2016-11-19 12:08:12 +01:00

609 lines
21 KiB
Executable File
Raw Blame History

This file contains invisible Unicode characters

This file contains invisible Unicode characters that are indistinguishable to humans but may be processed differently by a computer. If you think that this is intentional, you can safely ignore this warning. Use the Escape button to reveal them.

This file contains Unicode characters that might be confused with other characters. If you think that this is intentional, you can safely ignore this warning. Use the Escape button to reveal them.

* ZeroBin 0.19
* @link
* @author sebsauvage
// Immediately start random number generator collector.
* Converts a duration (in seconds) into human readable format.
* @param int seconds
* @return string
function secondsToHuman(seconds)
if (seconds<60) { var v=Math.floor(seconds); return v+' seconde'+((v>1)?'s':''); }
if (seconds<60*60) { var v=Math.floor(seconds/60); return v+' minute'+((v>1)?'s':''); }
if (seconds<60*60*24) { var v=Math.floor(seconds/(60*60)); return v+' heure'+((v>1)?'s':''); }
// If less than 2 months, display in days:
if (seconds<60*60*24*60) { var v=Math.floor(seconds/(60*60*24)); return v+' jour'+((v>1)?'s':''); }
var v=Math.floor(seconds/(60*60*24*30)); return v+' mois';
* Converts an associative array to an encoded string
* for appending to the anchor.
* @param object associative_array Object to be serialized
* @return string
function hashToParameterString(associativeArray)
var parameterString = ""
for (key in associativeArray)
if( parameterString === "" )
parameterString = encodeURIComponent(key);
parameterString += "=" + encodeURIComponent(associativeArray[key]);
} else {
parameterString += "&" + encodeURIComponent(key);
parameterString += "=" + encodeURIComponent(associativeArray[key]);
//padding for URL shorteners
parameterString += "&p=p";
return parameterString;
* Converts a string to an associative array.
* @param string parameter_string String containing parameters
* @return object
function parameterStringToHash(parameterString)
var parameterHash = {};
var parameterArray = parameterString.split("&");
for (var i = 0; i < parameterArray.length; i++) {
//var currentParamterString = decodeURIComponent(parameterArray[i]);
var pair = parameterArray[i].split("=");
var key = decodeURIComponent(pair[0]);
var value = decodeURIComponent(pair[1]);
parameterHash[key] = value;
return parameterHash;
* Get an associative array of the parameters found in the anchor
* @return object
function getParameterHash()
var hashIndex = window.location.href.indexOf("#");
if (hashIndex >= 0) {
return parameterStringToHash(window.location.href.substring(hashIndex + 1));
} else {
return {};
* Compress a message (deflate compression). Returns base64 encoded data.
* @param string message
* @return base64 string data
function compress(message) {
return Base64.toBase64( RawDeflate.deflate( Base64.utob(message) ) );
* Decompress a message compressed with compress().
function decompress(data) {
return Base64.btou( RawDeflate.inflate( Base64.fromBase64(data) ) );
* Compress, then encrypt message with key.
* @param string key
* @param string message
* @return encrypted string data
function zeroCipher(key, message) {
return sjcl.encrypt(key,compress(message));
* Decrypt message with key, then decompress.
* @param key
* @param encrypted string data
* @return string readable message
function zeroDecipher(key, data) {
return decompress(sjcl.decrypt(key,data));
* @return the current script location (without search or hash part of the URL).
* eg. -->
function scriptLocation() {
var scriptLocation = window.location.href.substring(0,window.location.href.length
- - window.location.hash.length);
var hashIndex = scriptLocation.indexOf("#");
if (hashIndex !== -1) {
scriptLocation = scriptLocation.substring(0, hashIndex)
return scriptLocation
* @return the paste unique identifier from the URL
* eg. 'c05354954c49a487'
function pasteID() {
function htmlEntities(str) {
return String(str).replace(/&/g, '&amp;').replace(/</g, '&lt;').replace(/>/g, '&gt;').replace(/"/g, '&quot;');
* Set text of a DOM element (required for IE)
* This is equivalent to element.text(text)
* @param object element : a DOM element.
