 * Lang functions
 * @author Pierre HUBERT

 * Get current language
 * @return {String} The id of the current language
ComunicWeb.common.langs.getCurrentLanguage = function(){
    return "fr";
    //return ComunicWeb.__config.defaultLanguage;

 * Include and install specified language
 * @param {String} languageID The languageID to install
ComunicWeb.common.langs.installLanguage = function(languageID){
    //Generate filename to include
    var fileToInclude = ComunicWeb.__config.languagesPath + languageID + ".inc.js";

    //Include filename

 * Language initiator
 * @return Boolean False if it fails
ComunicWeb.common.langs.initLanguages = function(){
    //Debug message
    ComunicWeb.debug.logMessage("Get and install languages...");

    //Get languages to install
    this.__currentLang = this.getCurrentLanguage();
    this.__defaultLang = ComunicWeb.__config.defaultLanguage;
    //Install default language (made by default)

    //If selected language is different than default one, install it too
    if(this.__currentLang !== this.__defaultLang)
    //Everything is OK
    return 0;

 * Return a string in correct language
 * @param {String} stringName The name of the string to show
 * @param {Array} stringParams The optionnal parametres to include with the string
 * @return {String} The string ready to show
ComunicWeb.common.langs.getTranslatedText = function(stringName, stringParams){
    //Try to get string
        var string = this[this.__currentLang][stringName];
    else if(this[this.__defaultLang][stringName])
        var string = this[this.__defaultLang][stringName];
        var string = "No Translated String";
    //Change string with parametres if required
        for(i in stringParams){
            string = string.replace("%p", stringParams[i]);

    return string;