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namespace Gregwar\Image;
use Gregwar\Image\Adapter\AdapterInterface;
use Gregwar\Image\Exceptions\GenerationError;
* Images handling class
* @author Gregwar <g.passault@gmail.com>
* @method Image saveGif($file)
* @method Image savePng($file)
* @method Image saveJpeg($file, $quality)
* @method Image cropResize($width = null, $height = null, $background=0xffffff)
* @method Image scale($width = null, $height = null, $background=0xffffff, $crop = false)
* @method Image ($width = null, $height = null, $background = 0xffffff, $force = false, $rescale = false, $crop = false)
* @method Image crop($x, $y, $width, $height)
* @method Image enableProgressive()
* @method Image force($width = null, $height = null, $background = 0xffffff)
* @method Image zoomCrop($width, $height, $background = 0xffffff)
* @method Image fillBackground($background = 0xffffff)
* @method Image negate()
* @method Image brightness($brightness)
* @method Image contrast($contrast)
* @method Image grayscale()
* @method Image emboss()
* @method Image smooth($p)
* @method Image sharp()
* @method Image edge()
* @method Image colorize($red, $green, $blue)
* @method Image sepia()
* @method Image merge(Image $other, $x = 0, $y = 0, $width = null, $height = null)
* @method Image rotate($angle, $background = 0xffffff)
* @method Image fill($color = 0xffffff, $x = 0, $y = 0)
* @method Image write($font, $text, $x = 0, $y = 0, $size = 12, $angle = 0, $color = 0x000000, $align = 'left')
* @method Image rectangle($x1, $y1, $x2, $y2, $color, $filled = false)
* @method Image roundedRectangle($x1, $y1, $x2, $y2, $radius, $color, $filled = false)
* @method Image line($x1, $y1, $x2, $y2, $color = 0x000000)
* @method Image ellipse($cx, $cy, $width, $height, $color = 0x000000, $filled = false)
* @method Image circle($cx, $cy, $r, $color = 0x000000, $filled = false)
* @method Image polygon(array $points, $color, $filled = false)
* @method Image flip($flipVertical, $flipHorizontal)
class Image
* Directory to use for file caching
protected $cacheDir = 'cache/images';
* Directory cache mode
protected $cacheMode = null;
* Internal adapter
* @var AdapterInterface
protected $adapter = null;
* Pretty name for the image
protected $prettyName = '';
protected $prettyPrefix;
* Transformations hash
protected $hash = null;
* The image source
protected $source = null;
* Force image caching, even if there is no operation applied
protected $forceCache = true;
* Supported types
public static $types = array(
'jpg' => 'jpeg',
'jpeg' => 'jpeg',
'png' => 'png',
'gif' => 'gif',
* Fallback image
protected $fallback;
* Use fallback image
protected $useFallbackImage = true;
* Cache system
protected $cache;
* Change the caching directory
public function setCacheDir($cacheDir)
return $this;
* @param int $dirMode
public function setCacheDirMode($dirMode)
* Enable or disable to force cache even if the file is unchanged
public function setForceCache($forceCache = true)
$this->forceCache = $forceCache;
return $this;
* The actual cache dir
public function setActualCacheDir($actualCacheDir)
return $this;
* Sets the pretty name of the image
public function setPrettyName($name, $prefix = true)
if (empty($name)) {
return $this;
$this->prettyName = $this->urlize($name);
$this->prettyPrefix = $prefix;
return $this;
* Urlizes the prettyName
protected function urlize($name)
$transliterator = '\Behat\Transliterator\Transliterator';
if (class_exists($transliterator)) {
$name = $transliterator::transliterate($name);
$name = $transliterator::urlize($name);
} else {
$name = strtolower($name);
$name = str_replace(' ', '-', $name);
$name = preg_replace('/([^a-z0-9\-]+)/m', '', $name);
return $name;
* Operations array
protected $operations = array();
