import { RequestHandler } from "../entities/RequestHandler"; import { Comment } from "../entities/Comment"; import { LikesHelper, LikesType } from "../helpers/LikesHelper"; import { check_string_before_insert, removeHTMLNodes } from "../utils/StringUtils"; import { time } from "../utils/DateUtils"; import { CommentsHelper } from "../helpers/CommentsHelper"; import { NotifEventType } from "../entities/Notification"; import { NotificationsHelper } from "../helpers/NotificationsHelper"; import { AbstractUserConnectionContainer } from "../entities/UserConnectionContainer"; /** * Comments controller * * @author Pierre HUBERT */ export class CommentsController { /** * Create a new comment * * @param h Request handler */ public static async Create(h: RequestHandler) { const postID = await h.postPostIDWithAccess("postID"); let content: string, image_path: string; // Check if an image was included in the request or not if(h.hasFile("image")) { content = this.GetCommentContent(h, "content", false); image_path = await h.savePostImage("image", "imgcommentaire", 700, 700); } else content = this.GetCommentContent(h, "content", true); const newComment = new Comment({ id: -1, timeSent: time(), postID: postID, userID: h.getUserId(), content: content, imagePath: image_path }); const commentID = await CommentsHelper.Create(newComment); // Create notifications await NotificationsHelper.CreatePostNotification(h.getUserId(), postID, NotifEventType.COMMENT_CREATED); // Delete any notifications targetting this user about the post await NotificationsHelper.DeleteAllPostsNotificationsTargetingUser(h.getUserId(), postID); h.send({success: true, commentID: commentID}); } /** * Get information about a single comment * * @param h Request handler */ public static async GetSingle(h: RequestHandler) { const commentID = await h.postCommentIDWithAccess("commentID"); const comment = await CommentsHelper.GetSingle(commentID); h.send(await this.CommentToAPI(h, comment)) } /** * Edit (update) a comment content * * @param h Request handler */ public static async Edit(h: RequestHandler) { const commentID = await this.GetPostCommentIDWithFullAccess(h, "commentID"); const newContent = this.GetCommentContent(h, "content", true); await CommentsHelper.Edit(commentID, newContent); h.success() } /** * Delete a comment * * @param h Request handler */ public static async Delete(h: RequestHandler) { const commentID = await this.GetPostCommentIDWithFullAccess(h, "commentID"); await CommentsHelper.Delete(await CommentsHelper.GetSingle(commentID)); h.success(); } /** * Get the content of a comment included in a POST field * * @param h Request handler * @param name The name of the post field * @param need_check True if the comment must have valid content / false else */ private static GetCommentContent(h: RequestHandler, name: string, need_check = true) : string { const content = h.postContent(name, need_check ? 3 : 0); if(need_check && !check_string_before_insert(content)) h.error(400, "Please check new comment content!"); return content; } /** * Get a comment ID on which current user has full access * * @param h Request handler * @param name The name of the POST field containing the comment ID */ private static async GetPostCommentIDWithFullAccess(h: RequestHandler, name: string) : Promise { const commentID = h.postInt(name); if(!await CommentsHelper.IsOwner(h.getUserId(), commentID)) h.error(401, "You are not the owner of this comment!"); return commentID; } /** * Turn a list of comment object into API entries * * @param h Request handler * @param l List of comments */ public static async CommentsToAPI(h: RequestHandler, l: Comment[]) : Promise> { const list = []; for (const comment of l) { list.push(await this.CommentToAPI(h, comment)); } return list; } /** * Turn a comment into an API object * * @param h Request handler * @param c Comment */ public static async CommentToAPI(h: AbstractUserConnectionContainer, c: Comment) : Promise { return { ID:, userID: c.userID, postID: c.postID, time_sent: c.timeSent, content: c.content, img_path: c.hasImage ? c.imagePath : null, img_url: c.hasImage ? c.imageURL : null, likes: await LikesHelper.Count(, LikesType.COMMENT), userlike: h.signedIn ? await LikesHelper.IsLiking(h.getUserId(),, LikesType.COMMENT) : false } } }