* @param string text : the text to enter.
function setElementText(element, text) {
// For IE<10.
if ($('div#oldienotice').is(":visible")) {
// IE<10 does not support white-space:pre-wrap; so we have to do this BIG UGLY STINKING THING.
var html = htmlEntities(text).replace(/\n/ig,"\r\n<br>");
// for other (sane) browsers:
else {
/** Apply syntax coloring to clear text area.
function applySyntaxColoring()
if ($('div#cleartext').html().substring(0,11) != '<pre><code>')
// highlight.js expects code to be surrounded by <pre><code>
$('div#cleartext').html('<pre><code>'+ $('div#cleartext').html()+'</code></pre>');
$('div#cleartext').css('padding','0'); // Remove white padding around code box.
* Show decrypted text in the display area, including discussion (if open)
* @param string key : decryption key
* @param array comments : Array of messages to display (items = array with keys ('data','meta')
function displayMessages(key, comments) {
try { // Try to decrypt the paste.
var cleartext = zeroDecipher(key, comments[0].data);
} catch(err) {
showError('Impossible de déchiffrer les données (mauvaise clé ?)');
setElementText($('div#cleartext'), cleartext);
urls2links($('div#cleartext')); // Convert URLs to clickable links.
// comments[0] is the paste itself.
if (comments[0].meta.syntaxcoloring) applySyntaxColoring();
// Display paste expiration.
if (comments[0].meta.expire_date) $('div#remainingtime').removeClass('foryoureyesonly').text('Ce document expirera dans '+secondsToHuman(comments[0].meta.remaining_time)+'.').show();
if (comments[0].meta.burnafterreading) {
$('div#remainingtime').addClass('foryoureyesonly').text('POUR VOS YEUX UNIQUEMENT : Ne fermez pas cette fenêtre, ce message ne pourra pas être affiché à nouveau.').show();
$('button#clonebutton').hide(); // Discourage cloning (as it can't really be prevented).
// If the discussion is opened on this paste, display it.
if (comments[0].meta.opendiscussion) {
// For each comment.
for (var i = 1; i < comments.length; i++) {
var comment=comments[i];
var cleartext="[Impossible de déchiffrer le commentaire ; mauvaise clé ?]";
try {
cleartext = zeroDecipher(key,;
} catch(err) { }
var place = $('div#comments');
// If parent comment exists, display below (CSS will automatically shift it right.)
var cname = 'div#comment_'+comment.meta.parentid
// If the element exists in page
if ($(cname).length) {
place = $(cname);
var divComment = $('<div class="comment" id="comment_' + comment.meta.commentid+'">'
+ '<div class="commentmeta"><span class="nickname"></span><span class="commentdate"></span></div><div class="commentdata"></div>'
+ '<button onclick="open_reply($(this),\'' + comment.meta.commentid + '\');return false;">Répondre</button>'
+ '</div>');
setElementText(divComment.find('div.commentdata'), cleartext);
// Convert URLs to clickable links in comment.
// Try to get optional nickname:
try {
divComment.find('span.nickname').text(zeroDecipher(key, comment.meta.nickname));
} catch(err) { }
divComment.find('span.commentdate').text(' ('+(new Date(comment.meta.postdate*1000).toString())+')').attr('title','CommentID: ' + comment.meta.commentid);
// If an avatar is available, display it.
if (comment.meta.vizhash) {
divComment.find('span.nickname').before('<img src="' + comment.meta.vizhash + '" class="vizhash" title="Avatar anonyme (Vizhash de ladresse IP)" />');
$('div#comments').append('<div class="comment"><button onclick="open_reply($(this),\'' + pasteID() + '\');return false;">Ajouter un comentaire</button></div>');
* Open the comment entry when clicking the "Reply" button of a comment.
* @param object source : element which emitted the event.
