==Quick Usage== # Extract your archive to some directory (or clone the repo, or whatever). This should be inside your document root, as the style/ directory needs to be web-visible. # If you downloaded a development version from GitHub (as opposed to an archive from this site), remove the tests/ directory, this is not something you want to expose on a public machine. # Create a directory called 'cache' inside your luminous directory and make sure it is writable to your server (this probably involves 777 permissions). # Now test everything is working by creating a new file, the hello world of highlighting:{{{lang=php echo luminous::highlight('c', 'printf("hello world\n");'); }}} # Point your browser at the page you just created and it should show a single line of highlighted source code. == Problems? == Check out the [[troubleshooting]] guide. == Advanced Usage == * Check the examples/ directory for a few examples of how you might use Luminous * Have a look at the [[User-API-Reference]] for setting up runtime configuration settings.