2018-08-01 06:22:24 +02:00

159 lines
4.4 KiB

* Login page controller
* @author Pierre HUBERT
ComunicWeb.pages.login = {
* Open login page
* @param {Object} additionnalData Additionnal data passed in the method
* @param {element} targetElement Where the template will be applied
* @returns {Boolean} False if it fails
openLoginPage: function(additionnalData, targetElement){
//Prevent errors
additionnalData = {};
//First, check if user is already logged in or not
if(ComunicWeb.user.userLogin.getUserLoginState() === true){
//Log message
ComunicWeb.debug.logMessage("Couldn't open login page because user is already logged in !");
//Open home page
//Quit page
return false;
//Prepare additional data
var additionalTemplateData = {
//Apply translations
"login_top_msg": lang("_login_page_top_msg"),
"_login_page_remember_me": lang("_login_page_remember_me"),
"email": lang("_login_page_email_placeholder"),
"password": lang("_login_page_password_placeholder"),
"sign_in": lang("_login_page_submit"),
"create_account": lang("_login_page_create_account_lnk")
//Preparing next actions
var afterParsingTemplate = function(){
//Change body class name
document.body.className = "login-page hold-transition";
//Enable iCheck
$(function () {
checkboxClass: 'icheckbox_flat-blue',
radioClass: 'iradio_flat-blue',
increaseArea: '20%' // optional
//Define email address (if possible)
byId("usermail").value = ComunicWeb.components.mailCaching.get();
//Get login form element
var loginBody = document.getElementById("loginForm");
//Get login button
var loginButton = loginBody.getElementsByClassName("btn-login")[0];
//Make the login action accessible
//loginButton.onclick = ComunicWeb.pages.login.loginSubmit;
loginBody.onsubmit = ComunicWeb.pages.login.loginSubmit;
//Check now additional parametres changes
//Check if a specific email address was specified
byId("usermail").value = additionnalData.emailInput;
//Check if we have to display a login failed message
//Apply template
ComunicWeb.common.page.getAndShowTemplate(targetElement, additionalTemplateData, "pages/login/loginPage.tpl", afterParsingTemplate, true);
* Perform user login
* @return {Boolean} False if it fails
loginSubmit: function(){
//Get inputs
var usermailInput = byId("usermail"); //Usermail
var userpasswordInput = byId("userpassword"); //Password
var rememberLoginInput = document.getElementById("rememberLogin"); //Remember login
//Check inputs
ComunicWeb.common.formChecker.checkInput(usermailInput, true) && //Check usermail input
ComunicWeb.common.formChecker.checkInput(userpasswordInput, true) //Check password input
//Error notification
ComunicWeb.common.notificationSystem.showNotification(lang("_login_page_bad_input"), "error");
//Stop function execution
return false;
//Enable overlay (use .remove() to remove)
var screenOverlay = ComunicWeb.common.page.showTransparentWaitSplashScreen();
//Retrieve values
var usermail = usermailInput.value;
var userpassword = userpasswordInput.value;
var permanentLogin = rememberLoginInput.checked;
//What to do once user is logged in (or not)
var afterTryLogin = function(loginResult){
//First, remove overlay
//Check if login failed
//Display error
//Return false
return false;
//Open home page
//Try to login user
ComunicWeb.user.userLogin.loginUser(usermail, userpassword, permanentLogin, afterTryLogin);
* Display login error message
* @return {Boolean} True for a success
displayLoginError: function(){
//Create error modal
errorMessageElem = ComunicWeb.common.messages.createCalloutElem(lang("_login_page_error_head"), lang("_login_page_error_message"), "danger");
//Apply error modal
document.getElementById('loginMessagesTarget').innerHTML = "";
return true;