* @param string commentid = identifier of the comment we want to reply to.
function open_reply(source, commentid) {
$('div.reply').remove(); // Remove any other reply area.
source.after('<div class="reply">'
+ '<input type="text" id="nickname" title="Pseudo facultatif…" value="Pseudo facultatif…" />'
+ '<textarea id="replymessage" class="replymessage" cols="80" rows="7"></textarea>'
+ '<br><button id="replybutton" onclick="send_comment(\'' + commentid + '\');return false;">Publier le commentaire</button>'
+ '<div id="replystatus">&nbsp;</div>'
+ '</div>');
$('input#nickname').focus(function() {
$(this).css('color', '#000');
if ($(this).val() == $(this).attr('title')) {
* Send a reply in a discussion.
* @param string parentid : the comment identifier we want to send a reply to.
function send_comment(parentid) {
// Do not send if no data.
if ($('textarea#replymessage').val().length==0) {
showStatus('Envoi du commentaire…', spin=true);
var cipherdata = zeroCipher(pageKey(), $('textarea#replymessage').val());
var ciphernickname = '';
var nick=$('input#nickname').val();
if (nick != '' && nick != 'Pseudo facultatif…') {
ciphernickname = zeroCipher(pageKey(), nick);
var data_to_send = { data:cipherdata,
parentid: parentid,
pasteid: pasteID(),
nickname: ciphernickname
$.post(scriptLocation(), data_to_send, 'json')
.error(function() {
showError('Le commentaire na pas pu être envoyé (erreur du serveur ou qui ne répond pas).');
.success(function(data) {
if (data.status == 0) {
showStatus('Commentaire publié.');
else if (data.status==1) {
showError('Impossible de publier le commentaire : '+data.message);
else {
showError('Impossible de publier le commentaire.');
* Send a new paste to server
function send_data() {
// Do not send if no data.
if ($('textarea#message').val().length == 0) {
// If sjcl has not collected enough entropy yet, display a message.
if (!sjcl.random.isReady())
showStatus('Envoi du texte… (Déplacez votre souris pour ajouter de lentropie)…', spin=true);
sjcl.random.addEventListener('seeded', function(){ send_data(); });
showStatus('Envoi du texte…', spin=true);
var randomkey = sjcl.codec.base64.fromBits(sjcl.random.randomWords(8, 0), 0);
var cipherdata = zeroCipher(randomkey, $('textarea#message').val());
var data_to_send = { data: cipherdata,
expire: $('select#pasteExpiration').val(),
burnafterreading: $('input#burnafterreading').is(':checked') ? 1 : 0,
opendiscussion: $('input#opendiscussion').is(':checked') ? 1 : 0,
syntaxcoloring: $('input#syntaxcoloring').is(':checked') ? 1 : 0
$.post(scriptLocation(), data_to_send, 'json')
.error(function() {
showError('Les données nont pas pu être envoyées (erreur du serveur ou qui ne répond pas).');
.success(function(data) {
if (data.status == 0) {
var url = scriptLocation() + "?" + + '#' + randomkey;
var deleteUrl = scriptLocation() + "?pasteid=" + + '&deletetoken=' + data.deletetoken;
$('div#pastelink').html('Votre texte se trouve à cette adresse : <br /> <span class="tag success"><a id="pasteurl" href="' + url + '">' + url + '</a></span><br /> <span id="copyhint">(Tapez CTRL+C pour copier le lien)</span>');
$('div#deletelink').html('Lien de suppression : <span class="tag alert">' + deleteUrl + "</span>");
selectText('pasteurl'); // We pre-select the link so that the user only has to CTRL+C the link.
setElementText($('div#cleartext'), $('textarea#message').val());
// FIXME: Add option to remove syntax highlighting ?
if ($('input#syntaxcoloring').is(':checked')) applySyntaxColoring();
else if (data.status==1) {
showError('Impossible denregistrer le texte : '+data.message);
else {
showError('Impossible denregistrer le texte.');
/** Text range selection.
