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* Posts UI
* @author Pierre HUBERT
ComunicWeb.components.posts.ui = {
* Show a single post
* @param {Object} infos Informations about the post
* @param {HTMLElement} target The target for the post
display_post: async function(info, target) {
// Safari strange bug
if(target === undefined)
target = arguments[1]
//Check if it is required to create a post root element or not
postRoot = target;
//Create post root element
var postRoot = createElem2({
appendTo: target,
type: "div",
class: "post"
//Display user block
var userBlock = createElem2({
appendTo: postRoot,
type: "div",
class: "user-block"
//Display user account image
var userAccountImage = createElem2({
appendTo: userBlock,
type: "img",
class: "img-circle img-bordered-sm",
src: ComunicWeb.__config.assetsURL + "img/defaultAvatar.png"
//Add user name
var userNameBlock = createElem2({
appendTo: userBlock,
type: "span",
class: "username",
var userName = createElem2({
appendTo: userNameBlock,
type: "a",
innerHTML: "Loading"
//Second user area
var secondUserArea = createElem2({
appendTo: userNameBlock,
type: "span",
class: "second-user-area"
//Add post description
var postDescription = createElem2({
appendTo: userBlock,
type: "span",
class: "description"
//Show the age of the post
postDescription.innerHTML = lang("dates_ago", [ComunicWeb.common.date.timeDiffToStr(info.post_time)]);
* Apply post creator information
* @param {Object} info Information about the user
var applyUserInfo = function(info){
userAccountImage.src = info.accountImage;
userName.innerHTML = info.firstName + " " + info.lastName;
userName.onclick = function(){
* Add a separator between to name (user/group) in name header
var addSeparatorForUsers = function(){
appendTo: secondUserArea,
type: "span",
class: "fa fa-caret-right"
//Determine the source of the post
//User page
if(info.user_page_id != 0){
//Determine which users to get information about
var usersToFetch = Array();
if(info.user_page_id != info.userID)
getMultipleUsersInfo(usersToFetch, function(result){
if(result.error) {
ComunicWeb.debug.logMessage("Could not get some users info!");
userName.innerHTML = lang("posts_ui_error");
//Apply main user information
//Add second user (if required)
if(info.user_page_id != info.userID){
//Add separator
//Add second user information
var infoSecondUser = result["user-"+info.user_page_id];
var secondUser = createElem2({
appendTo: secondUserArea,
type: "a",
innerHTML: userFullName(infoSecondUser)
secondUser.addEventListener("click", function(e){
//Group page
if(info.group_id != 0){
//Get information about the user who created the post
ComunicWeb.user.userInfos.getUserInfos(info.userID, function(result){
//Get information about the related group
getInfoGroup(info.group_id, function(info){
ComunicWeb.debug.logMessage("Could not get a group info!");
//Add group information
var groupLink = createElem2({
appendTo: secondUserArea,
type: "a",
innerHTML: info.name
groupLink.addEventListener("click", function(e){
//Create top right area
var topRightArea = createElem2({
insertAsFirstChild: userBlock,
type: "div",
class: "pull-right top-right-buttons",
//Load informations about visibility
var visibilityTarget = createElem2({
appendTo: topRightArea,
type: "div",
class: "visibility"
//Get informations about the current visibility level
var visibilityInfos = ComunicWeb.components.posts.visibilityLevels[info.visibility_level];
//Check user level access
if(info.user_access != "full"){
//The user can't change the visibility level of the post
//Display visibility level as a simple icon
appendTo: visibilityTarget,
