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* This file is part of the Symfony package.
* (c) Fabien Potencier <fabien@symfony.com>
* For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
* file that was distributed with this source code.
namespace Symfony\Component\VarDumper\Dumper;
use Symfony\Component\VarDumper\Cloner\Cursor;
use Symfony\Component\VarDumper\Cloner\Data;
* HtmlDumper dumps variables as HTML.
* @author Nicolas Grekas <p@tchwork.com>
class HtmlDumper extends CliDumper
public static $defaultOutput = 'php://output';
protected $dumpHeader;
protected $dumpPrefix = '<pre class=sf-dump id=%s data-indent-pad="%s">';
protected $dumpSuffix = '</pre><script>Sfdump("%s")</script>';
protected $dumpId = 'sf-dump';
protected $colors = true;
protected $headerIsDumped = false;
protected $lastDepth = -1;
protected $styles = array(
'default' => 'background-color:#18171B; color:#FF8400; line-height:1.2em; font:12px Menlo, Monaco, Consolas, monospace; word-wrap: break-word; white-space: pre-wrap; position:relative; z-index:99999; word-break: normal',
'num' => 'font-weight:bold; color:#1299DA',
'const' => 'font-weight:bold',
'str' => 'font-weight:bold; color:#56DB3A',
'note' => 'color:#1299DA',
'ref' => 'color:#A0A0A0',
'public' => 'color:#FFFFFF',
'protected' => 'color:#FFFFFF',
'private' => 'color:#FFFFFF',
'meta' => 'color:#B729D9',
'key' => 'color:#56DB3A',
'index' => 'color:#1299DA',
* {@inheritdoc}
public function __construct($output = null, $charset = null)
AbstractDumper::__construct($output, $charset);
$this->dumpId = 'sf-dump-'.mt_rand();
* {@inheritdoc}
public function setStyles(array $styles)
$this->headerIsDumped = false;
$this->styles = $styles + $this->styles;
* Sets an HTML header that will be dumped once in the output stream.
* @param string $header An HTML string
public function setDumpHeader($header)
$this->dumpHeader = $header;
* Sets an HTML prefix and suffix that will encapse every single dump.
* @param string $prefix The prepended HTML string
* @param string $suffix The appended HTML string
public function setDumpBoundaries($prefix, $suffix)
$this->dumpPrefix = $prefix;
$this->dumpSuffix = $suffix;
* {@inheritdoc}
public function dump(Data $data, $output = null)
parent::dump($data, $output);
$this->dumpId = 'sf-dump-'.mt_rand();
* Dumps the HTML header.
protected function getDumpHeader()
$this->headerIsDumped = null !== $this->outputStream ? $this->outputStream : $this->lineDumper;
if (null !== $this->dumpHeader) {
return $this->dumpHeader;
$line = <<<'EOHTML'
Sfdump = window.Sfdump || (function (doc) {
var refStyle = doc.createElement('style'),
rxEsc = /([.*+?^${}()|\[\]\/\\])/g,
idRx = /\bsf-dump-\d+-ref[012]\w+\b/,
keyHint = 0 <= navigator.platform.toUpperCase().indexOf('MAC') ? 'Cmd' : 'Ctrl',
addEventListener = function (e, n, cb) {
e.addEventListener(n, cb, false);
(doc.documentElement.firstElementChild || doc.documentElement.children[0]).appendChild(refStyle);
if (!doc.addEventListener) {
addEventListener = function (element, eventName, callback) {
element.attachEvent('on' + eventName, function (e) {
e.preventDefault = function () {e.returnValue = false;};
e.target = e.srcElement;
function toggle(a, recursive) {
var s = a.nextSibling || {}, oldClass = s.className, arrow, newClass;
if ('sf-dump-compact' == oldClass) {
arrow = '▼';
newClass = 'sf-dump-expanded';
