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* Page functions
* @author Pierre HUBERT
ComunicWeb.common.page = {
* Save the current page url
_current_url: "",
* Empty current page content
* @param {Boolean} createWrapper Optionnal, define if it is required to add a wrapper
* container to the page
* @return {Object} Wrapper element if it is created
emptyPage: function(createWrapper){
//Empty body tag
document.body.innerHTML = "";
//Remove body speicific tags
document.body.className = "";
document.body.id = "";
document.body.onclick = "";
//Log message
ComunicWeb.debug.logMessage("Clean the screen.");
//If required, create the wrapper element
var wrapper = document.createElement("div");
wrapper.className = "wrapper";
wrapper.id = "wrapper";
//Return link to wrapper
* Show a full wait splash screen
* @param {String} message A message to explain the reason of the splash screen (optionnal)
showWaitSplashScreen: function(message){
//First, empty the screen
//Log message
ComunicWeb.debug.logMessage("Display a wait splash screen on the screen.");
//Create message element (if required)
var messageElem = createElem("div", document.body);
messageElem.className = "text";
messageElem.innerHTML = message;
//Create image element
var imgElem = document.createElement("img");
imgElem.src = ComunicWeb.__config.assetsURL+"img/roundProgress.gif";
//Change body className
document.body.className = "waitSplashScreen";
* Show a transparent wait splash screen
* @param {HTMLElement} target Optionnal, defines the target of the transparent splashscreen
* @returns {HTMLElement} The splash screen element to let it being deleted
showTransparentWaitSplashScreen: function(target){
//Create the element
var waitSplashScreen = createElem("div");
waitSplashScreen.className = "transparentWaitSplashScreen";
//Populate it
var imgElem = createElem("img");
imgElem.src = ComunicWeb.__config.assetsURL+"img/barProgress.gif";
//Apply splash screen
//Return wait splash screen element
return waitSplashScreen;
* Open a page
* @param {String} pageURI The URI to the page
* @param {Object} additionnalData Additionnal data to pass to the new page
* @return {Boolean} True for a success
openPage: function(pageURI, additionnalData){
//Log message
ComunicWeb.debug.logMessage("Open the following page: " + pageURI);
//Check if some additionnal data was specified
additionnalData = {};
//Extract the first part of the URL
var firstPartURI = pageURI.toString();
//Check if there are hashtag for the URL
if(firstPartURI.indexOf("#") != -1){
firstPartURI = firstPartURI.split("#")[0];
//Check if there are $_GET parametres included with the URL
var split = firstPartURI.split("?");
firstPartURI = split[0];
additionnalData.urlArgs = {};
//Process the arguments
var list = split[1].split("&");
for(i in list){
//Check if it is a real argument
if(list[i].length > 0){
additionnalData.urlArgs[list[i]] = null;
} else {
//Add the argument to the list
var argument = list[i].split("=");
additionnalData.urlArgs[argument[0]] = argument[1];
//Check if pageURI is empty
if(firstPartURI == ""){
firstPartURI = "home";
//Save the first part of the URI as an argument
additionnalData.rootDirectory = firstPartURI;
//Check if there is also subfolders
if(firstPartURI.indexOf("/") != -1){
//Save the list of subfolders
var subfoldersURIarray = firstPartURI.split("/");
var subfoldersURI = subfoldersURIarray.join("/");
//Remove them to find the right page
firstPartURI = firstPartURI.split("/")[0];
} else {
//No subfolder was specified
var subfoldersURI = false;
//Check if specied page exists
var pageInfos = ComunicWeb.pagesList[firstPartURI];
//Else we include the 404 not found page
else {
//Check if no subfolder was specified
var pageInfos = ComunicWeb.pagesList.notFound;
//Find & open dynamically the appropriate page
else {
var pageInfos = ComunicWeb.pagesList.virtual_directory;
//Change page title
//Change page URL, if required
if(additionnalData.no_url_update ? !additionnalData.no_url_update : true)
this.update_uri(document.title, pageURI);
//Get the main container of the page
var mainContainerElem = byId("wrapper");
//If we didn't get anything, clean the page and create a wrapper element
var mainContainerElem = this.emptyPage(true);
//Check if the page requires user login
//We check if the page is a full screen page or not
//We force the screen to be cleaned
var mainContainerElem = this.emptyPage(true);
var pageTarget = mainContainerElem; //The page directly goes to the main target
else {
//We try to locate the target of the page
var pageTarget = byId("pageTarget");
//We empty screen if we couldn't rich it
mainContainerElem.innerHTML = "";
//We create the pagetTarget element
var pageTarget = createElem("div", mainContainerElem);
pageTarget.id = "pageTarget";
//We can empty page target (much faster)
pageTarget.innerHTML = "";
//Set wrapper class
pageTarget.className = "content-wrapper";
//Set body class
document.body.className="hold-transition fixed skin-blue layout-top-nav";
//We load the menubar
//We load specific components for logged in users
//We load friends list (if user is logged in)
//We load conversations manager (login required)
//Ask adminLTE to fix layout
//Add the subfolder URI (if any)
additionnalData.subfolder = subfoldersURI;
//Call the method related to the page
eval(pageInfos.methodHandler + ("(additionnalData, pageTarget);"));
//Propagate information
SendEvent("openPage", {
page: pageURI
return true;
* Refresh the current page
refresh_current_page: function(){
//Get current page URI
var currentPage = ComunicWeb.common.url.getCurrentWebsiteURL();
//Open a page
this.openPage(currentPage, {no_url_update: true});
