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synced 2025-02-21 17:03:47 +00:00
208 lines
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Executable File
208 lines
7.0 KiB
Executable File
* Diff is a strange one because we could just highlight the lines and be done
* with it, but we are actually going to try to highlight the source code AND
* the diff format
* As such, we handle formatting and tagging inside the scanner.
class LuminousDiffScanner extends LuminousScanner {
public $patterns = array();
public $pretty_mode = false; // pretty mode uses language sub-scanners
// to try to highlight the embedded code
/* TODO: plug this into the language code selector in the old EasyAPI
* when we port it across
* This function is just a placeholder and will be implemented properly
* later.
function get_child_scanner($filename) {
// HACK - pretty mode should be reflected elsewhere than here.
if (!$this->pretty_mode) return null;
// $luminous_ is a singleton from the main calling API. It may or may not
// exist here, but if it does, we're going to use it.
global $luminous_;
if (!isset($luminous_))
return null;
$spos = strrpos($filename, '.');
if ($spos === false) {return null;}
$ext = substr($filename, $spos+1);
$s = $luminous_->scanners->GetScanner(strtolower($ext));
// we actually only want the classname, not an instance.
if ($s === null) return null;
else return get_class($s);
function string($string=null) {
if ($string !== null) {
if (preg_match('/^[><]/m', $string)) {
// normal rules
$this->patterns['range'] = '/\d+.*/';
$this->patterns['codeblock'] = "/(^([<> ]).*(\n)?)+/m";
elseif (preg_match('/^\*{3}/m', $string)) {
// context
$this->patterns['range'] = "/([\-\*]{3})[ \t]+\d+,\d+[ \t]+\\1.*/";
$this->patterns['codeblock'] = "/(^([!+ ]).*(\n)?)+/m";
else {
// unified
$this->patterns['range'] = "/@@.*/";
$this->patterns['codeblock'] = "/(^([+\- ]).*(\n)?)+/m";
return parent::string($string);
function main() {
// we're aiming to handle context, unified and normal diff all at once here
// because it doesn't really seem that hard.
$child = null;
$last_index = -1;
while (!$this->eos()) {
$index = $this->pos();
assert($index > $last_index);
$last_index = $index;
$tok = null;
if ($this->scan('/diff\s.*$/m') !== null) $tok = 'KEYWORD';
// normal, context and unified ranges
elseif($this->scan($this->patterns['range']) !== null)
$tok = 'DIFF_RANGE';
elseif($this->scan("/-{3}[ \t]*$/m")) $tok = null;
elseif($this->scan('/(?:\**|=*|\w.*)$/m') !== null) $tok = 'KEYWORD';
// this is a header line which may contain a file path. If it does,
// update the child scanner according to its extension.
elseif($this->scan("@[+\-\*]{3}(\s+([^\s]*)([ \t]|$))?.*@m") !== null) {
$m = $this->match_groups();
// unified uses +++, context uses *
if ($m[0][0] === '+' || $m[0][0] === '*')
else $tok = 'DIFF_HEADER_OLD';
if (isset($m[2])) {
$filename = preg_replace('@.*\\\\/@', '', $m[2]);
$child = self::get_child_scanner($filename);
elseif($this->scan('/\\\\.*/') !== null) $tok = null;
elseif($this->scan($this->patterns['codeblock']) !== null) {
// this is actual source code.
// we're going to format this here.
// we're going to extract the block, and try to re-assemble it as
// verbatim code, then highlight it via a child scanner, then split up
// the lines, re-apply the necessary prefixes (e.g. + or -) to them,
// and store them as being a DIFF_ token.
// we have to do it like this, rather than line by line, otherwise
// multiline tokens aren't going to work properly. There's stilla risk
// that the diff will be fragmented such the child scanner gets it
// wrong but that can't be helped.
// TODO restructure this so the complicated bits aren't done if there's
// no child scanner to pass it down to
$block = $this->match();
if (!strlen($block)) {
$lines = explode("\n", $block);
$verbatim = array();
$verbatim_ = '';
$types = array();
$prefixes = array();
foreach($lines as $l) {
if (!strlen($l) || $l[0] === ' ')
$types[]= 'DIFF_UNCHANGED';
elseif ($l[0] === '+' || $l[0] === '>')
$types[] = 'DIFF_NEW';
elseif ($l[0] === '!' || $l[0] === '<' || $l[0] === '-')
$types[] = 'DIFF_OLD';
else assert(0);
$prefixes[] = (isset($l[0]))? $l[0] : '';
$verbatim_[] = substr($l, 1);
$verbatim = implode("\n", $verbatim_);
$escaped = false;
if ($child !== null) {
$c = new $child;
$tagged = $c->tagged();
$escaped = true;
} else {
$tagged = $verbatim;
$exp = explode("\n", $tagged);
assert(count($exp) === count($prefixes));
foreach($exp as $i=>$v) {
$t = $types[$i];
// if the sub-scanner escaped the line, we also need to escape the
// prefix for consistency
$prefix = $prefixes[$i];
if ($escaped) $prefix = LuminousUtils::escape_string($prefix);
$text = $prefix . $v;
if ($i < count($exp)-1) $this->record("\n", null);
if ($this->eol()) $this->record($this->get(), null);
else $this->scan('/.*/');
// previous else clause can capture empty strings
if ($this->match() !== '')
$this->record($this->match(), $tok);
// consume newline
if (!$this->eos()) $this->record($this->get(), null);
static function guess_language($src, $info) {
// diff isn't too hard. We check for 'index' and a few other things
$p = 0.0;
if (preg_match("/^-{3}.*+[\n\r]++\\+{3}/m", $src)) $p = 0.25;
if (preg_match('/^@@.*@@/m', $src)) $p += 0.25;
if (preg_match('/^(index|diff)\\b/m', $src)) $p += 0.10;
// finally we look for the diff markers at the line starts
// we're going to use the remaining 40% of the probability as so:
// We'll say a perfect match for diff has
// 10%+ of its lines starting with the +/- markers (</> or +/! for
// context/original format), and we'll scale real proportion
// to fill up the remaining 0.4
$c = preg_match_all('/^[<>+\\-!]\s/m', $src, $m);
$num_lines = $info['num_lines'];
if ($num_lines > 0) {
$proportion = $c/$num_lines;
$proportion = min(0.1, $proportion);
$p += 0.4 * ($proportion * 10);
return $p;
class LuminousPrettyDiffScanner extends LuminousDiffScanner {
public $pretty_mode = true;
} |