#!/usr/bin/env php ########################### # ComunicWeb build script # # # # @author Pierre HUBERT # ########################### <?php //Output directory define("OUTPUT_DIRECTORY", __DIR__."/output/"); //Temporary file define("TEMP_FILE", __DIR__."/output/temp"); //Defines some utilities /** * Display a message on the screen * * @param string $message The message to display on the screen * @param bool $new_section Specify whether the message refers to a * new build section or not */ function notice(string $message, bool $new_section = false) { echo ($new_section ? "\n\n" : "").$message,"\n"; } /** * Append a string at the begining of each entry of an array * * @param string $input The string to append to each array entry * @param array $array The array to process * @return array Updated array */ function array_put_begining(string $input, array $array){ foreach($array as $num => $val) $array[$num] = $input.$val; return $array; } /** * Copy an array of file into a specific target file * * @param array $files The list of file to copy * @param string $target The target file to create * @param bool TRUE for a success / FALSE else */ function files_to_file(array $files, string $target) : bool { $source = ""; foreach($files as $file){ $source .= file_get_contents($file)."\n"; } return file_put_contents($target, $source) != FALSE; } /** * Copy an array of files into a specific target file using uglifyJS * * @param string $begin_path The begining of each path * @param array $files The name of the source file * @param string $target The target file * @return bool TRUE in case of success / FALSE in case of failure */ function js_files_to_file(string $begin_path, array $files, string $target){ $source = ""; //Delete any previous temporary file if(file_exists(TEMP_FILE)) unlink(TEMP_FILE); foreach($files as $file){ $uglifyjs = true; //Check if file entry is an array or a string if(is_string($file)) $file = $begin_path.$file; //It is an array else if(is_array($file)) { //Check if we have special information for uglifyjs if(isset($file["uglifyjs"])) $uglifyjs = $file["uglifyjs"]; $file = $begin_path.$file["path"]; } //Else the kind of entry is not supported else throw new Exception("Excepted string or array, got something else for javascript entry!"); //Compress file if($uglifyjs){ notice("Parsing with UGLIFYJS: ".$file); exec("/usr/bin/uglifyjs '".$file."' -c -o ".TEMP_FILE, $output, $exit_code); //Get the content of the file $source .= "\n".file_get_contents(TEMP_FILE); if($exit_code != 0){ notice("An error (".$exit_code.") occured while parsing file ".$file, TRUE); exit(10); } } //Else we take the file as is else $source .= "\n".file_get_contents($file); } //Delete the temp file unlink(TEMP_FILE); return file_put_contents($target, $source) != FALSE; } /** * Delete the entire content of directory * * @param string $path The path of the directory to delete */ function delDir(string $path){ if(is_dir($path) == TRUE){ $rootFolder = scandir($path); if(sizeof($rootFolder) > 2){ foreach($rootFolder as $folder){ if($folder != "." && $folder != ".."){ //Pass the subfolder to function delDir($path."/".$folder); } } //On the end of foreach the directory will be cleaned, and you will can use rmdir, to remove it rmdir($path); } } else { if(file_exists($path) == TRUE){ //Suppression du fichier unlink($path); } } } // copies files and non-empty directories function rcopy(string $src, string $dst) { if (is_dir($src)) { mkdir($dst, 0777, true); $files = scandir($src); foreach ($files as $file) if ($file != "." && $file != "..") rcopy("$src/$file", "$dst/$file"); } else if (file_exists($src)) copy($src, $dst); } //Initialize page require_once __DIR__."/system/system.php"; /** * Build application */ function build() { if(!isset($_SERVER['argv'][2])) exit(notice("Usage: ./build build [configuration]", TRUE)); //Defines some variables $debug_conf = "dev"; $release_conf = $_SERVER['argv'][2]; //Load configurations notice("Load configurations.", TRUE); notice("Debug config: ".$debug_conf); notice("Release config: ".$release_conf); load_config($debug_conf); $debug = new $debug_conf; $path_debug_assets = __DIR__."/".$debug::PATH_ASSETS; load_config($release_conf); $release = new $release_conf; $path_release_assets = OUTPUT_DIRECTORY.$release::PATH_ASSETS; //Clean directory notice("Clean build directory", TRUE); if(file_exists(OUTPUT_DIRECTORY)) delDir(OUTPUT_DIRECTORY); mkdir(OUTPUT_DIRECTORY, 0777, true); mkdir($path_release_assets, 0777, true); mkdir($path_release_assets."/css", 0777, true); mkdir($path_release_assets."/zip", 0777, true); //Create unminified version notice("Create unminified files versions", TRUE); //3rd party CSS notice("Third Party CSS"); $thirdPartyDebugFiles = array_put_begining($path_debug_assets, $debug::THIRD_PARTY_CSS); $targetThirdPartyCSS = $path_release_assets.