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synced 2025-02-18 15:32:46 +00:00
251 lines
8.7 KiB
Executable File
251 lines
8.7 KiB
Executable File
/*globals svgEditor */
lang: "zh-CN",
dir : "ltr",
common: {
"ok": "保存",
"cancel": "取消",
"key_backspace": "退格",
"key_del": "删除",
"key_down": "下",
"key_up": "上",
"more_opts": "更多选项",
"url": "URL",
"width": "宽度",
"height": "高度"
misc: {
"powered_by": "版权所有"
ui: {
"toggle_stroke_tools": "显示/隐藏更式边线工具",
"palette_info": "点击更改填充颜色,按住Shift键单击更改线条颜色",
"zoom_level": "更改缩放级别",
"panel_drag": "左右拖拽调整面板大小"
properties: {
"id": "元素ID",
"fill_color": "更改填充颜色",
"stroke_color": "线条的颜色变化",
"stroke_style": "更改线条样式",
"stroke_width": "更改线条宽度",
"pos_x": "更改X坐标",
"pos_y": "更改Y坐标",
"linecap_butt": "顶端样式: 齐平",
"linecap_round": "顶端样式: 圆滑",
"linecap_square": "顶端样式: 方块",
"linejoin_bevel": "连接处: 削平",
"linejoin_miter": "连接处: 直角",
"linejoin_round": "连接处: 圆角",
"angle": "更改旋转角度",
"blur": "更改高斯模糊值",
"opacity": "更改所选条目的不透明度",
"circle_cx": "改变圆的中心X坐标",
"circle_cy": "改变圆的中心Y坐标",
"circle_r": "改变圆的半径",
"ellipse_cx": "改变椭圆的中心X坐标",
"ellipse_cy": "改变椭圆的中心Y坐标",
"ellipse_rx": "改变椭圆的x半径",
"ellipse_ry": "改变椭圆的y半径",
"line_x1": "更改直线起点的x坐标",
"line_x2": "更改直线终点的x坐标",
"line_y1": "更改直线起点的y坐标",
"line_y2": "更改直线终点的y坐标",
"rect_height": "更改矩形的高度",
"rect_width": "更改矩形的宽度",
"corner_radius": "角半径:",
"image_width": "更改图像的宽度",
"image_height": "更改图像的高度",
"image_url": "更改网址",
"node_x": "更改节点的X坐标",
"node_y": "更改节点的Y坐标",
"seg_type": "修改线段类型",
"straight_segments": "直线",
"curve_segments": "曲线",
"text_contents": "更改文本内容",
"font_family": "更改字体样式",
"font_size": "更改字体大小",
"bold": "粗体",
"italic": "斜体"
tools: {
"main_menu": "主菜单",
"bkgnd_color_opac": "更改背景颜色/不透明",
"connector_no_arrow": "无箭头",
"fitToContent": "适应内容",
"fit_to_all": "适应于所有的内容",
"fit_to_canvas": "适应画布",
"fit_to_layer_content": "适应层内容",
"fit_to_sel": "适应选中内容",
"align_relative_to": "相对对齐 ...",
"relativeTo": "相对于:",
"page": "网页",
"largest_object": "最大对象",
"selected_objects": "选中的对象",
"smallest_object": "最小的对象",
"new_doc": "新文档",
"open_doc": "打开文档",
"export_img": "导出",
"save_doc": "保存图像",
"import_doc": "导入SVG",
"align_to_page": "对齐元素到页面",
"align_bottom": "底部对齐",
"align_center": "居中对齐",
"align_left": "左对齐",
"align_middle": "水平居中对齐",
"align_right": "右对齐",
"align_top": "顶端对齐",
"mode_select": "选择工具",
"mode_fhpath": "铅笔工具",
"mode_line": "线工具",
"mode_connect": "连接两个对象",
"mode_rect": "矩形",
"mode_square": "正方形",
"mode_fhrect": "自由矩形",
"mode_ellipse": "椭圆",
"mode_circle": "圆形",
"mode_fhellipse": "自由椭圆",
"mode_path": "路径",
"mode_shapelib": "图形库",
"mode_text": "文字工具",
"mode_image": "图像工具",
"mode_zoom": "缩放工具",
"mode_eyedropper": "吸管",
"no_embed": "注意: 根据SVG图像的存储位置,内嵌的位图可能无法显示!",
"undo": "撤消",
"redo": "重做",
"tool_source": "编辑源",
"wireframe_mode": "线条模式",
"toggle_grid": "显示/隐藏 网格",
"clone": "克隆元素",
"del": "删除元素",
"group_elements": "组合元素",
"make_link": "创建超链接",
"set_link_url": "设置链接URL (设置为空以删除)",
"to_path": "转换为路径",