} else if ('sf-dump-expanded' == oldClass) {
arrow = '▶';
newClass = 'sf-dump-compact';
} else {
return false;
a.lastChild.innerHTML = arrow;
s.className = newClass;
if (recursive) {
try {
a = s.querySelectorAll('.'+oldClass);
for (s = 0; s < a.length; ++s) {
if (a[s].className !== newClass) {
a[s].className = newClass;
a[s].previousSibling.lastChild.innerHTML = arrow;
} catch (e) {
return true;
return function (root) {
root = doc.getElementById(root);
function a(e, f) {
addEventListener(root, e, function (e) {
if ('A' == e.target.tagName) {
f(e.target, e);
} else if ('A' == e.target.parentNode.tagName) {
f(e.target.parentNode, e);
function isCtrlKey(e) {
return e.ctrlKey || e.metaKey;
addEventListener(root, 'mouseover', function (e) {
if ('' != refStyle.innerHTML) {
refStyle.innerHTML = '';
a('mouseover', function (a) {
if (a = idRx.exec(a.className)) {
try {
refStyle.innerHTML = 'pre.sf-dump .'+a[0]+'{background-color: #B729D9; color: #FFF !important; border-radius: 2px}';
} catch (e) {
a('click', function (a, e) {
if (/\bsf-dump-toggle\b/.test(a.className)) {
if (!toggle(a, isCtrlKey(e))) {
var r = doc.getElementById(a.getAttribute('href').substr(1)),
s = r.previousSibling,
f = r.parentNode,
t = a.parentNode;
t.replaceChild(r, a);
f.replaceChild(a, s);
t.insertBefore(s, r);
f = f.firstChild.nodeValue.match(indentRx);
t = t.firstChild.nodeValue.match(indentRx);
if (f && t && f[0] !== t[0]) {
r.innerHTML = r.innerHTML.replace(new RegExp('^'+f[0].replace(rxEsc, '\\$1'), 'mg'), t[0]);
if ('sf-dump-compact' == r.className) {
toggle(s, isCtrlKey(e));
if (doc.getSelection) {
try {
} catch (e) {
} else {
var indentRx = new RegExp('^('+(root.getAttribute('data-indent-pad') || ' ').replace(rxEsc, '\\$1')+')+', 'm'),
elt = root.getElementsByTagName('A'),
len = elt.length,
i = 0,
t = [];
while (i < len) t.push(elt[i++]);
elt = root.getElementsByTagName('SAMP');
len = elt.length;
i = 0;
while (i < len) t.push(elt[i++]);
root = t;
len = t.length;
i = t = 0;
while (i < len) {
elt = root[i];
if ("SAMP" == elt.tagName) {
elt.className = "sf-dump-expanded";
a = elt.previousSibling || {};
if ('A' != a.tagName) {
a = doc.createElement('A');
a.className = 'sf-dump-ref';
elt.parentNode.insertBefore(a, elt);
} else {
a.innerHTML += ' ';
a.title = (a.title ? a.title+'\n[' : '[')+keyHint+'+click] Expand all children';
a.innerHTML += '<span>▼</span>';
a.className += ' sf-dump-toggle';
if ('sf-dump' != elt.parentNode.className) {
} else if ("sf-dump-ref" == elt.className && (a = elt.getAttribute('href'))) {
a = a.substr(1);
elt.className += ' '+a;
if (/[\[{]$/.test(elt.previousSibling.nodeValue)) {
a = a != elt.nextSibling.id && doc.getElementById(a);
try {
t = a.nextSibling;
t.parentNode.insertBefore(a, t);
if (/^[@#]/.test(elt.innerHTML)) {
elt.innerHTML += ' <span>▶</span>';
} else {
elt.innerHTML = '<span>▶</span>';
elt.className = 'sf-dump-ref';
elt.className += ' sf-dump-toggle';
} catch (e) {
if ('&' == elt.innerHTML.charAt(0)) {
elt.innerHTML = '…';
elt.className = 'sf-dump-ref';
pre.sf-dump {
display: block;
white-space: pre;
padding: 5px;
pre.sf-dump span {
display: inline;
pre.sf-dump .sf-dump-compact {
display: none;
pre.sf-dump abbr {
text-decoration: none;
border: none;
cursor: help;
pre.sf-dump a {
text-decoration: none;
cursor: pointer;
border: 0;
outline: none;
