253 lines
7.5 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2016-11-19 12:08:12 +01:00
class LuminousHTMLScanner extends LuminousEmbeddedWebScript {
private $child_state = null;
public $scripts = true;
// XML literals are part of several languages. Settings this makes the scanner
// halt as soon as it pops the its root tag from the stack, so no trailing
// code is consumed.
public $xml_literal = false;
private $tag_stack = array();
function __construct($src=null) {
$this->dirty_exit_recovery = array(
'DSTRING' => '/[^">]*+("|$|(?=[>]))/',
'SSTRING' => "/[^'>]*+('|$|(?=[>]))/",
'COMMENT1' => '/(?> [^\\-]+ | -(?!->))*(?:-->|$)/x',
'COMMENT2' => '/[^>]*+(?:>|$)/s',
'CDATA' => '/(?>[^\\]]+|\\](?!\\]>))*(?:\\]{2}>|$)/xs',
'ESC' => '/[^;]*+(?:;|$)/',
'TYPE' => '/[^\s]*/',
'VALUE' => '/[^\s]*/',
'HTMLTAG' => '/[^\s]*/',
$this->rule_tag_map = array(
function scan_child($lang) {
assert (isset($this->child_scanners[$lang]));
$scanner = $this->child_scanners[$lang];
$substr = $scanner->main();
$this->tokens[] = array(null, $scanner->tagged(), true);
if ($scanner->interrupt) {
$this->child_state = array($lang, $this->pos());
} else {
$this->child_state = null;
function init() {
$this->add_pattern('', '/&/');
if ($this->embedded_server) {
$this->add_pattern('TERM', $this->server_tags);
$this->add_pattern('', '/</');
$this->state_ = 'global';
if ($this->scripts) {
$js = new LuminousJavaScriptScanner($this->string());
$js->embedded_server = $this->embedded_server;
$js->embedded_html = true;
$js->server_tags = $this->server_tags;
$css = new LuminousCSSScanner($this->string());
$css->embedded_server = $this->embedded_server;
$css->embedded_html = true;
$css->server_tags = $this->server_tags;
$this->add_child_scanner('js', $js);
$this->add_child_scanner('css', $css);
private $tagname = '';
private $expecting = '';
function main() {
$this->interrupt = false;
while (!$this->eos()) {
$index = $this->pos();
if ($this->embedded_server && $this->check($this->server_tags)) {
$this->interrupt = true;
if (!$this->clean_exit) {
try {
$tok = $this->resume();
if ($this->server_break($tok)) break;
$this->record($this->match(), $tok);
} catch (Exception $e) {
if (LUMINOUS_DEBUG) throw $e;
else $this->clean_exit = true;
if ($this->child_state !== null && $this->child_state[1] < $this->pos()) {
$in_tag = $this->state_ === 'tag';
if (!$in_tag) {
$next = $this->next_match(false);
if($next) {
$skip = $next[1] - $this->pos();
$this->record($this->get($skip), null);
if ($next[0] === 'TERM') {
$this->interrupt = true;
} else {
if ($this->embedded_server && $this->check($this->server_tags)) {
$this->interrupt = true;
$index = $this->pos();
$c = $this->peek();
$tok = null;
$get = false;
if (!$in_tag && $c === '&'
&& $this->scan('/&[^;\s]+;/')
) $tok = 'ESC';
elseif(!$in_tag && $c === '<') {
if ($this->peek(2) === '<!') {
if($this->scan('/(<)(!DOCTYPE)/i')) {
// special case: doctype
$matches = $this->match_groups();
$this->record($matches[1], null);
$this->record($matches[2], 'KEYWORD');
$this->state_ = 'tag';
// urgh
(?> [^\\]]+ | \\](?!\\]>) )*
(?: \\]\\]> | $ )
$tok = 'CDATA';
elseif($this->scan('/<!--(?> [^\\-]+ | (?:-(?!->))+)* (?:-->|$)/xs'))
$tok = 'COMMENT1';
elseif($this->scan('/<![^>]*+(?:>|$)/s')) $tok = 'COMMENT2';
else assert(0);
} else {
// check for <script>
$this->state_ = 'tag';
$this->expecting = 'tagname';
$get = true;
elseif($c === '>') {
$get = true;
$this->state_ = 'global';
if ($this->scripts
&& ($this->tagname === 'script' || $this->tagname === 'style'))
$this->record($this->get(), null);
$this->scan_child( ($this->tagname === 'script')? 'js' : 'css');
$this->tagname = '';
elseif($in_tag && $this->scan('@/\s*>@')) {
$this->state_ = 'global';
elseif($in_tag &&
$c === "'" && $this->scan("/' (?> [^'\\\\>]+ | \\\\.)* (?:'|$|(?=>))/xs")) {
$tok = 'SSTRING';
$this->expecting = '';
elseif($in_tag &&
$c === '"' && $this->scan('/" (?> [^"\\\\>]+ | \\\\.)* (?:"|$|(?=>))/xs')) {
$tok = 'DSTRING';
$this->expecting = '';
elseif($in_tag && $this->scan('@(?:(?<=<)/)?[^\s=<>/]+@') !== null) {
if ($this->expecting === 'tagname') {
$tok = 'HTMLTAG';
$this->expecting = '';
$this->tagname = strtolower($this->match());
if ($this->tagname[0] === '/') array_pop($this->tag_stack);
else $this->tag_stack[] = $this->tagname;
elseif($this->expecting === 'value') {
$tok = 'VALUE'; // val as in < a href=*/index.html*
$this->expecting = '';
else {
$tok = 'TYPE'; // attr, as in <a *HREF*= ....
elseif($in_tag && $c === '=') {
$this->expecting = 'value';
$get = true;
else $get = true;
if (!$get && $this->server_break($tok)) {break; }
$this->record($get? $this->get(): $this->match(), $tok);
assert ($index < $this->pos() || $this->eos());
if ($this->xml_literal && $this->state_ !== 'tag' && empty($this->tag_stack)) {
public static function guess_language($src, $info) {
$p = 0;
// we have to be a bit careful of XML literals nested in other
// langauges here.
// We also have to becareful to take precedence over embedded CSS and JS
// but leave some room for being embedded in PHP or Rails
// so we're not going to go over 0.75
$doctype = strpos(ltrim($src), '<!DOCTYPE ');
if ($doctype === 0) return 0.75;
if (preg_match('/<(a|table|span|div)\s+class=/', $src)) $p += 0.05;
if (preg_match('%</(a|table|span|div)>%', $src)) $p += 0.05;
if (preg_match('/<(style|script)\\b/', $src)) $p += 0.15;
if (preg_match('/<!\\[CDATA\\[/', $src)) $p += 0.15;
// look for 1 tag at least every 4 lines
$lines = preg_match_all('/$/m',
preg_replace('/^\s+/m', '', $src), $m);
if (preg_match_all('%<[!?/]?[a-zA-Z_:\\-]%', $src, $m)
> $lines/4) $p += 0.15;
return $p;