Voir fichier Licence_CeCILL_V2-fr.txt) // ----------------------------------------------- error_reporting(E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE); srand((double)microtime()*1000000); if ((!isset($_COOKIE['cryptcookietest'])) and ($_GET[$_GET['sn']]=="")) { header("Content-type: image/png"); readfile('images/erreur3.png'); exit; } if ($_GET[$_GET['sn']]=="") unset ($_GET['sn']); session_start(); // N'accepte que les fichiers de config du meme répertoire if (is_file($_GET['cfg']) and dirname($_GET['cfg'])=='.' ) $_SESSION['configfile']=$_GET['cfg']; else $_SESSION['configfile']="cryptographp.cfg.php"; include($_SESSION['configfile']); // Vérifie si l'utilisateur a le droit de (re)générer un cryptogramme if ($_SESSION['cryptcptuse']>=$cryptusemax) { header("Content-type: image/png"); readfile('images/erreur1.png'); exit; } $delai = time()-$_SESSION['crypttime']; if ($delai < $cryptusetimer) { switch ($cryptusertimererror) { case 2 : header("Content-type: image/png"); readfile('images/erreur2.png'); exit; case 3 : sleep ($cryptusetimer-$delai); break; // Fait une pause case 1 : default : exit; // Quitte le script sans rien faire } } // Création du cryptogramme temporaire $imgtmp = imagecreatetruecolor($cryptwidth,$cryptheight); $blank = imagecolorallocate($imgtmp,255,255,255); $black = imagecolorallocate($imgtmp,0,0,0); imagefill($imgtmp,0,0,$blank); $word =''; $x = 10; $pair = rand(0,1); $charnb = rand($charnbmin,$charnbmax); for ($i=1;$i<= $charnb;$i++) { $tword[$i]['font'] = $tfont[array_rand($tfont,1)]; $tword[$i]['angle'] = (rand(1,2)==1)?rand(0,$charanglemax):rand(360-$charanglemax,360); if ($crypteasy) $tword[$i]['element'] =(!$pair)?$charelc{rand(0,strlen($charelc)-1)}:$charelv{rand(0,strlen($charelv)-1)}; else $tword[$i]['element'] = $charel{rand(0,strlen($charel)-1)}; $pair=!$pair; $tword[$i]['size'] = rand($charsizemin,$charsizemax); $tword[$i]['y'] = ($charup?($cryptheight/2)+rand(0,($cryptheight/5)):($cryptheight/1.5)); $word .=$tword[$i]['element']; $lafont="fonts/".$tword[$i]['font']; imagettftext($imgtmp,$tword[$i]['size'],$tword[$i]['angle'],$x,$tword[$i]['y'],$black,$lafont,$tword[$i]['element']); $x +=$charspace; } // Calcul du racadrage horizontal du cryptogramme temporaire $xbegin=0; $x=0; while (($x<$cryptwidth)and(!$xbegin)) { $y=0; while (($y<$cryptheight)and(!$xbegin)) { if (imagecolorat($imgtmp,$x,$y) != $blank) $xbegin = $x; $y++; } $x++; } $xend=0; $x=$cryptwidth-1; while (($x>0)and(!$xend)) { $y=0; while (($y<$cryptheight)and(!$xend)) { if (imagecolorat($imgtmp,$x,$y) != $blank) $xend = $x; $y++; } $x--; } $xvariation = round(($cryptwidth/2)-(($xend-$xbegin)/2)); imagedestroy ($imgtmp); // Création du cryptogramme définitif // Création du fond $img = imagecreatetruecolor($cryptwidth,$cryptheight); if ($bgimg and is_dir($bgimg)) { $dh = opendir($bgimg); while (false !== ($filename = readdir($dh))) if(eregi(".[gif|jpg|png]$", $filename)) $files[] = $filename; closedir($dh); $bgimg = $bgimg.'/'.$files[array_rand($files,1)]; } if ($bgimg) { list($getwidth, $getheight, $gettype, $getattr) = getimagesize($bgimg); switch ($gettype) { case "1": $imgread = imagecreatefromgif($bgimg); break; case "2": $imgread = imagecreatefromjpeg($bgimg); break; case "3": $imgread = imagecreatefrompng($bgimg); break; } imagecopyresized ($img, $imgread, 0,0,0,0,$cryptwidth,$cryptheight,$getwidth,$getheight); imagedestroy ($imgread); } else { $bg = imagecolorallocate($img,$bgR,$bgG,$bgB); imagefill($img,0,0,$bg); if ($bgclear) imagecolortransparent($img,$bg); } function ecriture() { // Création de l'écriture global $img, $ink, $charR, $charG, $charB, $charclear, $xvariation, $charnb, $charcolorrnd, $charcolorrndlevel, $tword, $charspace; if (function_exists ('imagecolorallocatealpha')) $ink = imagecolorallocatealpha($img,$charR,$charG,$charB,$charclear); else $ink = imagecolorallocate ($img,$charR,$charG,$charB); $x = $xvariation; for ($i=1;$i<=$charnb;$i++) { if ($charcolorrnd){ // Choisit des couleurs au hasard $ok = false; do { $rndR = rand(0,255); $rndG = rand(0,255); $rndB = rand(0,255); $rndcolor = $rndR+$rndG+$rndB; switch ($charcolorrndlevel) { case 1 : if ($rndcolor<200) $ok=true; break; // tres sombre case 2 : if ($rndcolor<400) $ok=true; break; // sombre case 3 : if ($rndcolor>500) $ok=true; break; // claires case 4 : if ($rndcolor>650) $ok=true; break; // très claires default : $ok=true; } } while (!