/** * Calls controller * * @author Pierre Hubert */ /** * @type {Map} */ let OpenConversations = new Map(); class CallsController { /** * Open a call for a conversation * * @param {Conversation} conv Information about the target conversation */ static Open(conv) { if(OpenConversations.has(conv.ID)) return; console.info("Open call for conversation " + conv.ID); // Create a new window for the conversation const window = new CallWindow(conv); OpenConversations.set(conv.ID, window) this.AddToLocalStorage(conv.ID); window.on("close", () => { OpenConversations.delete(conv.ID) this.RemoveFromLocalStorage(conv.ID) }) } /** * Add the conversation to local storage * * @param {number} convID Target conversation ID */ static AddToLocalStorage(convID) { const list = this.GetListLocalStorage(); if(!list.includes(convID)) list.push(convID) this.SetListLocalStorage(list) } /** * @param {number} convID Target conversation ID */ static RemoveFromLocalStorage(convID) { this.SetListLocalStorage( this.GetListLocalStorage().filter(e => e != convID) ) } /** * @return {number[]} The ID of the opened conversations */ static GetListLocalStorage() { const content = localStorage.getItem("calls") if(content == null) return [] else return JSON.parse(content).filter(e => e != null); } /** * Update the list of open calls * * @param {number[]} list New list */ static SetListLocalStorage(list) { localStorage.setItem("calls", JSON.stringify(list)) } } document.addEventListener("userJoinedCall", (e) => { const detail = e.detail; if(OpenConversations.has(detail.callID)) OpenConversations.get(detail.callID).AddMember(detail.userID) }) document.addEventListener("userLeftCall", (e) => { const detail = e.detail; if(OpenConversations.has(detail.callID)) OpenConversations.get(detail.callID).RemoveMember(detail.userID) }) document.addEventListener("newCallSignal", (e) => { const detail = e.detail if(OpenConversations.has(detail.callID)) OpenConversations.get(detail.callID).NewSignal(detail.peerID, detail.data) }); document.addEventListener("wsClosed", () => { // Close all the current conversations OpenConversations.forEach((v) => v.Close(false)) OpenConversations.clear(); }) document.addEventListener("openPage", () => { CallsController.GetListLocalStorage().forEach(async c => { if(!OpenConversations.has(c)) CallsController.Open(await getSingleConversation(c)) }) })