* From:
* @param string element : Indentifier of the element to select (id="").
function selectText(element) {
var doc = document
, text = doc.getElementById(element)
, range, selection
if (doc.body.createTextRange) { //ms
range = doc.body.createTextRange();
} else if (window.getSelection) { //all others
selection = window.getSelection();
range = doc.createRange();
* Put the screen in "New paste" mode.
function stateNewPaste() {
* Put the screen in "Existing paste" mode.
function stateExistingPaste() {
// No "clone" for IE<10.
if ($('div#oldienotice').is(":visible")) {
else {
/** Return raw text
function rawText()
var paste = $('div#cleartext').html();
var newDoc ='text/html', 'replace');
* Clone the current paste.
function clonePaste() {
//Erase the id and the key in url
history.replaceState(document.title, document.title, scriptLocation());
* Create a new paste.
function newPaste() {
* Display an error message
* (We use the same function for paste and reply to comments)
function showError(message) {
* Display status
* (We use the same function for paste and reply to comments)
* @param string message : text to display
* @param boolean spin (optional) : tell if the "spinning" animation should be displayed.
function showStatus(message, spin) {
if (!message) {
if (message == '') {
if (spin) {
var img = '<img src="img/busy.gif" style="width:16px;height:9px;margin:0px 4px 0px 0px;" />';
* Convert URLs to clickable links.
* URLs to handle:
* <code>
* http://localhost:8800/zero/?6f09182b8ea51997#WtLEUO5Epj9UHAV9JFs+6pUQZp13TuspAUjnF+iM+dM=
* http://user:password@localhost:8800/zero/?6f09182b8ea51997#WtLEUO5Epj9UHAV9JFs+6pUQZp13TuspAUjnF+iM+dM=
* </code>
* @param object element : a jQuery DOM element.
* @FIXME: add ppa & apt links.
function urls2links(element) {
var re = /((http|https|ftp):\/\/[\w?=&.\/-;#@~%+-]+(?![\w\s?&.\/;#~%"=-]*>))/ig;
element.html(element.html().replace(re,'<a href="$1" rel="nofollow">$1</a>'));
var re = /((magnet):[\w?=&.\/-;#@~%+-]+)/ig;
element.html(element.html().replace(re,'<a href="$1">$1</a>'));
* Return the deciphering key stored in anchor part of the URL
function pageKey() {
var key = window.location.hash.substring(1); // Get key
// Some stupid web 2.0 services and redirectors add data AFTER the anchor
// (such as &utm_source=...).
// We will strip any additional data.
// First, strip everything after the equal sign (=) which signals end of base64 string.
i = key.indexOf('='); if (i>-1) { key = key.substring(0,i+1); }
// If the equal sign was not present, some parameters may remain:
i = key.indexOf('&'); if (i>-1) { key = key.substring(0,i); }
// Then add trailing equal sign if it's missing
if (key.charAt(key.length-1)!=='=') key+='=';
return key;
$(function() {
// If "burn after reading" is checked, disable discussion.
$('input#burnafterreading').change(function() {
if ($(this).is(':checked') ) {
$('input#opendiscussion').attr({checked: false});
else {
// Display status returned by php code if any (eg. Paste was properly deleted.)
if ($('div#status').text().length > 0) {
$('div#status').html('&nbsp;'); // Keep line height even if content empty.
// Display an existing paste
if ($('div#cipherdata').text().length > 1) {
// Missing decryption key in URL ?
if (window.location.hash.length == 0) {
showError('Impossible de déchiffrer le texte : il manque la clé de chiffrement dans lURL (Avez-vous utilisé une redirection ou un raccourcisseur dURL qui aurait tronqué une partie de lURL ?)');
// List of messages to display
var messages = jQuery.parseJSON($('div#cipherdata').text());
// Show proper elements on screen.
displayMessages(pageKey(), messages);
// Display error message from php code.
else if ($('div#errormessage').text().length>1) {
// Create a new paste.
else {