foreach ($this->styles as $class => $style) {
$line .= 'pre.sf-dump'.('default' !== $class ? ' .sf-dump-'.$class : '').'{'.$style.'}';
return $this->dumpHeader = preg_replace('/\s+/', ' ', $line).'</style>'.$this->dumpHeader;
* {@inheritdoc}
public function enterHash(Cursor $cursor, $type, $class, $hasChild)
parent::enterHash($cursor, $type, $class, false);
if ($hasChild) {
if ($cursor->refIndex) {
$r = Cursor::HASH_OBJECT !== $type ? 1 - (Cursor::HASH_RESOURCE !== $type) : 2;
$r .= $r && 0 < $cursor->softRefHandle ? $cursor->softRefHandle : $cursor->refIndex;
$this->line .= sprintf('<samp id=%s-ref%s>', $this->dumpId, $r);
} else {
$this->line .= '<samp>';
* {@inheritdoc}
public function leaveHash(Cursor $cursor, $type, $class, $hasChild, $cut)
$this->dumpEllipsis($cursor, $hasChild, $cut);
if ($hasChild) {
$this->line .= '</samp>';
parent::leaveHash($cursor, $type, $class, $hasChild, 0);
* {@inheritdoc}
protected function style($style, $value, $attr = array())
if ('' === $value) {
return '';
$v = esc($value);
if ('ref' === $style) {
if (empty($attr['count'])) {
return sprintf('<a class=sf-dump-ref>%s</a>', $v);
$r = ('#' !== $v[0] ? 1 - ('@' !== $v[0]) : 2).substr($value, 1);
return sprintf('<a class=sf-dump-ref href=#%s-ref%s title="%d occurrences">%s</a>', $this->dumpId, $r, 1 + $attr['count'], $v);
if ('const' === $style && isset($attr['value'])) {
$style .= sprintf(' title="%s"', esc(is_scalar($attr['value']) ? $attr['value'] : json_encode($attr['value'])));
} elseif ('public' === $style) {
$style .= sprintf(' title="%s"', empty($attr['dynamic']) ? 'Public property' : 'Runtime added dynamic property');
} elseif ('str' === $style && 1 < $attr['length']) {
$style .= sprintf(' title="%d%s characters"', $attr['length'], $attr['binary'] ? ' binary or non-UTF-8' : '');
} elseif ('note' === $style && false !== $c = strrpos($v, '\\')) {
return sprintf('<abbr title="%s" class=sf-dump-%s>%s</abbr>', $v, $style, substr($v, $c + 1));
} elseif ('protected' === $style) {
$style .= ' title="Protected property"';
} elseif ('private' === $style) {
$style .= sprintf(' title="Private property defined in class: `%s`"', esc($attr['class']));
$map = static::$controlCharsMap;
$style = "<span class=sf-dump-{$style}>";
$v = preg_replace_callback(static::$controlCharsRx, function ($c) use ($map, $style) {
$s = '</span>';
$c = $c[$i = 0];
do {
$s .= isset($map[$c[$i]]) ? $map[$c[$i]] : sprintf('\x%02X', ord($c[$i]));
} while (isset($c[++$i]));
return $s.$style;
}, $v, -1, $cchrCount);
if ($cchrCount && '<' === $v[0]) {
$v = substr($v, 7);
} else {
$v = $style.$v;
if ($cchrCount && '>' === substr($v, -1)) {
$v = substr($v, 0, -strlen($style));
} else {
$v .= '</span>';
return $v;
* {@inheritdoc}
protected function dumpLine($depth, $endOfValue = false)
if (-1 === $this->lastDepth) {
$this->line = sprintf($this->dumpPrefix, $this->dumpId, $this->indentPad).$this->line;
if ($this->headerIsDumped !== (null !== $this->outputStream ? $this->outputStream : $this->lineDumper)) {
$this->line = $this->getDumpHeader().$this->line;
if (-1 === $depth) {
$this->line .= sprintf($this->dumpSuffix, $this->dumpId);
$this->lastDepth = $depth;
$this->line = mb_convert_encoding($this->line, 'HTML-ENTITIES', 'UTF-8');
if (-1 === $depth) {
function esc($str)
return htmlspecialchars($str, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8');