type: "i",
class: "read-only fa "+visibilityInfos.icon
else {
//The user can change the visibility level of the post
//Create button gropu
var visibilityButtonGroup = createElem2({
appendTo: visibilityTarget,
type: "div",
class: "btn-group"
//Visibility choose button
var visibilityChooseButton = createElem2({
appendTo: visibilityButtonGroup,
type: "button",
class: "btn btn-default dropdown-toggle",
elemType: "button",
visibilityChooseButton.setAttribute("data-toggle", "dropdown");
//Set the current value of the button
visibilityChooseButton.innerHTML = "<i class='fa " + visibilityInfos.icon + "'></i>";
//Add dropdown menu
var visibilityDropdown = createElem2({
appendTo: visibilityButtonGroup,
type: "ul",
class: "dropdown-menu"
//Process all visibility levels
//For pages only
if(info.user_page_id != 0){
var privateChoice = this._add_visibility_menu_item(visibilityDropdown, "private");
var friendsChoice = this._add_visibility_menu_item(visibilityDropdown, "friends");
//For groups only
if(info.group_id != 0){
var membersChoice = this._add_visibility_menu_item(visibilityDropdown, "members");
var publicChoice = this._add_visibility_menu_item(visibilityDropdown, "public");
var onVisibilityLevelChoice = function(){
//Get the new visibility level
var new_level = this.getAttribute("data-level");
//Lock button
visibilityChooseButton.disabled = true;
//Make a request on the server to update the level
ComunicWeb.components.posts.interface.set_visibility_level(info.ID, new_level, function(response){
//Unlock button
visibilityChooseButton.disabled = false;
//Check for errors
ComunicWeb.common.notificationSystem.showNotification(lang("posts_ui_err_update_visibility"), "danger");
//Change the level on the button
visibilityChooseButton.innerHTML = "<i class='fa " + ComunicWeb.components.posts.visibilityLevels[new_level].icon + "'></i>";
//Set the items lives
if(info.user_page_id != 0){
privateChoice.onclick = onVisibilityLevelChoice;
friendsChoice.onclick = onVisibilityLevelChoice;
if(info.group_id != 0)
membersChoice.onclick = onVisibilityLevelChoice;
publicChoice.onclick = onVisibilityLevelChoice;
//Add a button to edit the post if the user is allowed
if(info.user_access == "full"){
var editButtonDiv = createElem2({
appendTo: topRightArea,
type: "div",
class: "edit-post-div"
var editButtonLink = createElem2({
appendTo: editButtonDiv,
type: "a",
innerHTML: "<i class='fa fa-pencil'></i>"
//Make buttons lives
editButtonLink.onclick = function(){
//Open post editor
ComunicWeb.components.posts.edit.open(info, postRoot);
//Add a button to delete the post if the user is allowed
if(info.user_access == "full" || info.user_access == "intermediate"){
var deleteButtonDiv = createElem2({
appendTo: topRightArea,
type: "div",
class: "del-post-div"
var deleteButtonLink = createElem2({
appendTo: deleteButtonDiv,
type: "a",
innerHTML: "<i class='fa fa-trash'></i>"
//Make delete button lives
deleteButtonLink.onclick = function(){
//Create a confirmation dialog
ComunicWeb.common.messages.confirm(lang("posts_ui_confirm_delete"), function(accept){
//Check if the user cancelled the operation
postRoot.style.visibility = "hidden";
//Delete the post
ComunicWeb.components.posts.interface.delete(info.ID, function(response){
//Check for error
//Display an error
ComunicWeb.common.notificationSystem.showNotification(lang("posts_ui_err_delete_post"), "danger");
//Make the post visible
postRoot.style.visibility = "visible";
//Delete the post
//Add post attachement (if any)
if(info.kind == "text"){
//Do nothing
//In case of image
else if(info.kind == "image"){
//Image link
var imageLink = createElem2({
