/** * Messages functions * * @author Pierre HUBERT */ /** * Create a callout element and return it * * @param {String} calloutTitle The title of the callout * @param {String} calloutMessage The message of the callout * @param {String} calloutType The type of the callout (danger, info, warning, success) */ ComunicWeb.common.messages.createCalloutElem = function(calloutTitle, calloutMessage, calloutType){ //Prepare callout message calloutMessage = "<p>" + calloutMessage + "</p>"; //By default, it is an info callout if(!calloutType) var calloutType = "info"; //Create callout main container var calloutElem = document.createElement('div'); calloutElem.className = "callout callout-" + calloutType; //Add title if(calloutTitle != ""){ var calloutTitleElem = document.createElement("h4"); calloutTitleElem.innerHTML = calloutTitle; calloutElem.appendChild(calloutTitleElem) } //Add callout body var calloutBody = document.createElement("div"); calloutBody.innerHTML = calloutMessage; calloutElem.appendChild(calloutBody); //Return created element return calloutElem; } /** * Create loading callout element * * @param {HTMLElement} target Optionnal, the target of the callout element * @return {HTMLElement} Generated loading callout element */ ComunicWeb.common.messages.createLoadingCallout = function(target){ var elem = this.createCalloutElem(lang("messages_loading_layout_title"), lang("messages_loading_layout_message"), "info"); if(target) target.appendChild(elem); return elem; } /** * Create dialog skeleton * * @param {object} info Information about the callout to create * @argument {string} type The type of modal * @argument {string} title The title of the modal * @return {object} Information about the created dialog */ ComunicWeb.common.messages.createDialogSkeleton = function(info){ data = {}; //Get modal type var modalType = info.type ? info.type : "default"; //Get modal title var modalTitle = info.title ? info.title : ""; //Create a modal root data.modal = createElem2({ type: "div", class: "modal modal-" + modalType }); var modalDialog = createElem2({ appendTo: data.modal, type: "div", class: "modal-dialog" }); data.modalContent = createElem2({ appendTo: modalDialog, type: "div", class: "modal-content", }); //Modal header data.modalHeader = createElem2({ appendTo: data.modalContent, type: "div", class: "modal-header" }); data.closeModal = createElem2({ appendTo: data.modalHeader, type: "button", class: "close", }); createElem2({ appendTo: data.closeModal, type: "span", innerHTML: "x" }); //Modal title data.modalTitle = createElem2({ appendTo: data.modalHeader, type: "h4", class: "modal-title", innerHTML: modalTitle }); //Modal body data.modalBody = createElem2({ appendTo: data.modalContent, type: "div", class: "modal-body", }); //Modal footer data.modalFooter = createElem2({ appendTo: data.modalContent, type: "div", class: "modal-footer" }); data.cancelButton = createElem2({ appendTo: data.modalFooter, type: "button", class: "btn btn-default", innerHTML: lang("messages_dialog_cancel") }); return data; } /** * Create a confirmation dialog * * @param {string} message The confirmation message * @param {function} callback What to do once the user has made is choice * The function must includes one parameters which is a boolean. * - TRUE if the user accepted the action * - FALSE if the user decided to cancel it */ ComunicWeb.common.messages.confirm = function(message, callback){ //Create a modal root var modal = createElem2({ type: "div", class: "modal modal-danger confirm-modal" }); var modalDialog = createElem2({ appendTo: modal, type: "div", class: "modal-dialog" }); var modalContent = createElem2({ appendTo: modalDialog, type: "div", class: "modal-content", }); //Modal header var modalHeader = createElem2({ appendTo: modalContent, type: "div", class: "modal-header" }); var closeModal = createElem2({ appendTo: modalHeader, type: "button", class: "close", }); closeModal.setAttribute("data-confirm", "false"); createElem2({ appendTo: closeModal, type: "span", innerHTML: "x" }); var modalTitle = createElem2({ appendTo: modalHeader, type: "h4", class: "modal-title", innerHTML: lang("messages_dialog_confirm_title") }); //Modal body var modalBody = createElem2({ appendTo: modalContent, type: "div", class: "modal-body", innerHTML: "<p>"+message+"</p>" }); //Modal footer var modalFooter = createElem2({ appendTo: modalContent, type: "div", class: "modal-footer" }); var cancelButton = createElem2({ appendTo: modalFooter, type: "button", class: "btn btn-default pull-left", innerHTML: lang("messages_dialog_confirm_cancel") }); cancelButton.setAttribute("data-confirm", "false"); var confirmButton = createElem2({ appendTo: modalFooter, type: "button", class: "btn btn-danger", innerHTML: lang("messages_dialog_confirm_confirm") }); confirmButton.setAttribute("data-confirm", "true"); //Create the response function var respond = function(){ //Check if the operation was confirmed or not var accept = this.getAttribute("data-confirm") == "true"; //Close modal $(modal).modal('hide'); emptyElem(modal); modal.remove(); //Call callback callback(accept); } //Make the buttons live cancelButton.onclick = respond; confirmButton.onclick = respond; closeModal.onclick = respond; //Show the modal $(modal).modal('show'); } /** * Prompt the user to input a string * * @param {string} title The title of the edit box * @param {string} message The label for the input field * @param {string} defaultValue The default value of the input string * @param {function} callback What to do once the user has made is choice * The callback function must includes one parameters which is a boolean or a string. * - The content of the typed string (if any) * - FALSE if the user decided to cancel the dialog */ ComunicWeb.common.messages.inputString = function(title, message, defaultValue, callback){ //Create a modal root var modal = createElem2({ type: "div", class: "modal modal-primary input-string-modal" }); var modalDialog = createElem2({ appendTo: modal, type: "div", class: "modal-dialog" }); var modalContent = createElem2({ appendTo: modalDialog, type: "div", class: "modal-content", }); //Modal header var modalHeader = createElem2({ appendTo: modalContent, type: "div", class: "modal-header" }); var closeModal = createElem2({ appendTo: modalHeader, type: "button", class: "close", }); closeModal.setAttribute("data-confirm", "false"); createElem2({ appendTo: closeModal, type: "span", innerHTML: "x" }); var modalTitle = createElem2({ appendTo: modalHeader, type: "h4", class: "modal-title", innerHTML: title }); //Modal body var modalBody = createElem2({ appendTo: modalContent, type: "div", class: "modal-body", }); //Setup form var textInput = createFormGroup({ target: modalBody, type: "text", label: message, placeholder: "" }); textInput.value = defaultValue; //Modal footer var modalFooter = createElem2({ appendTo: modalContent, type: "div", class: "modal-footer" }); var cancelButton = createElem2({ appendTo: modalFooter, type: "button", class: "btn btn-default pull-left", innerHTML: lang("messages_dialog_input_string_cancel") }); cancelButton.setAttribute("data-confirm", "false"); var submitButton = createElem2({ appendTo: modalFooter, type: "button", class: "btn btn-primary", innerHTML: lang("messages_dialog_input_string_submit") }); submitButton.setAttribute("data-confirm", "true"); //Create the response function var respond = function(){ //Check if the operation was confirmed or not var cancel = this.getAttribute("data-confirm") != "true"; //Close modal $(modal).modal('hide'); emptyElem(modal); modal.remove(); //Call callback //The operation was not cancelled if(!cancel) callback(textInput.value); //The user cancelled the operation else callback(false); } //Make the buttons live cancelButton.onclick = respond; submitButton.onclick = respond; closeModal.onclick = respond; //Show the modal $(modal).modal('show'); } /** * Prompt the user to input his password * * @param {Object} info Additionnal information */ ComunicWeb.common.messages.promptPassword = function(info){ var dialog = ComunicWeb.common.messages.createDialogSkeleton({ type: "danger", title: "Password required" }); $(dialog.modal).modal("show"); //Create modal close function var closeModal = function(e, password){ $(dialog.modal).modal("hide"); emptyElem(dialog.modal); dialog.modal.remove(); //Callback if(info.callback) info.callback(password); }; dialog.cancelButton.addEventListener("click", closeModal); dialog.closeModal.addEventListener("click", closeModal); //Set dialog body var passwordForm = createElem2({ appendTo: dialog.modalBody, type: "div" }); createElem2({ appendTo: passwordForm, type: "p", innerHTML: "We need your password to continue." }); //Create pasword input group var inputGroup = createElem2({ appendTo: passwordForm, type: "div", class: "input-group input-group-sm" }); //Create password input var passwordInput = createElem2({ appendTo: inputGroup, type: "input", class: "form-control", elemType: "password" }); //Create input group var inputGroupContainer = createElem2({ appendTo: inputGroup, type: "span", class: "input-group-btn" }); //Add submit button var submitButton = createElem2({ appendTo: inputGroupContainer, type: "button", class: "btn btn-danger", innerHTML: "Confirm deletion" }); submitButton.addEventListener("click", function(e){ //Check given password var password = passwordInput.value; if(password.length < 4) return notify("Please check given password !", "danger"); //Close modal closeModal(null, password); }); }