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* Utilities functions
* @author Pierre HUBERT
* Create a new HTML node
* @param {String} nodeType The type of the HTML node
* @param {HTMLElement} appendTo Optionnal, defines node on which the new node will be applied
* @return {HTMLElement} The newly created element
function createElem(nodeType, appendTo){
var newElem = document.createElement(nodeType);
//Return result
return newElem;
* Create a new HTML node (version2)
* @param {Object} infos Informations about the HTML node to create
* @info {String} type The type of the new node
* @info {HTMLElement} appendTo HTML Element that will receive the new node
* @info {String} insertBefore Insert before specified HTML element
* @info {String} class The class of the new element
* @info {String} id The ID of the new element
* @info {String} title The title of the new element
* @info {String} src The src attribute of the new element
* @info {String} elemType The type attribute of the new element
* @info {String} value The value of the new element
* @info {String} placeholder The placeholder of the new element
* @info {String} innerHTML Specify the html content of the newly created element
* @return {HTMLElement} The newly created element
function createElem2(infos){
var newElem = document.createElement(infos.type);
//Append to a specific element
//Append before a specific element
infos.insertBefore.parentNode.insertBefore(newElem, infos.insertBefore);
//Specify the class of the element
newElem.className = infos.class;
//Specify the ID of the element
newElem.id = infos.id;
//Specify the title of the new element
newElem.title = infos.title;
//Specify the source of the element
newElem.src = infos.src;
//Specify element type
newElem.type = infos.elemType;
//Specify element value
newElem.value = infos.value;
//Specify element placeholder
newElem.placeholder = infos.placeholder;
//Specify node content
newElem.innerHTML = infos.innerHTML;
//Return newly created element
return newElem;
* Get an HTML element specified by an ID
* @param {String} nodeName The ID of the element
* @return {HTMLElement} The element / False for a failure
function byId(nodeName){
return document.getElementById(nodeName);
* Remove all nodes of a specified HTML element
* @param {HTMLElement} container The container to empty
* @return {Boolean} True for a success
function emptyElem(container){
//Get children references
var children = container.children;
//Process each child
while(container.children.length > 0){
//Check if the child has subchild
emptyElem(container.children[0]); //Remove them first
//Remove child
return true;
* Delete all the content of an object
* @param {Object} object The object to clear
* @return {Boolean} True for a success
function clearObject(object){
//Variable (for loop) is specific to this local scop
var i = 0;
//Process each node of the object
for(i in object){
//Check if the node is an object
if(object[i].toString() === "[object Object]"){
clearObject(object[i]); //Delete object content
//Delete node
delete object[i];
return true;
* Check a given email address
* @param {String} emailAddress The email address to check
* @return {Boolean} True for a valid email address / false else
function checkMail(emailAddress){
return (emailAddress.match(/^[a-zA-Z0-9_.]+@[a-zA-Z0-9-]{1,}[.][a-zA-Z]{2,5}$/) === null ? false : true);
* Create a formgroup element
* @param {Object} infos Informations about the formgroup element to create
* * @info {HTMLElement} target The target of the field
* * @info {String} label The label of the field
* * @info {String} placeholder The placeholder of the field
* * @info {Boolean} checked Defines if the fields has to be checked or not (checkbox only)
* * @info {Boolean} multiple Defines if the fields can accept more than one response
* * @info {String} type The type of the field
* @return {HTMLElement} The input
function createFormGroup(infos){
//Create formgroup
var formGroup = createElem("div", infos.target);
formGroup.className = "form-group";
//Add label
var labelElem = createElem("label", formGroup);
//Treatement differs if it is a checkbox
if(infos.type == "checkbox"){
//Create checkbox
var input = createElem("input", labelElem) ;
input.type = "checkbox";
//Check if input has to be checked by default
if(infos.checked === true){
input.checked = "true";
//Add label value
var labelValue = createElem("span", labelElem);
labelValue.innerHTML = " "+infos.label;
//Enable iCheck
checkboxClass: 'icheckbox_flat-blue',
radioClass: 'iradio_flat-blue'
else if(infos.type == "select2"){
//In case of select2 element
//Check for label
labelElem.innerHTML = infos.label;
labelElem.remove(); //Remove useless label element
//Create input
var input = createElem("select", formGroup);
input.style.width = "100%";
input.className = "form-control select2";
if(infos.multiple) //For multiple changes
input.setAttribute("multiple", "multiple");
if(infos.placeholder) //Placeholder if required
input.setAttribute("data-placeholder", infos.placeholder);
//In case of textarea
else if(infos.type = "textarea"){
//Fill label value
labelElem.innerHTML = infos.label;
labelElem.remove(); //Remove useless label element
//Create textarea element
var input = createElem2({
appendTo: formGroup,
type: "textarea",
class: "form-control",
placeholder: infos.placeholder,
else {
//Else continue the function as a normal input type
labelElem.innerHTML = infos.label;
//Create input group
var inputGroup = createElem("div", formGroup);
inputGroup.className = "input-group";
inputGroup.style.width = "100%";
//Create input
var input = createElem("input", inputGroup);
input.className = "form-control";
input.type = infos.type;
input.placeholder = infos.placeholder;
//Return input
return input;
* Check if a string is valid and ready to be sent to be saved
* @param {String} value The input string to send
* @return {Boolean} True if the string is valid, false else
function checkString(value){
//First, check string length
if(value.length < 5)
return false; //Lenght invalid
//Success, the string seems to be valid
return true;
} |