convID];

			await ws("$main/unregister_conv", {
				convID: convID

	 * Intend to update the content of a single message
	 * @param {Number} messageID The ID of the message to update
	 * @param {String} content New content for the message
	 * @param {(success : Boolean) => any} callback Function called when
	 * the request is terminated
	UpdateSingleMessage: function(messageID, content, callback){
				"messageID": messageID,
				"content": content

				callback(result.error ? false : true);

	 * Intend to delete a single conversation message
	 * @param {Number} messageID The ID of the message to delete
	 * @param {(success: Boolean) => any} callback Function to call once the
	 * conversation message has been deleted
	DeleteSingleMessage: function(messageID, callback){
			{"messageID": messageID},
				callback(result.error ? false : true);


	 * Add a user to a conversation
	 * @param {number} convID Conversation ID
	 * @param {number} userID Target user
	addUser: async function(convID, userID) {
		await api("conversations/addMember", {
			convID: convID,
			userID: userID
		}, true);

	 * Toggle admin status of a user
	 * @param {number} convID Conversation ID
	 * @param {number} userID User ID
	 * @param {boolean} setAdmin
	toggleAdminStatus: async function(convID, userID, setAdmin) {
		await api("conversations/setAdmin", {
			convID: convID,
			userID: userID,
			setAdmin: setAdmin
		}, true);
	 * Remove a user from a conversation
	 * @param {number} convID Conversation ID
	 * @param {number} userID Target user
	removeUser: async function(convID, userID) {
		await api("conversations/removeMember", {
			convID: convID,
			userID: userID
		}, true);

	 * Leave a conversation
	 * @param {number} convID Conversation ID
	 * @param {number} userID Target user
	leaveConversation: async function(convID, userID) {
		await api("conversations/delete", {
			conversationID: convID,
			userID: userID
		}, true);

	 * Empty conversations cache
	 * @param {Boolean} notHard Specify that the object hasn't to be recursively cleaned
	 * @return {Boolean} True for a success
	emptyCache: function(notHard){
		//Empty cache
			this.__conversationsList = {}; //"Light" clean

		return true;

ComunicWeb.components.conversations.interface = ConversationsInterface;

 * Get information about a single conversation
 * @param {number} convID The ID of the target conversation
 * @returns {Promise<Conversation>}
async function getSingleConversation(convID) {
	return new Promise((res, err) => {
		ConversationsInterface.getInfosOne(convID, (info) => {
		}, false)

//Register conversations cache cleaning function

document.addEventListener("wsClosed", () => {
	ComunicWeb.components.conversations.interface.__registeredList = {};