add_filter('preprocessor', 'PREPROCESSOR', array($this, 'preprocessor_filter')); $this->add_identifier_mapping('FUNCTION', $GLOBALS['luminous_c_funcs']); $this->add_identifier_mapping('KEYWORD', $GLOBALS['luminous_c_keywords']); $this->add_identifier_mapping('TYPE', $GLOBALS['luminous_c_types']); } function init() { // // D [0-9] // L [a-zA-Z_] // H [a-fA-F0-9] // E [Ee][+-]?{D}+ // FS (f|F|l|L) // IS (u|U|l|L)*// // {L}({L}|{D})* ident // 0[xX]{H}+{IS}? hex // 0{D}+{IS}? octal // {D}+{IS}? int // L?'(\\.|[^\\'])+' char // {D}+{E}{FS}? real/float // {D}*"."{D}+({E})?{FS}? real/float // {D}+"."{D}*({E})?{FS}? real/float // L?\"(\\.|[^\\"])*\" string, but we should exclude nl $this->add_pattern('COMMENT', LuminousTokenPresets::$C_COMMENT_ML); $this->add_pattern('COMMENT', LuminousTokenPresets::$C_COMMENT_SL); $this->add_pattern('STRING', "/L?\"(?: [^\\\\\"\n]+ | \\\\.)*(?:$|\")/xms"); // if memory serves, a char looks like this: $this->add_pattern('CHARACTER', "/L? ' (?: \\\\(?: x[A-F0-9]{1,2}| . ) | . ) (?: '|$)/ixm"); $this->add_pattern('OPERATOR', '@[!%^&*\-/+=~:?.|<>]+@'); $this->add_pattern('NUMERIC', '/0[xX][A-F0-9]+[uUlL]*/i'); $this->add_pattern('NUMERIC', '/ (?: (?: \d* \.\d+ | \d+\.\d*) ([eE][+-]?\d+)? ([fFlL]?) ) /ix'); $this->add_pattern('NUMERIC', '/ \d+([uUlL]+ | ([eE][+-]?\d+)?[fFlL]? | ) #empty string on the end /x'); //inc octal $this->add_pattern('NUMERIC', LuminousTokenPresets::$NUM_HEX); $this->add_pattern('NUMERIC', LuminousTokenPresets::$NUM_REAL); $this->add_pattern('PREPROCESSOR', '/^[ \t]*\#/m'); $this->add_pattern('IDENT', '/[a-zA-Z_]+\w*/'); $this->overrides['PREPROCESSOR'] = array($this, 'preprocessor_override'); } function preprocessor_override() { $this->skip_whitespace(); // #if 0s nest, according to Kate, which sounds reasonable $pattern = '/^\s*#\s*if\s+0\\b/m'; if($this->check($pattern)) { $this->nestable_token('COMMENT', '/^\s*#\s*if(?:n?def)?\\b/m', '/^\s*#\s*endif\\b/m'); } else { // a preprocessor statement may have nested comments and strings. We // go the lazy route and just zap the whole thing with a regex and let a // filter figure out any nested highlighting $this->scan("@ \# (?: [^/\n\\\\]+ | /\* (?> [^\\*]+ | (?:\*(?!/))+ ) (?: $|\*/) # nested ML comment | //.* # nested SL comment | / | \\\\(?s:.) # escape, and newline )* @x"); $this->record($this->match(), 'PREPROCESSOR'); } } static function preprocessor_filter_cb($matches) { if (!isset($matches[0]) || !isset($matches[0][0])) return ''; // shouldn't ever happen if ($matches[0][0] === '"') return LuminousUtils::tag_block('STRING', $matches[0]); else if ($matches[0][0] === '&') return '<' . LuminousUtils::tag_block('STRING', $matches[1]) . '>'; else return LuminousUtils::tag_block('COMMENT', $matches[0]); } static function preprocessor_filter($token) { $token = LuminousUtils::escape_token($token); $token[1] = preg_replace_callback("@ (?:\" (?> [^\\\\\n\"]+ | \\\\. )* (?: \"|$) | (?: < (.*?) >)) | // .* | /\* (?s:.*?) (\*/ | $) @x", array('LuminousCppScanner', 'preprocessor_filter_cb'), $token[1]); return $token; } static function guess_language($src, $info) { // Obviously, C tends to look an awful lot like pretty much every other // language. Its only real pseudo-distinct feature is the ugly // preprocessor and "char * ", so let's go with that $p = 0.0; if (preg_match('/^\s*+#\s*+(include\s++[<"]|ifdef|endif|define)\\b/m', $src) ) $p += 0.3; if (preg_match('/\\bchar\s*\\*\s*\w+/', $src)) $p += 0.05; if (preg_match('/\\bmalloc\s*\\(/', $src)) $p += 0.02; // TODO we could guess at some C++ stuff too return $p; } }