$release::THIRD_PARTY_CSS; files_to_file($thirdPartyDebugFiles, $targetThirdPartyCSS); //3rd party JS notice("Third Party JS"); $targetThirdPartyJS = $path_release_assets.$release::THIRD_PARTY_JS; js_files_to_file($path_debug_assets, $debug::THIRD_PARTY_JS, $targetThirdPartyJS); //App CSS notice("App CSS"); $appDebugFiles = array_put_begining($path_debug_assets, $debug::APP_CSS); $targetAppCSS = $path_release_assets.$release::APP_CSS; files_to_file($appDebugFiles, $targetAppCSS); //App JS notice("App JS"); $targetAppJS = $path_release_assets.$release::APP_JS; js_files_to_file($path_debug_assets, $debug::APP_JS, $targetAppJS); //Make some adpations on third party files $source = file_get_contents($targetThirdPartyCSS); $source = str_replace("../fonts/fontawesome", "fontawesome_fonts/fontawesome", $source); $source = str_replace("../fonts/ionicons", "ionicons_fonts/ionicons", $source); $source = str_replace("../fonts/glyphicons", "fonts/glyphicons", $source); file_put_contents($targetThirdPartyCSS, $source); //Copy font awesome files + ionicons files + bootstrap fond + and twemojies files + Google Fonts rcopy($path_debug_assets."3rdparty/adminLTE/plugins/font-awesome/fonts", $path_release_assets."fontawesome_fonts"); rcopy($path_debug_assets."3rdparty/adminLTE/plugins/ionicons/fonts", $path_release_assets."ionicons_fonts"); rcopy($path_debug_assets."3rdparty/adminLTE/bootstrap/fonts", $path_release_assets."fonts"); rcopy($path_debug_assets."3rdparty/twemoji/2/72x72/", $path_release_assets."3rdparty/twemoji/2/72x72/"); rcopy($path_debug_assets."3rdparty/adminLTE/plugins/googleFonts/googleFonts/", $path_release_assets."googleFonts/"); rcopy($path_debug_assets."3rdparty/wdt-emoji/sheets/", $path_release_assets."3rdparty/wdt-emoji/sheets/"); //Copy iCheck images rcopy($path_debug_assets."3rdparty/adminLTE/plugins/iCheck/flat/icheck-flat-imgs/", $path_release_assets."icheck-flat-imgs/"); //Copy images and templates rcopy($path_debug_assets."img/", $path_release_assets."img/"); rcopy($path_debug_assets."templates/", $path_release_assets."templates/"); //Copy songs rcopy($path_debug_assets."audio/", $path_release_assets."audio/"); //Copy dark theme rcopy($path_debug_assets."css/dark_theme.css", $path_release_assets."css/dark_theme.css"); //Copy pacman rcopy($path_debug_assets."3rdparty/pacman", $path_release_assets."3rdparty/pacman"); //Build and copy personnal data navigator notice("Build personnal data export navigator and add it to built files"); exec($path_debug_assets."zip/personnal-data-export-navigator-builder.sh"); rcopy($path_debug_assets."zip/personnal-data-export-navigator.zip", $path_release_assets."zip/personnal-data-export-navigator.zip"); //Begin to write root PHP File notice("Generate PHP root file"); $page_src = '<?php //We check if it is a redirection to handle 404 errors if(isset($_SERVER["REDIRECT_URL"])){ //We check if it is an asset request if(preg_match("<assets>", $_SERVER["REDIRECT_URL"])){ //This is a 404 not found error... echo "<p>Error! 404 not found</p>"; http_response_code(404); exit(); } }'; // Begin .htaccess file $htaccess = '<IfModule mod_rewrite.c> RewriteEngine On RewriteRule ^index\.php$ - [L] RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d RewriteRule . index.php [L] </IfModule> '; //Check if we have to force https connection if(defined(get_class($release)."::FORCE_HTTPS")){ if($release::FORCE_HTTPS){ //Inform user notice("This build will work only with https."); //Add rules in .htaccess $htaccess .= "\n\nRewriteCond %{HTTPS} !on\n"; $htaccess .= "RewriteRule (.*) https://%{HTTP_HOST}%{REQUEST_URI}"; //Add rules in root PHP file $page_src .= "\n//Force HTTPS connection\n"; $page_src .= "if(!isset(\$_SERVER[\"HTTPS\"]) || \$_SERVER[\"HTTPS\"] != \"on\")\n"; $page_src .= "\theader('Location: https://'.\$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].\$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);\n"; } } //Write .htaccess file file_put_contents(OUTPUT_DIRECTORY.".htaccess", $htaccess); //Write root index file $page_src .= ' ?>'; $page_src .= load_page($release_conf); file_put_contents(OUTPUT_DIRECTORY."index.php", $page_src); //Done notice("Done.", TRUE); } //BUILD /** * Clean build directory */ function clean(){ notice("Cleaning build directory.", TRUE); delDir(OUTPUT_DIRECTORY); } //Get the action and do it if(!isset($_SERVER['argv'][1])) exit("Usage: ./build [action]"); $action = $_SERVER['argv'][1]; switch($action){ case "build": build(); break; case "clean": clean(); break; default: notice("Accepted commands are build, clean.", TRUE); }