# Font generation script from FontCustom # https://github.com/FontCustom/fontcustom/ # http://fontcustom.com/ import fontforge import os import md5 import subprocess import tempfile import json import copy SCRIPT_PATH = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) INPUT_SVG_DIR = os.path.join(SCRIPT_PATH, '..', '..', 'src') OUTPUT_FONT_DIR = os.path.join(SCRIPT_PATH, '..', '..', 'fonts') MANIFEST_PATH = os.path.join(SCRIPT_PATH, '..', 'manifest.json') BUILD_DATA_PATH = os.path.join(SCRIPT_PATH, '..', 'build_data.json') AUTO_WIDTH = True KERNING = 15 cp = 0xf100 m = md5.new() f = fontforge.font() f.encoding = 'UnicodeFull' f.design_size = 16 f.em = 512 f.ascent = 448 f.descent = 64 manifest_file = open(MANIFEST_PATH, 'r') manifest_data = json.loads(manifest_file.read()) manifest_file.close() print "Load Manifest, Icons: %s" % ( len(manifest_data['icons']) ) build_data = copy.deepcopy(manifest_data) build_data['icons'] = [] font_name = manifest_data['name'] m.update(font_name + ';') m.update(manifest_data['prefix'] + ';') for dirname, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(INPUT_SVG_DIR): for filename in filenames: name, ext = os.path.splitext(filename) filePath = os.path.join(dirname, filename) size = os.path.getsize(filePath) if ext in ['.svg', '.eps']: # see if this file is already in the manifest chr_code = None for ionicon in manifest_data['icons']: if ionicon['name'] == name: chr_code = ionicon['code'] break if chr_code is None: # this is a new src icon print 'New Icon: \n - %s' % (name) while True: chr_code = '0x%x' % (cp) already_exists = False for ionicon in manifest_data['icons']: if ionicon.get('code') == chr_code: already_exists = True cp += 1 chr_code = '0x%x' % (cp) continue if not already_exists: break print ' - %s' % chr_code manifest_data['icons'].append({ 'name': name, 'code': chr_code }) build_data['icons'].append({ 'name': name, 'code': chr_code }) if ext in ['.svg']: # hack removal of <switch> </switch> tags svgfile = open(filePath, 'r+') tmpsvgfile = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix=ext, delete=False) svgtext = svgfile.read() svgfile.seek(0) # replace the <switch> </switch> tags with 'nothing' svgtext = svgtext.replace('<switch>', '') svgtext = svgtext.replace('</switch>', '') tmpsvgfile.file.write(svgtext) svgfile.close() tmpsvgfile.file.close() filePath = tmpsvgfile.name # end hack m.update(name + str(size) + ';') glyph = f.createChar( int(chr_code, 16) ) glyph.importOutlines(filePath) # if we created a temporary file, let's clean it up if tmpsvgfile: os.unlink(tmpsvgfile.name) # set glyph size explicitly or automatically depending on autowidth if AUTO_WIDTH: glyph.left_side_bearing = glyph.right_side_bearing = 0 glyph.round() # resize glyphs if autowidth is enabled if AUTO_WIDTH: f.autoWidth(0, 0, 512) fontfile = '%s/ionicons' % (OUTPUT_FONT_DIR) build_hash = m.hexdigest() if build_hash == manifest_data.get('build_hash'): print "Source files unchanged, did not rebuild fonts" else: manifest_data['build_hash'] = build_hash f.fontname = font_name f.familyname = font_name f.fullname = font_name f.generate(fontfile + '.ttf') f.generate(fontfile + '.svg') # Fix SVG header for webkit # from: https://github.com/fontello/font-builder/blob/master/bin/fontconvert.py svgfile = open(fontfile + '.svg', 'r+') svgtext = svgfile.read() svgfile.seek(0) svgfile.write(svgtext.replace('''<svg>''', '''<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg">''')) svgfile.close() scriptPath = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) try: subprocess.Popen([scriptPath + '/sfnt2woff', fontfile + '.ttf'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE) except OSError: # If the local version of sfnt2woff fails (i.e., on Linux), try to use the # global version. This allows us to avoid forcing OS X users to compile # sfnt2woff from source, simplifying install. subprocess.call(['sfnt2woff', fontfile + '.ttf']) # eotlitetool.py script to generate IE7-compatible .eot fonts subprocess.call('python ' + scriptPath + '/eotlitetool.py ' + fontfile + '.ttf -o ' + fontfile + '.eot', shell=True) subprocess.call('mv ' + fontfile + '.eotlite ' + fontfile + '.eot', shell=True) # Hint the TTF file subprocess.call('ttfautohint -s -f -n ' + fontfile + '.ttf ' + fontfile + '-hinted.ttf > /dev/null 2>&1 && mv ' + fontfile + '-hinted.ttf ' + fontfile + '.ttf', shell=True) manifest_data['icons'] = sorted(manifest_data['icons'], key=lambda k: k['name']) build_data['icons'] = sorted(build_data['icons'], key=lambda k: k['name']) print "Save Manifest, Icons: %s" % ( len(manifest_data['icons']) ) f = open(MANIFEST_PATH, 'w') f.write( json.dumps(manifest_data, indent=2, separators=(',', ': ')) ) f.close() print "Save Build, Icons: %s" % ( len(build_data['icons']) ) f = open(BUILD_DATA_PATH, 'w') f.write( json.dumps(build_data, indent=2, separators=(',', ': ')) ) f.close()