appendTo: postRoot,
href: info.file_path_url,
//Image element
appendTo: imageLink,
type: "img",
src: info.file_path_url,
class: "post-image"
//Enable lightbox
imageLink.onclick = function(){
alwaysShowClose: true,
return false;
//In case of YouTube video
else if(info.kind == "youtube"){
//Create frame placeholder
var youtube_placeholder = createElem2({
appendTo: postRoot,
type: "div",
class: "post-youtube post-youtube-placeholder"
appendTo: youtube_placeholder,
type: "div",
class: "title",
innerHTML: "<i class='fa fa-youtube-play'></i> YouTube Movie"
appendTo: youtube_placeholder,
type: "a",
class: "btn btn-default",
innerHTML: "Open on YouTube",
href: "https://youtube.com/watch?v=" + info.file_path,
}).target = "_blank";
var openHere = createElem2({
appendTo: youtube_placeholder,
type: "div",
class: "cursor-pointer",
innerHTML: "Open here"
openHere.addEventListener("click", function(){
//Create iframe
var youtube_iframe = createElem2({
insertBefore: youtube_placeholder,
type: "iframe",
class: "post-youtube",
src: "https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/"+info.file_path+"?rel=0"
youtube_iframe.setAttribute("frameborder", 0);
youtube_iframe.setAttribute("gesture", "media");
youtube_iframe.setAttribute("allow", "encrypted-media");
youtube_iframe.setAttribute("allowfullscreen", "");
//In case of PDF
else if(info.kind == "pdf"){
//Create PDF button
var buttonContainer = createElem2({
appendTo: postRoot,
type: "div",
class: "post-pdf",
var button = createElem2({
appendTo: buttonContainer,
type: "a",
class: "btn btn-app",
href: info.file_path_url,
button.target = "_blank";
appendTo: button,
type: "i",
class: "fa fa-file-pdf-o"
appendTo: button,
type: "span",
innerHTML: "PDF"
//In case of weblink
else if(info.kind == "weblink"){
var linkContainer = createElem2({
appendTo: postRoot,
type: "div",
class: "attachment-block clearfix"
//Link image
var link_img = createElem2({
appendTo: linkContainer,
type: "img",
src: (info.link_image != null ? info.link_image : ComunicWeb.__config.assetsURL + "img/world.png"),
class: "attachment-img",
//Link heading
var link_heading = createElem2({
appendTo: linkContainer,
type: "h4",
class: "attachment-heading",
innerHTML: (info.link_title != null ? info.link_title : "Web page")
//Add attachement text
var link_attachment_text = createElem2({
appendTo: linkContainer,
type: "div",
class: "attachment_text",
var link_a_url = createElem2({
appendTo: link_attachment_text,
type: "a",
href: info.link_url,
innerHTML: info.link_url
link_a_url.target = "_blank";
//Add description (if any)
if(info.link_description != null){
var link_description = createElem2({
appendTo: link_attachment_text,
type: "p",
innerHTML: info.link_description
//In case of countdown timer
else if (info.kind == "countdown"){
//Create countdown target
var target = createElem2({
appendTo: postRoot,
type: "div",
class: "post-countdown"
// Manon's birthday is a sacred day, like the end of the world
// nobody must know when it will happen !
// Psst: it is on May 25, 11h10m00s
// => Easter egg
const endDate = new Date(info.time_end*1000);
if(endDate.getMonth() == 4 && endDate.getDate() == 25 && endDate.getHours() == 11 && endDate.getMinutes() == 10) {
target.appendChild(ComunicWeb.common.messages.createCalloutElem("Hold up!", "You MAY NOT KNOW when this countdown will end!", "danger"));
appendTo: target,
type: "p",
innerHTML: "<strong>Ends in ∞ days ∞ hours ∞ minutes ∞ seconds</strong>"
appendTo: target,
type: "p",
innerHTML: "This is not a common behavior of the Countdown timer. If you want this message to disappear, just create a new post with another end date..."
