/** * Data export visualization navigator * * @author Pierre HUBERT */ /** * This object will contains all the exported data * once it will have been decoded by the JSON parser * of the browser */ var data; /** * Refresh tabs visibility accordingly to the hash of * the current URL */ function RefreshTabsVisibility(){ var hash = location.href.toString().split("#")[1]; if(!hash) return; document.querySelectorAll(".category").forEach(el => { el.style.display = el.id === hash ? "block" : "none"; }); document.querySelectorAll(".sidenav .bold").forEach(el => { let isActive = el.querySelector("a").href.includes("#" + hash); if(isActive && !el.className.includes(" active")) el.className += " active"; if(!isActive && el.className.includes(" active")) el.className = el.className.replace(" active", ""); }); } /** * Apply user information */ function ApplyUserInfo() { let userInfo = data.advanced_info; setInnerHTMLById("u-uid", userInfo.userID); setInnerHTMLById("u-firstname", userInfo.firstName); setInnerHTMLById("u-lastname", userInfo.lastName); setBoolInnerHTMLById("u-pagepublic", userInfo.publicPage); setBoolInnerHTMLById("u-pageopen", userInfo.openPage); setInnerHTMLById("u-virtualdirectory", userInfo.virtualDirectory); applyUserAccountImage(byId("u-accountimage"), userInfo); setBoolInnerHTMLById("u-publicfriendslist", userInfo.friend_list_public); setInnerHTMLById("u-personnalwebsite", userInfo.personnalWebsite); setInnerHTMLById("u-publicnote", userInfo.publicNote); setBoolInnerHTMLById("u-commentsforbidden", userInfo.noCommentOnHisPage); setBoolInnerHTMLById("u-allowpostsfromfriends", userInfo.allowPostFromFriendOnHisPage); setInnerHTMLById("u-accountcreationtime", timeToStr(userInfo.account_creation_time)); applyURLToImage(byId("u-bgimage"), userInfo.backgroundImage); setInnerHTMLById("u-pagelikes", timeToStr(userInfo.pageLikes)); } /** * Apply friends list */ function ApplyFriendsList(){ let target = document.querySelector("#friends-list-table tbody"); data.friends_list.forEach(friend => { let friendInfo = getUserInfo(friend.ID_friend); let friendTR = createElem2({ appendTo: target, type: "tr" }); let friendName = createElem2({ appendTo: friendTR, type: "td" }); let friendAccoutImage = createElem2({ appendTo: friendName, type: "img" }); applyUserAccountImage(friendAccoutImage, friendInfo) friendName.innerHTML += friendInfo.full_name; let friendAccepted = createElem2({ appendTo: friendTR, type: "td", innerHTML: friend.accepted ? "Yes" : "Not yet" }); let friendLastActive = createElem2({ appendTo: friendTR, type: "td", innerHTML: timeToStr(friend.time_last_activity) }); }); } /** * Apply the list of posts */ function ApplyPosts(){ let target = byId("posts-target"); data.posts.forEach(post => { let userInfo = getUserInfo(post.userID); let card = createElem2({ appendTo: target, type: "div", class: "post card blue-grey darken-1" }); let cardContent = createElem2({ appendTo: card, type: "div", class: "card-content white-text" }); let userInfoEl = createElem2({ appendTo: cardContent, type: "div", class: "user-info-container" }); let userImage = createElem2({ appendTo: userInfoEl, type: "img" }); applyUserAccountImage(userImage, userInfo); userInfoEl.innerHTML += userInfo.full_name; //Check if the post was target another page than the user page if(post.user_page_id != 0 && post.user_page_id != post.userID){ userInfoEl.innerHTML += " > "; let targetUserInfo = getUserInfo(post.user_page_id); let targetUserImage = createElem2({ appendTo: userInfoEl, type: "img" }); applyUserAccountImage(targetUserImage, targetUserInfo); userInfoEl.innerHTML += targetUserInfo.full_name; } //Check if the post was targeting a group if(post.group_id > 0){ userInfoEl.innerHTML += " > "; userInfoEl.innerHTML += "Group " + post.group_id; } //Post metadata let postMetadata = createElem2({ appendTo: cardContent, type: "div", class: "post-metadata" }); let addMetadata = function(content){ createElem2({ appendTo: postMetadata, type: "p", class: "post-date", innerHTML: content }); } //Post time addMetadata(timeToStr(post.post_time)); //Post visibility addMetadata("Visibility: " + post.visibility_level); //Post type addMetadata("Kind of post: " + post.kind); //Likes