 * Utilities functions
 * @author Pierre HUBERT

 * Create a new HTML node
 * @param {String} nodeType The type of the HTML node
 * @param {HTMLElement} appendTo Optionnal, defines node on which the new node will be applied
 * @return {HTMLElement} The newly created element
function createElem(nodeType, appendTo){
	var newElem = document.createElement(nodeType);


	//Return result
	return newElem;

 * Get an HTML element specified by an ID
 * @param {String} nodeName The ID of the element
 * @return {HTMLElement} The element / False for a failure
function byId(nodeName){
	return document.getElementById(nodeName);

 * Remove all nodes of a specified HTML element
 * @param {HTMLElement} container The container to empty
 * @return {Boolean} True for a success
function emptyElem(container){
	//Get children references
	var children = container.childNodes;

	//Process each child
	for(i in children){
	return true;

 * Check a given email address
 * @param {String} emailAddress The email address to check
 * @return {Boolean} True for a valid email address / false else
function checkMail(emailAddress){
	return (emailAddress.match(/^[a-zA-Z0-9_.]+@[a-zA-Z0-9-]{1,}[.][a-zA-Z]{2,5}$/) === null ? false : true);