public function __construct($originalFile = null, $width = null, $height = null)
$this->cache = new \Gregwar\Cache\Cache;
if ($originalFile) {
$this->source = new Source\File($originalFile);
} else {
$this->source = new Source\Create($width, $height);
* Sets the image data
public function setData($data)
$this->source = new Source\Data($data);
* Sets the resource
public function setResource($resource)
$this->source = new Source\Resource($resource);
* Use the fallback image or not
public function useFallback($useFallbackImage = true)
$this->useFallbackImage = $useFallbackImage;
return $this;
* Sets the fallback image to use
public function setFallback($fallback = null)
if ($fallback === null) {
$this->fallback = __DIR__ . '/images/error.jpg';
} else {
$this->fallback = $fallback;
return $this;
* Gets the fallack image path
public function getFallback()
return $this->fallback;
* Gets the fallback into the cache dir
public function getCacheFallback()
$fallback = $this->fallback;
return $this->cache->getOrCreateFile('fallback.jpg', array(), function($target) use ($fallback) {
copy($fallback, $target);
* @return AdapterInterface
public function getAdapter()
if (null === $this->adapter) {
// Defaults to GD
return $this->adapter;
public function setAdapter($adapter)
if ($adapter instanceof Adapter\Adapter) {
$this->adapter = $adapter;
} else {
if (is_string($adapter)) {
$adapter = strtolower($adapter);
switch ($adapter) {
case 'gd':
$this->adapter = new Adapter\GD();
case 'imagemagick':
case 'imagick':
$this->adapter = new Adapter\Imagick();
throw new \Exception('Unknown adapter: '.$adapter);
} else {
throw new \Exception('Unable to load the given adapter (not string or Adapter)');
* Get the file path
* @return mixed a string with the filen name, null if the image
* does not depends on a file
public function getFilePath()
if ($this->source instanceof Source\File) {
return $this->source->getFile();
} else {
return null;
* Defines the file only after instantiation
* @param string $originalFile the file path
public function fromFile($originalFile)
$this->source = new Source\File($originalFile);
return $this;
* Tells if the image is correct
public function correct()
return $this->source->correct();
* Guess the file type
public function guessType()
return $this->source->guessType();
* Adds an operation
protected function addOperation($method, $args)
$this->operations[] = array($method, $args);
* Generic function
public function __call($methodName, $args)
$adapter = $this->getAdapter();
$reflection = new \ReflectionClass(get_class($adapter));
if ($reflection->hasMethod($methodName)) {
$method = $reflection->getMethod($methodName);
if ($method->getNumberOfRequiredParameters() > count($args)) {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Not enough arguments given for '.$methodName);
$this->addOperation($methodName, $args);
return $this;
throw new \BadFunctionCallException('Invalid method: '.$methodName);
* Serialization of operations
public function serializeOperations()
$datas = array();
foreach ($this->operations as $operation) {
$method = $operation[0];
$args = $operation[1];
foreach ($args as &$arg) {
if ($arg instanceof self) {
$arg = $arg->getHash();
$datas[] = array($method, $args);
return serialize($datas);
* Generates the hash
public function generateHash($type = 'guess', $quality = 80)
$inputInfos = $this->source->getInfos();
$datas = array(
$this->hash = sha1(serialize($datas));
* Gets the hash
public function getHash($type = 'guess', $quality = 80)
if (null === $this->hash) {
$this->generateHash($type, $quality);
return $this->hash;
* Gets the cache file name and generate it if it does not exists.
* Note that if it exists, all the image computation process will
* not be done.
