*/ class GarbageCollect { /** * Drops old files of a directory * * @param string $directory the name of the target directory * @param int $days the number of days to consider a file old * @param bool $verbose enable verbose output * * @return true if all the files/directories of a directory was wiped */ public static function dropOldFiles($directory, $days = 30, $verbose = false) { $allDropped = true; $now = time(); $dir = opendir($directory); if (!$dir) { if ($verbose) { echo "! Unable to open $directory\n"; } return false; } while ($file = readdir($dir)) { if ($file == '.' || $file == '..') { continue; } $fullName = $directory.'/'.$file; $old = $now-filemtime($fullName); if (is_dir($fullName)) { // Directories are recursively crawled if (static::dropOldFiles($fullName, $days, $verbose)) { self::drop($fullName, $verbose); } else { $allDropped = false; } } else { if ($old > (24*60*60*$days)) { self::drop($fullName, $verbose); } else { $allDropped = false; } } } closedir($dir); return $allDropped; } /** * Drops a file or an empty directory * * @param $file the file to be removed * @param $verbose the verbosity */ public static function drop($file, $verbose = false) { if (is_dir($file)) { @rmdir($file); } else { @unlink($file); } if ($verbose) { echo "> Dropping $file...\n"; } } }