//Initialize countdown timer
ComunicWeb.components.countdown.init(info.time_end, target);
//In case of survey
else if(info.kind == "survey"){
//Add survey question
var surveyQuestion = createElem2({
appendTo: postRoot,
type: "h4",
innerHTML: info.data_survey.question,
class: "post-survey-question"
//Answer container
var surveyResponse = createElem2({
appendTo: postRoot,
type: "div",
//Create row
var row = createElem2({
appendTo: postRoot,
type: "div",
class: "row post-survey-chart-container"
//Create canvas column
var leftColumn = createElem2({
appendTo: row,
type: "div",
class: "col-md-8"
//Chart container
var chartContainer = createElem2({
appendTo: leftColumn,
type: "div",
class: "chart-responsive"
//Create canvas
var canvas = createElem2({
appendTo: chartContainer,
type: "canvas",
canvas.style.height = "150px";
//Create data column
var rightColumn = createElem2({
appendTo: row,
type: "div",
class: "col-md-4"
//Initialize legend
var charLegend = createElem2({
appendTo: rightColumn,
type: "ul",
class: "chart-legend clearfix"
//Define chart options
var pieOptions = {
//Boolean - Whether we should show a stroke on each segment
segmentShowStroke: true,
//String - The colour of each segment stroke
segmentStrokeColor: "#fff",
//Number - The width of each segment stroke
segmentStrokeWidth: 1,
//Number - The percentage of the chart that we cut out of the middle
percentageInnerCutout: 50, // This is 0 for Pie charts
//Number - Amount of animation steps
animationSteps: 100,
//String - Animation easing effect
animationEasing: "easeOutBounce",
//Boolean - Whether we animate the rotation of the Doughnut
animateRotate: true,
//Boolean - Whether we animate scaling the Doughnut from the centre
animateScale: false,
//Boolean - whether to make the chart responsive to window resizing
responsive: true,
// Boolean - whether to maintain the starting aspect ratio or not when responsive, if set to false, will take up entire container
maintainAspectRatio: false,
//String - A legend template
legendTemplate: "<ul class=\"<%=name.toLowerCase()%>-legend\"><% for (var i=0; i<segments.length; i++){%><li><span style=\"background-color:<%=segments[i].fillColor%>\"></span><%if(segments[i].label){%><%=segments[i].label%><%}%></li><%}%></ul>",
//String - A tooltip template
tooltipTemplate: "<%=value %> <%=label%>"
//Generate survey data
var colors = [
{fg: "#f56954", bg: "#f56954"},
{fg: "#00a65a", bg: "#00a65a"},
{fg: "#f39c12", bg: "#f39c12"},
{fg: "#00c0ef", bg: "#00c0ef"},
{fg: "#3c8dbc", bg: "#3c8dbc"},
{fg: "#d2d6de", bg: "#d2d6de"}
var surveyData = [];
var survey_choices = info.data_survey.choices;
var color_id = 0;
var i;
for (i in survey_choices){
//Get the color
color_id = 0;
var curr_color = colors[color_id];
//Generate choice informations
var choiceInfos = {
value: survey_choices[i].responses,
label: survey_choices[i].name,
color: curr_color.fg,
highlight: curr_color.bg,
//Add the choice to the list
//Increment color
//Initialie chart
var pieChart = new Chart(canvas.getContext("2d"));
pieChart.Doughnut(surveyData, pieOptions);
//Fill legend
var i;
for(i in surveyData){
//Legend list elem
var lengendLi = createElem2({
appendTo: charLegend,
type: "li"
appendTo: lengendLi,
type: "i",
class: "fa fa-circle-o"
}).style.color = surveyData[i].color;
appendTo: lengendLi,
type: "span",
innerHTML: " " + (surveyData[i].value > 0 ? "("+surveyData[i].value+") " : "") + surveyData[i].label
//Display survey response options if the user is signed in
//Check if the user gave a response to the survey
if(info.data_survey.user_choice != 0){
//Create a text to display user choice
var choosedResponseElem = createElem2({
appendTo: surveyResponse,
class: "survey-given-response",
type: "p",
innerHTML: lang("posts_ui_survey_your_response", [info.data_survey.choices[info.data_survey.user_choice].name])
//Offer the user to cancel his choice
var cancelReponseLink = createElem2({
appendTo: choosedResponseElem,
type: "a",
innerHTML: lang("posts_ui_cancel_response_survey")
//Make cancel button lives
cancelReponseLink.onclick = function(){
ComunicWeb.common.messages.confirm(lang("posts_ui_confirm_cancel_survey_response"), function(confirm){
//Check if the user cancelled
//Make a request on the server
ComunicWeb.components.posts.interface.cancel_survey_response(info.ID, function(response){
//Check for errors
ComunicWeb.common.notificationSystem.showNotification(lang("posts_ui_err_cancel_response_survey"), "danger");
//Reload post
ComunicWeb.components.posts.actions.reload_post(info.ID, postRoot);
else {
