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* Comunic WebApp schema
* @author Pierre HUBERT
* ComunicWeb main object
var ComunicWeb = {
* Configuration inclusion
__config: ComunicConfig,
* List of available pages
* Common functions
* Application system functions
* Initializate the application
init: function(openPage){},
* Restart the application
restart: function(){},
* Reset the application
reset: function(complete, openPage){},
* API functions
api: {
* Make an asynchronous request
exec: function(apiURI, args, withLogin){},
* Make an API request
makeAPIrequest: function(apiURI, params, requireLoginTokens, nextAction){},
* Make an API request with a prepared form data object
makeFormDatarequest: function(apiURI, data, requireLoginTokens, nextAction){},
//TODO : implement
* Global cache management system
//TODO : implement
* Langs functions
langs: {
* Return current language
current: function(){},
* Initializate languages
initLanguages: function(){},
//TODO : implement
* Return a string in correct language
getTranslatedText: function(stringName, stringParams){},
* Messages functions
messages: {
* Create and return a callout element
createCalloutElem: function(calloutTitle, calloutMessage, calloutType){},
* Create and return a callout element
createLoadingCallout: function(target){},
* Create dialog skeleton
createDialogSkeleton: function(info){},
* Create and display a confirmation dialog
confirm: function(message, callback){},
* Prompt the user to input a string
inputString: function(title, message, defaultValue, callback){},
* Prompt the user to enter his password
promptPassword: function(info){},
* Error functions
* Submit an error
submitError: function(errorLevel, errorMessage, errorCode, errorData){},
* Handle and show a fatal error
fatalError: function(errorMessage, errorCode, errorData){},
* Handle a 404 not found error
pageNotFound: function(additionnalData, targetElement){},
* Handles and display SyntaxtError
syntaxtError: function(error, additional){},
* URL functions
* Return current URL opened on the website
getCurrentWebsiteURL: function(){},
* Change the current website URI
changeURI: function(newTitle, newURI){},
* Page functions
page: {
* Empty current page
emptyPage: function(createWrapper){},
* Show a full wait splash screen
* @param {String} message A message to explain the reason of the splash screen (optionnal)
showWaitSplashScreen: function(message){},
* Show a transparent wait splash screen
showTransparentWaitSplashScreen: function(target){},
* Open a page
openPage: function(pageURI, additionnalData){},
* Refresh the current page
refresh_current_page: function(){},
* Safely trigger URL update
update_uri: function(title, uri){},
* Inform of page location update
location_updated: function(new_location){},
* Prepare a template load by specifying datas
prepareLoadTemplate: function(){},
* Load, parse and show an HTML template
getAndShowTemplate: function(targetElem, dataTemplate, templateURI, nextAction, cleanContainer){},
* Convert a JSON object into html elements
convertJSONobjectTOhtmlElement: function(parentNodeChilds, values){},
* Get and show a JSON template
getAndShowJSONtemplate: function(targetElem, templateURI, additionalData, afterParsingJSONtemplate, cleanContainer){},
* Page title management
pageTitle: {
* Set a new title to the page
setTitle: function(title){},
* Set new number of notifications
setNotificationsNumber: function(number){}
* Functions to check data input in forms
formChecker: {
* Check an input
checkInput: function(input, inFormGroup){},
* Notification system
notificationSystem: {
* Display a notification
showNotification: function(message, notifType, notifDuration, notifTitle){},
* Network common requests
network: {
* @var {object} Cache container
cache: {},
* Make a get request
getRequest: function(url, cache, GETnextAction){},
* Empty network cache
emptyCache: function(){},
* Update the status of the network
setStatus: function(success){},
* The date library
//TODO: implement
* Debug functions
* @var {Object} Internal log variable
__log: {},
* Display message on browser console
logMessage: function(message){},
* Save a new log message
saveLogMessage: function(message){},
* Get log content in a string
getLogContent: function(){},
* Display Comunic Logo on the developper console
displayComunicLogo: function(){},
* User functions
* Get user infos
userInfos: {
* @var {String} User infos cache
usersInfos: {},
* Get user informations
getUserInfos: function(userID, afterGetUserInfos, forceRequest){},
* Get multiple users informations
