 * Conversations list pane
 * @author Pierre HUBERT

ComunicWeb.pages.conversations.listPane = {

	 * Save current list
	_curr_list: {},

	 * Display the list of conversation
	 * @param {HTMLElement} target The target of the page
	 * @param {Object} args Additional arguments
	display: function(target, args){

		//Create the box
		var listBox = createElem2({
			appendTo: target,
			type: "div",
			class: "box box-solid conversations-list-box"

		//Box header
		var boxHeader = createElem2({
			appendTo: listBox,
			type: "div",
			class: "box-header with-border"

		//Box title
			appendTo: boxHeader,
			type: "h3",
			class: "box-title",
			innerHTML: "Conversations"

		//Box body
		var boxBody = createElem2({
			appendTo: listBox,
			type: "div",
			class: "box-body no-padding"

		var interval = setInterval(function(){

			//Check if box body is still connected
				ComunicWeb.pages.conversations.listPane._curr_list = null;

			//Load the list of conversations
			ComunicWeb.pages.conversations.listPane.refresh_list(boxBody, args);

		}, 5000);

		//Force load the list of conversations
		ComunicWeb.pages.conversations.listPane._curr_list = null;
		ComunicWeb.pages.conversations.listPane.refresh_list(boxBody, args);

	 * Refresh the list of conversations
	 * @param {HTMLElement} target The target for the list
	 * @param {Object} args Additionnal arguments
	refresh_list: function(target, args){

		//Loading message, if required
		if(target.childElementCount == 0){
			var loadingMsg = createElem2({
				appendTo: target,
				type: "div",
				class: "conv-list-loading-msg",
				innerHTML: "Loading, please wait..."
			//Create empty division
			var loadingMsg = document.createElement("div");

		//Perform a request over the interface

			//Check for errors
				loadingMsg.innerHTML = "An error occured !";

			//Remove loading message

			//Check if it is required to apply new list
			if(JSON.stringify(ComunicWeb.pages.conversations.listPane._curr_list) == JSON.stringify(result))
			ComunicWeb.pages.conversations.listPane._curr_list = result;
			emptyElem(target); //Remove any previously shown list

			//Display the list of conversations
			ComunicWeb.pages.conversations.listPane._display_list(target, result, args);


	 * Display the list of conversations
	 * @param {HTMLElement} target The target for the list
	 * @param {Object} list The list of conversations
	 * @param {Object} args Additional arguments
	_display_list: function(target, list, args){

		//Create the conversations container
		var conversationsContainer = createElem2({
			appendTo: target,
			type: "ul", 
			class: "nav nav-pills nav-stacked"

		//Make sure there isn't any selected conversation currently
		args.selected_conversation = null;

		//Process the list of conversations
		for (var num in list) {
			if (list.hasOwnProperty(num)) {
				var conversation = list[num];
				//Display conversation element
				args = this._display_entry(conversationsContainer, conversation, args);
		//Enable slimscroll

		//Scroll to selected conversation, if possible
		if(args.selected_conversation != null){
			var newScrollPos = args.selected_conversation.offsetTop - 30;
			if(newScrollPos < 0)
				newScrollPos = 0;

			//Enable slimscroll again
				ComunicWeb.pages.conversations.utils.getAvailableHeight() + 55, 

	 * Display a single conversation entry
	 * @param {HTMLElement} target The target for the conversation
	 * @param {Object} info Information about the conversation to display
	 * @param {Object} args Additional arguments
	 * @return Additional arguments (may be modified)
	_display_entry: function(target, info, args) {

		//Create conversation container element
		var convContainer = createElem2({
			appendTo: target,
			type: "li"

		//Create conversation link element
		var convLink = createElem2({
			appendTo: convContainer,
			type: "a"
		convLink.addEventListener("click", function(e){

			//Force conversation list refresh
			ComunicWeb.pages.conversations.listPane._curr_list = {};

			//Make the choice visible
			convLink.className += " selected";

			//Open the conversation

		//Check if it is the current conversation
		if(args.getCurrentID() == info.ID){
			convLink.className += " selected";

			//Save selected conversation link
			args.selected_conversation = convContainer;

		//Add conversation last activity on the rigth
		var lastActivityContainer = createElem2({
			appendTo: convLink,
			type: "small",
			class: "pull-right last-activity",
			innerHTML: "<i class='fa fa-clock-o'></i> "

		//Add last activity
			appendTo: lastActivityContainer,
			type: "span",
			innerHTML: ComunicWeb.common.date.timeDiffToStr(info.last_active)

		//Add conversation name
		var conversationName = createElem2({
			appendTo: convLink,
			type: info.saw_last_message ? "span" : "strong",
			innerHTML: "Loading..."
		ComunicWeb.components.conversations.utils.getName(info, function(name){
			conversationName.innerHTML = name;

		//Append the number of members of the conversation
		var membersNumberContainer = createElem2({
			appendTo: convLink,
			type: "p",
			class: "number-members-conversation"

		var membersNumberContainerSmall = createElem2({
			appendTo: membersNumberContainer,
			type: "small",
			innerHTML: "<i class='fa fa-users'></i> "
			appendTo: membersNumberContainerSmall,
			type: "span",
			innerHTML: (info.members.length === 1 ? "1 member" : info.members.length + " members")

		//Return the list of arguments
		return args;
