/** * This file contains shorcuts to ease access of common functions * * @author Pierre HUBERT */ /** * Perform an API request * * @param {String} uri The URI of the request on the API * @param {Object} args The list of arguments to pass with the request * @param {Bool} withLogin Specify whether login is required or not to * achieve the request * @return {Promise} */ function api(uri, args, withLogin){ return APIClient.exec(uri, args, withLogin); } /** * Perform a requests through the WebSocket * * @param {String} title The title of the request * @param {Object} data Data to include to request * @return {Promise} */ function ws(title, data = {}) { if(typeof data != "object") throw new Error("Invalid data for websocket request!"); return UserWebSocket.SendRequest(title, data); } /** * Create a quick language access function shortcut * * @param {String} stringName The name of the string to show * @param {Array} stringParams The optionnal parametres to include with the string * @return {String} The string ready to show */ function lang(stringName, stringParams){ //Check if any params has been specified if(!stringParams) var stringParams = []; //Call translate function return ComunicWeb.common.langs.getTranslatedText(stringName, stringParams); } /** * Function to change currently opened page * * @param {String} pageURI The URI to the page * @param {Object} additionnalData Additionnal data to pass to the new page * @return {Boolean} True for a success */ function openPage(pageURI, additionnalData){ return ComunicWeb.common.page.openPage(pageURI, additionnalData); } /** * Open a user page quickly * * @param {String} user The ID of the user or its directory * @return {Boolean} True for a success */ function openUserPage(user){ if(user.virtualDirectory == "") openUserPageFromID(user.userID ? user.userID : user.id); else openPage(user.virtualDirectory); } /** * Open a user page quickly from its user ID * * @param {String} user The ID of the user or its directory * @return {Boolean} True for a success */ function openUserPageFromID(user){ return openPage("user/" + user); } /** * Open a group age * * @param {Object} info Information about the target group */ function openGroupPage(info){ if(info.virtual_directory != "null") openPage(info.virtual_directory); else openPage("groups/" + info.id); } /** * Check if user is signed in or not * * @return {Boolean} True if the user is signed in / false else */ function signed_in(){ return UserLogin.getUserLoginState(); } /** * Returns user ID (if logged in) * * @param Nothing * @return {Integer} The ID of the user */ function userID(){ return UserLogin.getUserID(); } /** * Returns the full name of a user * * @param {Object} infos Informations about the user * @return {String} The full name of the user */ function userFullName(infos){ return infos.firstName + " " + infos.lastName; } /** * Return the ID of a user, or its path, depending of what * is available * * @param {Object} infos Informations about the user * @return {String} The ID of the user, or it's path */ function userIDorPath(infos){ return ComunicWeb.user.userInfos.getIDorPath(infos); } /** * Get multiple users informations * * @param {Array~Object} usersID User on which to make request (current to get connected user) * @param {function} afterGetUserInfos What to do once users informations are available * @param {Boolean} forceRequest Force the request to be made * @return {Boolean} True for a success */ function getMultipleUsersInfo(usersID, afterGetUserInfos, forceRequest){ ComunicWeb.user.userInfos.getMultipleUsersInfo(usersID, afterGetUserInfos, forceRequest); } /** * Get information about multiple users * * @param {Array~Object} users The list of users to get * @param {Boolean} force * @returns {Promise<UsersList>} */ function getUsers(users, force) { return new Promise((resolve, error) => { getMultipleUsersInfo(users, result => { if(result.error) error(result.error); else resolve(new UsersList(result)); }, force); }); } /** * Get information about a single user * * @param {int} userID User on which to make request * @param {function} afterGetUserInfo What to do once users informations are available * @param {Boolean} forceRequest Force the request to be made * @return {Boolean} True for a success */ function getUserInfo(usersID, afterGetUserInfo, forceRequest){ ComunicWeb.user.userInfos.getUserInfos(usersID, afterGetUserInfo, forceRequest); } /** * Get information about a single user asynchronously * * @param {Number} userID Target user ID */ function userInfo(userID, force = false) { return new Promise((res, err) => { getUserInfo(userID, (data) => { if(data.error) err(data.error) else res(data) }, force); }); } /** * Get information about a user (new User class) * * @param {Number} userID target user id * @returns {Promise<User>} Information about the user */ async function user(userID) { return new User(await userInfo(userID)) } /** * Display message on browser console * * @param {String} message The message to show on browser console */ function log(message){ ComunicWeb.debug.logMessage(message); } /** * Open a conversation specified by its ID * * @param {number} id The ID of the conversation to open * @param {bool} fullscreen Specify whether the conversation has to * appear in full screen or not * @param {number} group_id Related group ID (if any) */ function openConversation(id, fullscreen = false, group_id){ if(!fullscreen) ComunicWeb.components.conversations.manager.addConversation(id); else if (group_id) Page.openPage("groups/" + group_id + "/conversation/" + id); else openPage("conversations/" + id); } /** * Display a notification * * @param {string} message The message of the notification * @param {string} type The type of the notification (danger, info, success, primary) * @param {number} duration The notification duration * @param {string} title The title of the notification */ function notify(message, type, duration, title){ ComunicWeb.common.notificationSystem.showNotification(message, type, duration, title) } /** * Get information about a single group * * @param {Number} id The ID of the group to fetch * @param {Function} callback */ function getInfoGroup(id, callback){ ComunicWeb.components.groups.info.getInfo(id, callback); } /** * Get information about multiple groups * * @param {Array} IDs The IDs of the groups to get information about * @param {Function} callback Callback to call once we have information about the group * @param {Boolean} force TRUE to force the request (ignore cache) */ function getInfoMultipleGroups(IDs, callback, force){ ComunicWeb.components.groups.info.getInfoMultiple(IDs, callback, force); } /** * Get information about multiple groups * * @param {Number[]} list The ID of the groups to get * @param {Boolean} force Specify whether to force or not the request * @return {Promise<GroupsList>} */ function getGroups(list, force){ return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { getInfoMultipleGroups(list, result => { if(result.error) reject(result.error); else resolve(new GroupsList(result)); }, force); }); } /** * Get the difference of time from now to a specified * timestamp and return it as a string * * @param {Integer} time The base time * @return {String} Computed difference */ function timeDiffToStr(time) { return ComunicWeb.common.date.timeDiffToStr(time); } /** * Ask a confirmation to the user * * @param {String} msg Associated message */ async function showConfirmDialog(msg) { return new Promise((res, err) => { ComunicWeb.common.messages.confirm(msg, (c) => { res(c == true); }); }) } /** * Ask the user to enter a string * * @param {String} title The dialog of the dialog to show * @param {String} message Helper message to show to the user * @param {String} defaultValue The default value of the message */ async function showInputTextDialog(title, message, defaultValue = "") { return new Promise((res, rej) => ComunicWeb.common.messages.inputString( title, message, defaultValue, (msg) => msg === false ? rej() : res(msg) ) ) } /** * Prepare for potential future translation system * * @param {String} input Input string * @param {Object} arguments Arguments to apply to the string */ function tr(input, values) { // Apply arguments for (const key in values) { if (Object.hasOwnProperty.call(values, key)) input = input.replace("%"+key+"%", values[key]); } return input; }