"reorient_path": "调整路径",
"ungroup": "取消组合元素",
"docprops": "文档属性",
"imagelib": "图像库",
"move_bottom": "移至底部",
"move_top": "移至顶部",
"node_clone": "复制节点",
"node_delete": "删除节点",
"node_link": "连接控制点",
"add_subpath": "添加子路径",
"openclose_path": "打开/关闭 子路径",
"source_save": "保存",
"cut": "剪切",
"copy": "复制",
"paste": "粘贴",
"paste_in_place": "粘贴到原位置",
"delete": "删除",
"group": "组合",
"move_front": "移至顶部",
"move_up": "向上移动",
"move_down": "向下移动",
"move_back": "移至底部"
layers: {
"layers": "图层",
"del": "删除图层",
"move_down": "向下移动图层",
"new": "新建图层",
"rename": "重命名图层",
"move_up": "向上移动图层",
"dupe": "复制图层",
"merge_down": "向下合并",
"merge_all": "全部合并",
"move_elems_to": "移动元素至:",
"move_selected": "移动元素至另一个图层"
config: {
"image_props": "图像属性",
"doc_title": "标题",
"doc_dims": "画布大小",
"included_images": "包含图像",
"image_opt_embed": "嵌入数据 (本地文件)",
"image_opt_ref": "Use file reference",
"editor_prefs": "编辑器首选项",
"icon_size": "图标大小",
"language": "语言",
"background": "编辑器背景",
"editor_img_url": "图像 URL",
"editor_bg_note": "注意: 背景不会保存在图像中.",
"icon_large": "大",
"icon_medium": "中",
"icon_small": "小",
"icon_xlarge": "特大",
"select_predefined": "选择预定义:",
"units_and_rulers": "单位 & 标尺",
"show_rulers": "显示标尺",
"base_unit": "基本单位:",
"grid": "网格",
"snapping_onoff": "吸附开/关",
"snapping_stepsize": "吸附步长:",
"grid_color": "网格颜色"
shape_cats: {
"basic": "常规",
"object": "对象",
"symbol": "符号",
"arrow": "箭头",
"flowchart": "流程图",
"animal": "动物",
"game": "纸牌 & 棋子",
"dialog_balloon": "信息气球",
"electronics": "电力元件",
"math": "数学符号",
"music": "音乐符号",
"misc": "杂项",
"raphael_1": "常用图标1",
"raphael_2": "常用图标2"
imagelib: {
"select_lib": "选择一个图像库",
"show_list": "显示库列表",
"import_single": "单个导入",
"import_multi": "批量导入",
"open": "打开一个新文档"
notification: {
"defsFailOnSave": "注意: 由于您所使用的浏览器存在缺陷, 该图像无法正确显示 (不支持渐变或相关元素). 修复该缺陷后可正确显示.",
"loadingImage":"正在加载图像, 请稍候...",
"saveFromBrowser": "选择浏览器中的 \"另存为...\" 将该图像保存为 %s 文件.",
"noteTheseIssues": "同时注意以下几点: ",
"unsavedChanges": "存在未保存的修改.",
"enterNewLinkURL": "输入新建链接的URL地址",
"errorLoadingSVG": "错误: 无法加载SVG数据",
"URLloadFail": "无法从URL中加载",
"retrieving": "检索 \"%s\"..."
confirmSetStorage: {
message: "By default and where supported, SVG-Edit can store your editor "+
"preferences and SVG content locally on your machine so you do not "+
"need to add these back each time you load SVG-Edit. If, for privacy "+
"reasons, you do not wish to store this information on your machine, "+
"you can change away from the default option below.",
storagePrefsAndContent: "Store preferences and SVG content locally",
storagePrefsOnly: "Only store preferences locally",
storagePrefs: "Store preferences locally",
storageNoPrefsOrContent: "Do not store my preferences or SVG content locally",
storageNoPrefs: "Do not store my preferences locally",
rememberLabel: "Remember this choice?",
rememberTooltip: "If you choose to opt out of storage while remembering this choice, the URL will change so as to avoid asking again."