getMultipleUsersInfo: function(usersID, afterGetUserInfos, forceRequest){},
* Empty user informations cache
* Remove all entries from user informations cache
emptyUserInfosCache: function(){},
* Given a query, search for users and return the result
search: function(query, afterSearch){},
* Given user IDs (in an array) the function return their names in a string
getNames: function(usersID, afterNames){},
* Get advanced informations about a user
getAdvancedInfos: function(userID, callback){},
* Get the user ID specified by its folder name
getIDfromPath: function(path, callback){},
* Get the ID or the path of a user, depending of what is available
getIDorPath: function(userInfos){},
* Empty users cache
emptyCache: function(){},
* Application components
components: {
* Account component
account: {
* Interface
interface: {
//TODO : implement
* Account export
export: {
* UI controller
ui: {
//TODO : implement
* Worker
worker: {
//TODO: implement
* Menubar
menuBar: {
* Menu bar object - common methods
* Display menu bar
display: function(){},
* Initializate a menubar
init: function(menuContainer){},
* Reset a specified menubar
reset: function(menuBar){},
* Not authenticated menu bar components
notAuthenticated: {
* Add not-authenticated user specific elements
addElements: function(container){},
* Menubar for authenticated users complements
* Add authenticated user specific elements
addElements: function(container){},
* Add dropdown menu
addDropdown: function(navbarElem){},
* Add user friends toggle button
addFriendListButton: function(navbarElem){},
* Add user name element
addUserName: function(navbarElem){},
* Add search form element
addSearchForm: function(navbarElem){},
//TODO : implement
* Sidebar
sideBar: {
* Main sidebar file
main: {
//TODO : implement
* Pages bottom
bottom: {
* Main bottom script file
main: {
//TODO : implement
* Language picker
langPicker: {
//TODO : implement
* Mails caching component
mailCaching: {
* @var Mail caching variable name
__mailCachingVarName: "lastLoginMail",
* Get current cached value
get: function(){},
* Set a new mail value
set: function(mail){},
* Search form component
search: {
* Search form
form: {
//TODO : implement
* Search interface
interface: {
//TODO : implement
* Search results UI
ui: {
//TODO : implement
* Search utilities
utils: {
//TODO : implement
* Settings component
settings: {
* Settings interface
interface: {
//TODO : implement
* Settings helper
helper: {
//TODO : implement
* Friends list
friends: {
* Friends list caching system
//TODO : implement
* Friends bar
//TODO : implement
* Friends list modal box
listModal: {
//TODO : implement
* Friends user interface
ui: {
//TODO: implement
* Friends interface
interface: {
//TODO : implement
* Friends utilities
utils: {
//TODO : implement
* Friends actions
actions: {
//TODO : implement
* Conversations
* Conversations manager
//TODO : implement
* Conversations list windo
//TODO : implement
* Conversations windows manager
//TODO : implement
* Conversation chat window functions
chatWindows: {
//TODO : implement
* Interface between conversation UI and the API
//TODO : implement
* Opened conversations caching system
//TODO : implement
* Conversation service file
//TODO : implement
* Conversations utilities
//TODO : implement
* Unread conversations list dropdown
unreadDropdown: {
//TODO : implementd
* Conversation message editor
messageEditor: {
//TODO : implement
* User selector
//TODO : implement
* Emoji functions
* Emoji parser system
parser: {
//TODO : implement
* Emojies list
list: {
//TODO : implement
* Emojie picker
picker: {
//TODO : implement
* Likes handling
* Like buttons
button: {
//TODO : implement
* Likes API interface
interface: {
//TODO : implement
* Posts components
posts: {
* Visibility levels
visibilityLevels: {
//TODO : implement
* Posts communication interface
interface: {
//TODO : implement
* Posts UI
ui: {
//TODO : implement
* Posts creation form
form: {
//TODO : implement
* Post editor
edit: {
//TODO : implement
* Post actions
actions: {
//TODO : implement
* Comments component
comments: {
* Comments UI interface
//TODO : implement
* Comment actions
actions: {
//TODO : implement
* Comments interface
interface: {
//TODO : implement
* Comments creation form
form: {
//TODO : implement
* Comments editor
editor: {
//TODO : implement
* Comments utilities
utils: {
//TODO : implement
* Modern textarea handler
textarea: {
* Comunic specific text parser
textParser: {
//TODO : implement
* Countdown timer
countdown: {
//TODO : implement
* Notifications components
notifications: {
* Notifications menu dropdown