$ok); if (function_exists ('imagecolorallocatealpha')) $rndink = imagecolorallocatealpha($img,$rndR,$rndG,$rndB,$charclear); else $rndink = imagecolorallocate ($img,$rndR,$rndG,$rndB); } $lafont="fonts/".$tword[$i]['font']; imagettftext($img,$tword[$i]['size'],$tword[$i]['angle'],$x,$tword[$i]['y'],$charcolorrnd?$rndink:$ink,$lafont,$tword[$i]['element']); $x +=$charspace; } } function noisecolor() // Fonction permettant de déterminer la couleur du bruit et la forme du pinceau { global $img, $noisecolorchar, $ink, $bg, $brushsize; switch ($noisecolorchar) { case 1 : $noisecol=$ink; break; case 2 : $noisecol=$bg; break; case 3 : default : $noisecol=imagecolorallocate ($img,rand(0,255),rand(0,255),rand(0,255)); break; } if ($brushsize and $brushsize>1 and function_exists('imagesetbrush')) { $brush = imagecreatetruecolor($brushsize,$brushsize); imagefill($brush,0,0,$noisecol); imagesetbrush($img,$brush); $noisecol=IMG_COLOR_BRUSHED; } return $noisecol; } function bruit() // Ajout de bruits: point, lignes et cercles aléatoires { global $noisepxmin, $noisepxmax, $noiselinemin, $noiselinemax, $nbcirclemin, $nbcirclemax,$img, $cryptwidth, $cryptheight; $nbpx = rand($noisepxmin,$noisepxmax); $nbline = rand($noiselinemin,$noiselinemax); $nbcircle = rand($nbcirclemin,$nbcirclemax); for ($i=1;$i<$nbpx;$i++) imagesetpixel ($img,rand(0,$cryptwidth-1),rand(0,$cryptheight-1),noisecolor()); for ($i=1;$i<=$nbline;$i++) imageline($img,rand(0,$cryptwidth-1),rand(0,$cryptheight-1),rand(0,$cryptwidth-1),rand(0,$cryptheight-1),noisecolor()); for ($i=1;$i<=$nbcircle;$i++) imagearc($img,rand(0,$cryptwidth-1),rand(0,$cryptheight-1),$rayon=rand(5,$cryptwidth/3),$rayon,0,360,noisecolor()); } if ($noiseup) { ecriture(); bruit(); } else { bruit(); ecriture(); } // Création du cadre if ($bgframe) { $framecol = imagecolorallocate($img,($bgR*3+$charR)/4,($bgG*3+$charG)/4,($bgB*3+$charB)/4); imagerectangle($img,0,0,$cryptwidth-1,$cryptheight-1,$framecol); } // Transformations supplémentaires: Grayscale et Brouillage // Vérifie si la fonction existe dans la version PHP installée if (function_exists('imagefilter')) { if ($cryptgrayscal) imagefilter ( $img,IMG_FILTER_GRAYSCALE); if ($cryptgaussianblur) imagefilter ( $img,IMG_FILTER_GAUSSIAN_BLUR); } // Conversion du cryptogramme en Majuscule si insensibilité à la casse $word = ($difuplow?$word:strtoupper($word)); // Retourne 2 informations dans la session: // - Le code du cryptogramme (crypté ou pas) // - La Date/Heure de la création du cryptogramme au format integer "TimeStamp" switch (strtoupper($cryptsecure)) { case "MD5" : $_SESSION['cryptcode'] = md5($word); break; case "SHA1" : $_SESSION['cryptcode'] = sha1($word); break; default : $_SESSION['cryptcode'] = $word; break; } $_SESSION['crypttime'] = time(); $_SESSION['cryptcptuse']++; // Envoi de l'image finale au navigateur switch (strtoupper($cryptformat)) { case "JPG" : case "JPEG" : if (imagetypes() & IMG_JPG) { header("Content-type: image/jpeg"); imagejpeg($img, "", 80); } break; case "GIF" : if (imagetypes() & IMG_GIF) { header("Content-type: image/gif"); imagegif($img); } break; case "PNG" : default : if (imagetypes() & IMG_PNG) { header("Content-type: image/png"); imagepng($img); } } imagedestroy ($img); unset ($word,$tword); unset ($_SESSION['cryptreload']); ?>