* Safely trigger URL update
* @param {String} title The new title of the page
* @param {String} uri The new URL
update_uri: function(title, uri){
//Trigger URL update
ComunicWeb.common.url.changeURI(title, uri);
//Save new url
this._current_url = window.location.href.toString();
* Inform of page location update
* @param {location} new_location The new location of the page
location_updated: function(new_location){
//Check if the url change has already been handled or not
if(new_location.href.toString() != this._current_url)
//Open the page using url detection
* Prepare a template load by specifiying datas
* @return {Object} The object container with all required infos
prepareLoadTemplate: function(){
//Create an object
var obj = {
templateURL: "",
templateDatas: "",
//Return object
return obj;
* Load, parse and show an HTML template
* @param {Object} targetElem The target element where the template will be applied
* @param {Object} dataTemplate Datas to pass to the template (to parse it)
* @param {String} templateURI URI pointing on the template
* @param {function} afterParsingHTMLtemplate What to do once the template is loaded
* @param {Boolean} cleanContainer Specify if container has to be cleaned or not
* @return {Boolean} False if it fails
getAndShowTemplate: function(targetElem, dataTemplate, templateURI, afterParsingHTMLtemplate, cleanContainer){
//First, get the template URL
templateURL = ComunicWeb.__config.templatesURL + templateURI;
//Define how to apply the template
var afterDownloadTemplateContent = function(templateContent){
//If required, clean the container
targetElem.innerHTML = "";
//Apply data templates
for(elemName in dataTemplate){
//We change the template content while it still exists
while(templateContent.indexOf("{"+elemName+"}") != -1){
templateContent = templateContent.replace("{"+elemName+"}", dataTemplate[elemName]);
//Apply required translations
//Get the full template inclusion
var source = templateContent.match(/\[\[.*\]\]/i)[0];
//Determine lang key
var key = source.replace("[[", "").replace("]]", "");
var translation = lang(key);
//Apply lang
templateContent = templateContent.replace(source, translation);
//Apply template source
targetElem.innerHTML = templateContent;
//Make links live
var aElems = targetElem.getElementsByTagName("a");
for(num in aElems){
//Export current element
var currentElement = aElems[num];
//Check if it is a real html elements and if it contains a "target" attribute
//Change the onclick behavior of the elements
currentElement.onclick = (function() {
//Perform next action (if there is)
//Perform request
if(!ComunicWeb.common.network.getRequest(templateURL, true, afterDownloadTemplateContent))
//An error occured
return false;
* Convert a JSON object into html elements
* @param {Object} parentNodeChilds The parent which contains the childs to convert (an object)
* @param {Object} values Optionnal, fill the template with predefined values
* @returns {HTMLObject} The processed JSON code
convertJSONobjectTOhtmlElement: function(parentNodeChilds, values){
//Create variable
var resultElements = {};
//Process each element of the array
for(elemID in parentNodeChilds){
//Determine object type
var objType = (parentNodeChilds[elemID].nodeType ? parentNodeChilds[elemID].nodeType : elemID);
//Create object
var element = document.createElement(objType);
element.elemID = elemID;
//Populate it with its informations
for(fieldName in parentNodeChilds[elemID]){
if(fieldName == "nodeType"){
//Do nothing
//We perform children generation if required
else if(fieldName == "children"){
//Call the function to get the element's childs and apply them
var elemChilds = this.convertJSONobjectTOhtmlElement(parentNodeChilds[elemID][fieldName], values);
for(childID in elemChilds){
//We check if it is innerHTML filling
else if(fieldName == "innerHTML"){
element.innerHTML = parentNodeChilds[elemID][fieldName];
//We check if it is auto filling system which is called
else if (fieldName == "autofill"){
//Check if required value exists in the data
//Then fill field with the value
element.innerHTML = values[parentNodeChilds[elemID][fieldName]];
//For other input, we use "setAttribute"
element.setAttribute(fieldName, parentNodeChilds[elemID][fieldName]);
//Save element
resultElements[element.elemID] = element;
//Return result
return resultElements;
* Get and show a JSON template
* @param {Object} targetElem The target element where the template will be applied
* @param {String} templateURI URI pointing on the template
* @param {Object} additionalData Additionnal to pass to the template
* @param {function} afterParsingJSONtemplate What to do once JSON template is loaded
* @param {Boolean} cleanContainer Specify wether the template container has to be cleaned or not
* @return {Boolean} Flase if it fails
getAndShowJSONtemplate: function(targetElem, templateURI, additionalData, afterParsingJSONtemplate, cleanContainer){
//Define template URL
var templateURL = ComunicWeb.__config.templatesURL + templateURI;
//Define how to apply the template
var afterTemplateDownload = function(templateContent){
//Decode JSON content
var JSONobject = JSON.parse(templateContent);
//Check if parsing failed
ComunicWeb.debug.logMessage("Parsing JSON failed with this file: " + templateURL);
return false;
//Parse JSON object
var result = ComunicWeb.common.page.convertJSONobjectTOhtmlElement(JSONobject, additionalData);
//Apply each result element
for(elem in result){
//Perform next action if required
//Everything OK
return true;
//Perform request
if(!ComunicWeb.common.network.getRequest(templateURL, true, afterTemplateDownload))
//An error occured
return false;
}; |