addMetadata("Number of likes: " + post.likes); addMetadata("Does user like this post: " + (post.userlike ? "Yes" : "No")); //Files info if(post.file_size != null) addMetadata("File size: " + post.file_size); if(post.file_type != null) addMetadata("File type: " + post.file_type); if(post.file_path != null) addMetadata("File path: " + post.file_path); if(post.file_path_url != null) addMetadata("File path as URL: " + post.file_path_url); //Post content createElem2({ appendTo: cardContent, type: "div", class: "post-content", innerHTML: post.content }); //Process different kind of posts //Post with image if(post.kind == "image") { var image = createElem2({ appendTo: cardContent, type: "img" }); applyURLToImage(image, post.file_path_url); } //Post with YouTube video if(post.kind == "youtube"){ let youtube_link = "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=" + post.file_path; createElem2({ appendTo: cardContent, type: "p", innerHTML: "Target Video : " + youtube_link + "" }); } //Post with movie if(post.kind == "movie"){ //Display the movie only (movies have a dedicated tab) createElem2({ appendTo: cardContent, type: "a", href: getFilePathFromURL(post.video_info.url), innerHTML: "Open movie" }); } //Post with weblink if(post.kind == "weblink"){ let linkCard = createElem2({ appendTo: cardContent, type: "div", class: "card blue-text" }); let linkCardImage = createElem2({ appendTo: linkCard, type: "div", class: "card-image" }); //Image createElem2({ appendTo: linkCardImage, type: "img", src: post.link_image }); //Title createElem2({ appendTo: linkCardImage, type: "span", class: "card-title", innerHTML: post.link_title }); createElem2({ appendTo: linkCard, type: "div", class: "card-content", innerHTML: "
" }); let linkCardActions = createElem2({ appendTo: linkCard, type: "div", class: "card-action" }); createElem2({ appendTo: linkCardActions, type: "a", href: post.link_url, innerHTML: post.link_url }) } //Post with PDF if(post.kind == "pdf"){ createElem2({ appendTo: cardContent, type: "a", class: "waves-effect waves-light btn-large post-btn-pdf", innerHTML: 'picture_as_pdf PDF', href: getFilePathFromURL(post.file_path_url) }); } //Post with countdown timer if(post.kind == "countdown"){ createElem2({ appendTo: cardContent, type: "p", class: "post-end-countdown", innerHTML: "Countdown terminates on: " + timeToStr(post.time_end) }); } //Display the list of comments let postComments = createElem2({ appendTo: cardContent, type: "div", class: "post-comments", innerHTML: "Comments" }); post.comments.forEach(comment => { //Create comment container let commentContainer = createElem2({ appendTo: postComments, type: "div", class: "comment" }); let commentCreator = createElem2({ appendTo: commentContainer, type: "div", class: "comment-author" }); fillElWithUserInfo(commentCreator, comment.userID); let commentContent = createElem2({ appendTo: commentContainer, type: "div", innerHTML: comment.content }); //Add comment image (if any) if(comment.img_url != null){ let img = createElem2({ appendTo: commentContainer, type: "img", class: "comment-image" }); applyURLToImage(img, comment.img_url); } let commentMetadata = createElem2({ appendTo: commentContainer, type: "div", class: "comment-metadata" }); let addCommentMetadata = function(content){ createElem2({ appendTo: commentMetadata, type: "div", innerHTML: content }); }; addCommentMetadata(timeToStr(comment.time_sent)); addCommentMetadata("Likes: " + comment.likes); addCommentMetadata("User like: " + (comment.userlike ? "Yes" : "No")); }) }); } /** * Automatically switch the tab when it * is required by the user */ window.addEventListener("hashchange", RefreshTabsVisibility); //Page initialization RefreshTabsVisibility(); /** * Get the content of the source file */ let xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); xhr.open("GET", SOURCE_URL); xhr.onload = function(){ if(xhr.status != 200) return error("Could not access " + SOURCE_URL + " !"); //Parse data try { data = JSON.parse(xhr.response); } catch(e){ return error("Could not parse " + SOURCE_URL + " !"); } //Now we can apply specific process for each data block ApplyUserInfo(); ApplyFriendsList(); ApplyPosts(); } xhr.send(null);