//TODO : implement
* Notification refresh service
service: {
//TODO : implement
* Notifications interface
interface: {
//TODO : implement
* Notifications UI
ui: {
//TODO : implement
* Notification song system
song: {
//TODO : implement
* Notifications utilities
utils: {
//TODO : implement
* Groups component
groups: {
* API interface
interface: {
//TODO : implement
* Groups utilities
utils: {
//TODO : implement
* Groups information
info: {
//TODO : implement
* Virtual directories component
virtualDirectory: {
* API interface
interface: {
//TODO : implement
* Dark Theme component
darkTheme: {
//TODO : implement
* Incognito mode component
incognito: {
* Keyboard catcher
keyboard: {
//TODO : implement
* Incognito management
management: {
//TODO : implement
* UI management
ui: {
//TODO : implement
* Web application interface
webApp: {
* Web app interface
interface: {
//TODO : implement
* Easter egg : pacman
pacman: {
//TODO : implement
* Pages controllers
* Home page
home: {
* Common homes functions
* Open home page
openHomePage: function(additionnalData, targetElement){},
* Landing home page
* Display home landing page
display: function(targetElement){},
* User page
userPage: {
* Main user page
main: {
* Open user page
open: function(params, target){},
* Open user page specified by user ID
openUserPage: function(id, params, target){},
* Display a user page
displayUserPage: function(infos, params, target){},
* Page with access forbidden
accessForbidden: {
* Display the page for user with forbidden access
display: function(id, params, target){},
* Show basic user informations
showBasicInfos: function(userInfos, target){},
* Handle the rendering of the friendship status
friendshipStatus: {
* Display the friendship status
display: function(userID, target){},
//TODO : implement
* Display user profile informations
profileInfos: {
//TODO : implement
* Display user posts
posts: {
//TODO : implement
* Post page
postPage: {
* Post page main script
main: {
//TODO: implement
* Latest posts page
latestPosts: {
* Main script
main: {
//TODO: implement
* Conversations page
conversations: {
* Main script
main: {
//TODO : implement
* Conversations list pane
listPane: {
//TODO : implement
* Conversation pane
conversation: {
//TODO : implement
* Conversation page utilities
utils: {
//TODO : implement
* Groups page
groups: {
* Groups page main script
main: {
//TODO : implement
* Groups pages
pages: {
* Main page
main: {
//TODO : implement
* Create a group page
create: {
//TODO : implement
* Main group page
group: {
//TODO : implement
* Settings page
settings: {
//TODO : implement
* Group members page
members: {
//TODO : implement
* Access to group forbidden page
forbidden: {
//TODO : implemement
* Groups sections
sections: {
* Header section
header: {
//TODO : implement
* Membership block
membershipBlock: {
//TODO : implement
* Posts sections
posts: {
//TODO : implement
* Follow block
followBlock: {
//TODO : implement
* User settings page
settings: {
* Main script
main: {
//TODO : implement
* Navigation pane
navigationPane: {
//TODO : implement
* Settings sections list
sectionsList: {
//TODO : implement
* Settings sections script
sections: {
* General section
general: {
//TODO : implement
* Language section
language: {
//TODO : implement
* Security section
security: {
//TODO : implement
* Password section
password: {
//TODO : implement
* Account image section
accountImage: {
//TODO : implement
* Privacy section
privacy: {
//TODO : implement
* Login controller
* Open login page
openLoginPage: function(additionnalData, targetElement){},
* Perform user login
loginSubmit: function(){},
* Display login error message
* @return {Boolean} True for a success
displayLoginError: function(){},
* Create account controller
createAccount: {
//TODO : implement
* Account created controller
accountCreated: {
//TODO : implement
* Password forgotten page
passwordForgotten: {
* Main script
main: {
//TODO : implement
* Ask user email step
promptEmail: {
//TODO : implement
* Ask user reset option
promptOption: {
//TODO : implement
* Option : send a mail to the admin
mailAdmin: {
//TODO : implement
* Option : prompt security questions
promptSecurityQuestions: {
//TODO : implement
* Password reset page
resetPassword: {
* Main script
main: {
//TODO : implement
* Logout controller
logout: {
* Open logout page and perform logout
openLogoutPage: function(additionnalData, targetElement){},
* Virtual directory pages
virtualDirectory: {
* Main page
page: {
//TODO : implement
* Search page
search: {
* Main page
main: {
//TODO : implement
}; |