* @param string $type the image type
* @param int $quality the quality (for JPEG)
public function cacheFile($type = 'jpg', $quality = 80, $actual = false)
if ($type == 'guess') {
$type = $this->guessType();
if (!count($this->operations) && $type == $this->guessType() && !$this->forceCache) {
return $this->getFilename($this->getFilePath());
// Computes the hash
$this->hash = $this->getHash($type, $quality);
// Generates the cache file
$cacheFile = '';
if (!$this->prettyName || $this->prettyPrefix) {
$cacheFile .= $this->hash;
if ($this->prettyPrefix) {
$cacheFile .= '-';
if ($this->prettyName) {
$cacheFile .= $this->prettyName;
$cacheFile .= '.'.$type;
// If the files does not exists, save it
$image = $this;
// Target file should be younger than all the current image
// dependencies
$conditions = array(
'younger-than' => $this->getDependencies()
// The generating function
$generate = function($target) use ($image, $type, $quality) {
$result = $image->save($target, $type, $quality);
if ($result != $target) {
throw new GenerationError($result);
// Asking the cache for the cacheFile
try {
$file = $this->cache->getOrCreateFile($cacheFile, $conditions, $generate, $actual);
} catch (GenerationError $e) {
$file = $e->getNewFile();
if ($actual) {
return $file;
} else {
return $this->getFilename($file);
* Get cache data (to render the image)
* @param string $type the image type
* @param int $quality the quality (for JPEG)
public function cacheData($type = 'jpg', $quality = 80)
return file_get_contents($this->cacheFile($type, $quality));
* Hook to helps to extends and enhance this class
protected function getFilename($filename)
return $filename;
* Generates and output a jpeg cached file
public function jpeg($quality = 80)
return $this->cacheFile('jpg', $quality);
* Generates and output a gif cached file
public function gif()
return $this->cacheFile('gif');
* Generates and output a png cached file
public function png()
return $this->cacheFile('png');
* Generates and output an image using the same type as input
public function guess($quality = 80)
return $this->cacheFile('guess', $quality);
* Get all the files that this image depends on
* @return string[] this is an array of strings containing all the files that the
* current Image depends on
public function getDependencies()
$dependencies = array();
$file = $this->getFilePath();
if ($file) {
$dependencies[] = $file;
foreach ($this->operations as $operation) {
foreach ($operation[1] as $argument) {
if ($argument instanceof self) {
$dependencies = array_merge($dependencies, $argument->getDependencies());
return $dependencies;
* Applies the operations
public function applyOperations()
// Renders the effects
foreach ($this->operations as $operation) {
call_user_func_array(array($this->adapter, $operation[0]), $operation[1]);
* Initialize the adapter
public function init()
* Save the file to a given output
public function save($file, $type = 'guess', $quality = 80)
if ($file) {
$directory = dirname($file);
if (!is_dir($directory)) {
@mkdir($directory, 0777, true);
if (is_int($type)) {
$quality = $type;
$type = 'jpeg';
if ($type == 'guess') {
$type = $this->guessType();
if (!isset(self::$types[$type])) {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Given type ('.$type.') is not valid');
$type = self::$types[$type];
try {
$success = false;
if (null == $file) {
if ($type == 'jpeg') {
$success = $this->getAdapter()->saveJpeg($file, $quality);
if ($type == 'gif') {
$success = $this->getAdapter()->saveGif($file);
if ($type == 'png') {
$success = $this->getAdapter()->savePng($file);
if (!$success) {
return false;
return (null === $file ? ob_get_clean() : $file);
} catch (\Exception $e) {
if ($this->useFallbackImage) {
return (null === $file ? file_get_contents($this->fallback) : $this->getCacheFallback());
} else {
throw $e;
* Get the contents of the image
public function get($type = 'guess', $quality = 80)
return $this->save(null, $type, $quality);
/* Image API */
* Image width
public function width()
return $this->getAdapter()->width();
* Image height
public function height()
return $this->getAdapter()->height();
* Tostring defaults to jpeg
public function __toString()
return $this->guess();
* Returning basic html code for this image
public function html($title = '', $type = 'jpg', $quality = 80)
return '<img title="' . $title . '" src="' . $this->cacheFile($type, $quality) . '" />';
* Returns the Base64 inlinable representation
public function inline($type = 'jpg', $quality = 80)
$mime = $type;
if ($mime == 'jpg') {
$mime = 'jpeg';
return 'data:image/'.$mime.';base64,'.base64_encode(file_get_contents($this->cacheFile($type, $quality, true)));
* Creates an instance, usefull for one-line chaining
public static function open($file = '')
return new static($file);
* Creates an instance of a new resource
public static function create($width, $height)
return new static(null, $width, $height);
* Creates an instance of image from its data
public static function fromData($data)
$image = new static();
return $image;
* Creates an instance of image from resource
public static function fromResource($resource)
$image = new static();
return $image;