//Offer the user the possibility to respond the survey
var surveyResponseForm = createElem2({
appendTo: surveyResponse,
type: "div",
class: "input-group"
//Create response chooser
var surveyResponseChooser = createElem2({
appendTo: surveyResponseForm,
type: "select",
class: "form-control"
//Display options
for(j in survey_choices){
//Create an element for the choice
option = createElem2({
appendTo: surveyResponseChooser,
type: "option",
innerHTML: survey_choices[j].name,
value: survey_choices[j].choiceID,
//Add confirm button
var chooseButtonSpan = createElem2({
appendTo: surveyResponseForm,
type: "span",
class: "input-group-btn"
var chooseButton = createElem2({
appendTo: chooseButtonSpan,
type: "button",
class: "btn btn-default",
innerHTML: lang("posts_ui_send_survey_response")
//Make confirm button lives
chooseButton.onclick = function(){
//Get selected answer ID
var choice_id = surveyResponseChooser.value;
//Lock send button
chooseButton.disabled = true;
//Perform a request on the server
ComunicWeb.components.posts.interface.survey_send_response(info.ID, choice_id, function(response){
//Unlock button
chooseButton.disabled = false;
//Check for errors
ComunicWeb.common.notificationSystem.showNotification("Could not send response to survey !", "danger");
//Reload post
ComunicWeb.components.posts.actions.reload_post(info.ID, postRoot);
// Offer the user to create a new response, if possible
if(info.data_survey.user_choice == 0 && info.data_survey.allowNewChoices) {
const link = createElem2({
appendTo: surveyResponse,
type: "div",
class: "a txt-center",
innerHTML: tr("Add a new choice to this survey")
link.addEventListener("click", async () => {
try {
const choice = await showInputTextDialog(
tr("Create a choice"),
tr("Please specify the new choice you would like to create for this survey:"),
await PostsInterface.createSurveyChoice(info.ID, choice);
//Reload post
ComunicWeb.components.posts.actions.reload_post(info.ID, postRoot);
} catch(e) {
notify(tr("Could not create a new choice for this survey!"), "danger");
// If the user is the owner of the survey, offer him to close it
if(info.data_survey.userID == userID() && info.data_survey.allowNewChoices) {
const link = createElem2({
appendTo: surveyResponse,
type: "div",
class: "a txt-center",
innerHTML: tr("Block creation of new choices")
link.addEventListener("click", async () => {
try {
if(!await showConfirmDialog(tr("Do you want to prevent new choices from being created? This can not be reverted!")))
await PostsInterface.blockNewSurveyChoices(info.ID);
//Reload post
ComunicWeb.components.posts.actions.reload_post(info.ID, postRoot);
} catch(e) {
notify(tr("Could not block new choices from being created!"), "danger");
//If the kind of post was not implemented
else {
//Log error
ComunicWeb.debug.logMessage("Not implemented kind of post: " + info.kind);
ComunicWeb.common.error.submitError("notice", "Unimplemented kind of post: " + info.kind, 0, {});
//Add post content
var postContent = createElem2({
appendTo: postRoot,
type: "div",
class: "post_content",
innerHTML: lineBreakToPTags(BBCodeParser.process(removeHtmlTags(info.content)))
//Parse emojies
element: postContent,
user: await userInfo(info.userID)
//Add bottom elements container
var bottomArea = createElem2({
appendTo: postRoot,
type: "ul",
class: "list-inline post-buttons"
//Load likes
var likesTarget = createElem2({
appendTo: bottomArea,
type: "li",
var userLiking = null;
userLiking = info.userlike;
//Call component
//Load comments (if possible)
if(info.comments != null)
ComunicWeb.components.comments.ui.display(info.comments, info.ID, postRoot);
// Register for post updates
// Auto-unregister when the post goes out of scope
const ev = async (e) => {
document.removeEventListener("openPage", ev);
document.addEventListener("openPage", ev);
* Add a visibility level choice to a dropodown menu
* @param {HTMLElement} target The target menu
* @param {Object} name The name of the visibility level
* @return {HTMLElement} The created element container
_add_visibility_menu_item: function(target, name){
//Create container
var itemContainer = createElem2({
appendTo: target,
type: "li",
//Create link container
var itemLink = createElem2({
appendTo: itemContainer,
type: "a"
itemLink.setAttribute("data-level", name);
//Add visibility icon
appendTo: itemLink,
type: "i",
class: "fa " + ComunicWeb.components.posts.visibilityLevels[name].icon
//Add visibility label
appendTo: itemLink,
type: "span",
innerHTML: ComunicWeb.components.posts.visibilityLevels[name].name
return itemLink;
} |